#952 closed upgrade (Done)

VERY IMPORTANT: CMake build scripts and OUTPUT_STATS

Reported by: arango Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: Release ROMS/TOMS 4.2
Component: Nonlinear Version: 4.1
Keywords: Cc:


  • The CMake build scripts (cbuild_roms.csh and cbuild_roms.sh) were cleaned and made more compact:

    • Several macro definitions were moved from the build scripts to the main CMakeLists.txt configuration file for simplicity

    • The ROMS executable is now copied to the project directory instead of making a symbolic link. It should work even if ROMS were linked to the shared library (libROMS.{so|dylib}) because CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH is set to FALSE so that RPATH/RUNPATH are set correctly for both the build tree and installed locations of the ROMS executable.

    • The macro definitions in Compilers/roms_compiler_flags.cmake and Compilers/roms_config.cmake were also updated.
  • The OUTPUT_STATS option is introduced to report the statistics of every output variable into standard output to facilitate debugging. For example, we can have the following report:
     WRT_HIS_NF90     - writing history     fields (Index=1,1) in record = 33
       - zeta:                       Min = -2.53787051E-01,  Max =  2.21499656E-01,  CheckSum = 8935
       - ubar:                       Min = -1.34311554E-01,  Max =  1.93256921E-01,  CheckSum = 8568
       - DU_avg1:                    Min = -2.07583251E+07,  Max =  3.32353876E+07,  CheckSum = 7365
       - DU_avg2:                    Min = -2.07602196E+07,  Max =  3.32406785E+07,  CheckSum = 7461
       - vbar:                       Min = -2.15736568E-01,  Max =  1.94236573E-01,  CheckSum = 8406
       - DV_avg1:                    Min = -3.37735448E+07,  Max =  1.84199170E+07,  CheckSum = 7265
       - DV_avg2:                    Min = -3.37768757E+07,  Max =  1.84168047E+07,  CheckSum = 7277
       - u:                          Min = -3.54280363E-01,  Max =  5.53737927E-01,  CheckSum = 257209
       - v:                          Min = -5.36308150E-01,  Max =  4.26453121E-01,  CheckSum = 251702
       - omega:                      Min = -1.60468150E-03,  Max =  1.36090242E-03,  CheckSum = 255075
       - w:                          Min = -2.31089520E-03,  Max =  1.50154444E-03,  CheckSum = 271803
       - temp:                       Min =  1.11330213E+00,  Max =  1.83344385E+01,  CheckSum = 241650
       - salt:                       Min =  3.19036203E+01,  Max =  3.46896641E+01,  CheckSum = 211601
       - AKv:                        Min =  2.23812185E-05,  Max =  8.12660236E-01,  CheckSum = 272259
       - AKt:                        Min =  1.00000000E-05,  Max =  9.92734690E-01,  CheckSum = 273723
       - AKs:                        Min =  1.00000000E-05,  Max =  9.92734690E-01,  CheckSum = 273723
       - Pair:                       Min =  1.00743285E+03,  Max =  1.02769252E+03,  CheckSum = 6863
       - Tair:                       Min = -2.08358809E+00,  Max =  1.77220951E+01,  CheckSum = 6496
       - Uwind:                      Min = -1.45947707E+01,  Max =  3.82034782E+00,  CheckSum = 8050
       - Vwind:                      Min = -7.43046612E+00,  Max =  1.32450908E+01,  CheckSum = 6425
       - shflux:                     Min = -1.26168950E-04,  Max =  1.21942551E-05,  CheckSum = 8438
       - ssflux:                     Min = -1.55420481E-05,  Max =  2.02108689E-06,  CheckSum = 8850
       - latent:                     Min = -5.21229738E-05,  Max =  5.96354770E-06,  CheckSum = 9261
       - sensible:                   Min = -4.84698719E-05,  Max =  7.84890317E-06,  CheckSum = 8970
       - lwrad:                      Min = -3.46309283E-05,  Max = -1.61819579E-06,  CheckSum = 9208
       - evaporation:                Min = -9.84070050E-06,  Max =  8.59023387E-05,  CheckSum = 8691
       - rain:                       Min = -7.05555578E-07,  Max =  4.68687525E-04,  CheckSum = 8526
       - EminusP:                    Min = -4.72947771E-07,  Max =  6.06640234E-08,  CheckSum = 8707
       - swrad:                      Min =  0.00000000E+00,  Max =  6.02349409E-05,  CheckSum = 8724
       - sustr:                      Min = -5.49541550E-04,  Max =  3.78055345E-05,  CheckSum = 8639
       - svstr:                      Min = -9.05397457E-05,  Max =  3.54286819E-04,  CheckSum = 8133
    As a consequence, all the calls to nf_fwrite2d, nfwrite3d, and nf_fwrite4d were modified to include the variable metadata index in its fourth argument:
    !  Write out tracer type variables.
          DO itrc=1,NT(ng)
            IF (Hout(idTvar(itrc),ng)) THEN
              status=nf_fwrite3d(ng, model, HIS(ng)%ncid, idTvar(itrc),     &
         &                       HIS(ng)%Tid(itrc),                         &
         &                       HIS(ng)%Rindex, gtype,                     &
         &                       LBi, UBi, LBj, UBj, 1, N(ng), scale,       &
    # ifdef MASKING
         &                       GRID(ng) % rmask,                          &
    # endif
         &                       OCEAN(ng) % t(:,:,:,NOUT,itrc))
              IF (FoundError(status, nf90_noerr, __LINE__, MyFile)) THEN
                IF (Master) THEN
                  WRITE (stdout,20) TRIM(Vname(1,idTvar(itrc))),            &
         &                          HIS(ng)%Rindex
                END IF
              END IF
            END IF
          END DO
    WARNING: Notice the additional fourth argument idTvar(itrc) to nf_fwrite3d.
  • The metadata file varinfo.yaml was updated to include ROMS geometry variables used in def_info.F and wrt_info.F. I should have done this a long time ago. For example, when the file is created, it reports its statistics when OUTPUT_STATS is activated:
    DEF_HIS_NF90     - creating history file,            Grid 01: wc13_fwd_20040103_outer0.nc
       - h:                          Min =  7.80292502E+01,  Max =  5.19952300E+03,  CheckSum = 7704
       - f:                          Min =  7.27220522E-05,  Max =  1.08086034E-04,  CheckSum = 8151
       - pm:                         Min =  3.11708295E-05,  Max =  4.03430084E-05,  CheckSum = 7924
       - pn:                         Min =  2.69947206E-05,  Max =  2.69947206E-05,  CheckSum = 9405
       - lon_rho:                    Min = -1.34000000E+02,  Max = -1.16000000E+02,  CheckSum = 4984
       - lat_rho:                    Min =  3.00000000E+01,  Max =  4.80000000E+01,  CheckSum = 5282
       - lon_u:                      Min = -1.33833333E+02,  Max = -1.16166667E+02,  CheckSum = 4914
       - lat_u:                      Min =  3.00000000E+01,  Max =  4.80000000E+01,  CheckSum = 5004
       - lon_v:                      Min = -1.34000000E+02,  Max = -1.16000000E+02,  CheckSum = 4628
       - lat_v:                      Min =  3.01666667E+01,  Max =  4.78333333E+01,  CheckSum = 5206
       - lon_psi:                    Min = -1.33833333E+02,  Max = -1.15833333E+02,  CheckSum = 4563
       - lat_psi:                    Min =  3.01666667E+01,  Max =  4.78333333E+01,  CheckSum = 4932
       - angle:                      Min =  1.45444412E-03,  Max =  2.16172340E-03,  CheckSum = 7606
       - mask_rho:                   Min =  1.00000000E+00,  Max =  1.00000000E+00,  CheckSum = 2660
       - mask_u:                     Min =  1.00000000E+00,  Max =  1.00000000E+00,  CheckSum = 2520
       - mask_v:                     Min =  1.00000000E+00,  Max =  1.00000000E+00,  CheckSum = 2470
       - mask_psi:                   Min =  1.00000000E+00,  Max =  2.00000000E+00,  CheckSum = 2340


  • All the ROMS test repository's CMake build scripts were updated.
  • The metadata file varinfo.yaml was updated, and the changes are required for this and future versions of ROMS.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by arango, 11 months ago

Resolution: Done
Status: newclosed
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