#950 closed upgrade (Done)

VERY IMPORTANT: Refactoring of output fields into NetCDF files

Reported by: arango Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: Release ROMS/TOMS 4.2
Component: Nonlinear Version: 4.1
Keywords: Cc:


The ROMS output fields continue growing, and managing the various NetCDF files is becoming daunting. Therefore, we have separated into specific modules for BBL, SeaIce, Sediment, and WEC models, which are sub-directories of ROMS/Nonlinear:

  • ROMS/Nonlinear/BBL/bbl_out.F: It processes the Bottom Boundary Layer and Waves variables into history, quicksave, averages, and stations NetCDF files.
  • ROMS/Nonlinear/SeaIce/ice_output.F: It processes sea-ice model variables into history, quicksave, and averages NetCDF files.
  • ROMS/Nonlinear/Sediment/sediment_out.F: It processes sediment variables into history, quicksave, averages, and stations NetCDF files.
  • ROMS/Nonlinear/WEC/wec_out.F: It processes the Waves Effect on Currents variables into history, quicksave, averages, and stations NetCDF files.

It facilitates further field expansion and modifications for each separated model.

For example, in def_his.F, we call routines from the above modules to define the associated history variables:

#if (defined BBL_MODEL || defined WAVES_OUTPUT) && defined SOLVE3D
! Define the bottom boundary layer model or wave variables.
        CALL bbl_def_nf90 (ng, model, ldef, Hout, HIS,                  &
     &                     t2dgrd, u2dgrd, v2dgrd)
        IF (FoundError(exit_flag, NoError, __LINE__, MyFile)) RETURN

#if defined ICE_MODEL && defined SOLVE3D
! Define sea-ice model variables.
        CALL ice_def_nf90 (ng, model, ldef, Hout, HIS,                  &
     &                     t2dgrd, u2dgrd, v2dgrd)
        IF (FoundError(exit_flag, NoError, __LINE__, MyFile)) RETURN

#if defined SEDIMENT && defined SOLVE3D
! Define sediment model variables.
        CALL sediment_def_nf90 (ng, model, ldef, Hout, HIS,             &
     &                          t2dgrd, u2dgrd, v2dgrd,                 &
     &                          b3dgrd)
        IF (FoundError(exit_flag, NoError, __LINE__, MyFile)) RETURN

#if defined WEC_VF && defined SOLVE3D
! Define Waves Effect on Currents variables.
        CALL wec_def_nf90 (ng, model, ldef, Hout, HIS,                  &
     &                     t2dgrd, u2dgrd, v2dgrd,                      &
     &                     t3dgrd, u3dgrd, v3dgrd, w3dgrd)
        IF (FoundError(exit_flag, NoError, __LINE__, MyFile)) RETURN

Similarly, the actual writing of the variables in wrt_his.F can be accomplished by calling the respective routines:

#if (defined BBL_MODEL || defined WAVES_OUTPUT) && defined SOLVE3D
! Write out the bottom boundary layer model or wave variables.
        CALL bbl_wrt_nf90 (ng, model, tile,                             &
     &                     LBi, UBi, LBj, UBj,                          &
     &                     Hout, HIS)
        IF (FoundError(exit_flag, NoError, __LINE__, MyFile)) RETURN

#if defined ICE_MODEL && defined SOLVE3D
! Write out sea-ice model variables.
        CALL ice_wrt_nf90 (ng, model, tile,                             &
     &                     LBi, UBi, LBj, UBj,                          &
     &                     Hout, HIS)
        IF (FoundError(exit_flag, NoError, __LINE__, MyFile)) RETURN

#if defined SEDIMENT && defined SOLVE3D
! Write out sediment model variables.
        CALL sediment_wrt_nf90 (ng, model, tile,                        &
     &                          LBi, UBi, LBj, UBj,                     &
     &                          Hout, HIS)
        IF (FoundError(exit_flag, NoError, __LINE__, MyFile)) RETURN

#if defined WEC_VF && defined SOLVE3D
! Write out the Waves Effect on Currents variables.
      CALL wec_wrt_nf90 (ng, model, tile,                               &
    &                    LBi, UBi, LBj, UBj,                            &
    &                    Hout, HIS)
      IF (FoundError(exit_flag, NoError, __LINE__, MyFile)) RETURN

The above subroutines are generic and can be called for the quicksave and averages files by replacing the Hout and HIS arguments. There are also subroutines for processing the stations variables. For example, in module sediment_output_mod, we have the following public routines:

      PUBLIC :: sediment_def_nf90
# if defined PIO_LIB && defined DISTRIBUTE
      PUBLIC :: sediment_def_pio
# endif
# ifdef STATIONS
      PUBLIC :: sediment_def_station_nf90
#  if defined PIO_LIB && defined DISTRIBUTE
      PUBLIC :: sediment_def_station_pio
#  endif
# endif
      PUBLIC :: sediment_wrt_nf90
# if defined PIO_LIB && defined DISTRIBUTE
      PUBLIC :: sediment_wrt_pio
# endif
# ifdef STATIONS
      PUBLIC :: sediment_wrt_station_nf90
#  if defined PIO_LIB && defined DISTRIBUTE
      PUBLIC :: sediment_wrt_station_pio
#  endif
# endif

Thus, the output variables code is more compact and categorized.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by arango, 11 months ago

Resolution: Done
Status: newclosed
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