#924 closed upgrade (Done)

Upated io_type error message

Reported by: arango Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: Release ROMS/TOMS 4.1
Component: Nonlinear Version: 4.0
Keywords: Cc:


Several users failed to update their application roms.in when the ROMS code is updated to include changes to its standard input file. They get errors like:

INITIAL: Configuring and initializing forward nonlinear model ...
GET_GRID - Illegal output type, io_type = 0
Found Error: 03   Line: 91       Source: ROMS/Utility/get_grid.F
Found Error: 03   Line: 85       Source: ROMS/Utility/set_grid.F

This error implies that the PIO block is missing in roms.in:

! Input and Output files processing library to use:
!   [1] Standard NetCDF-3 or NetCDF-4 library
!   [2] Serial or Parallel I/O with Parallel-IO (PIO) library (MPI only)

     INP_LIB =  1
     OUT_LIB =  1

! PIO library methods for reading/writing NetCDF files:
!   [0] parallel read and write of PnetCDF (CDF-5, not recommended)
!   [1] parallel read and write of NetCDF3 (64-bit offset)
!   [2] serial   read and write of NetCDF3 (64-bit offset)
!   [3] parallel read and serial write of NetCDF4/HDF5
!   [4] parallel read and write of NETCDF4/HDF5


! PIO library MPI processes set-up:

 PIO_IOTASKS =  1                 ! number of I/O tasks to define
  PIO_STRIDE =  1                 ! stride in the MPI-ran between I/O tasks
    PIO_BASE =  0                 ! offset for the first I/O task
  PIO_AGGREG =  1                 ! number of MPI-aggregators to use

! PIO library rearranger methods for moving data between computational and I/O
! processes:
!   [1] Box rearrangement
!   [2] Subset rearrangement

   PIO_REARR =  1

! PIO library rearranger flag for MPI communications between computational
! and I/O processes:
!   [0] Point-to-Point (low-level communications)
!   [1] Collective (high-level grouped communications)


! PIO library rearranger flow control direction flag for MPI communications
! between computational and I/O processes:
!   [0] Enable computational to I/O processes, and vice versa
!   [2] Enable computational to I/O processes only
!   [3] Enable I/O to computational processes only
!   [4] Disable flow control


! PIO rearranger options for computational to I/O processes (C2I):

  PIO_C2I_HS = T                  ! Enable C2I handshake (T/F)
PIO_C2I_Send = T                  ! Enable C2I Isends (T/F)
PIO_C2I_Preq = 64                 ! Maximum pending C2I requests

! PIO rearranger options for I/O to computational processes (I2C):

  PIO_I2C_HS = T                  ! Enable I2C handshake (T/F)
PIO_I2C_Send = T                  ! Enable I2C Isends (T/F)
PIO_I2C_Preq = 65                 ! Maximum pending I2C requests

Therefore, this update clarifies the standard output error as:

INITIAL: Configuring and initializing forward nonlinear model ...
 GET_GRID - Illegal input file type, io_type = 0
            Check KeyWord 'INP_LIB' in 'roms.in'.
 Found Error: 02   Line: 91       Source: ROMS/Utility/get_grid.F
 Found Error: 02   Line: 85       Source: ROMS/Utility/set_grid.F

Let's hope that we don't see desperate messages in the Forum from users about this error, and they have the curiosity to check their roms.in and find that the INP_LIB or OUT_LIB KeyWords are not found, indicating an old version of roms.in, which needs to be updated.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by arango, 21 months ago

Resolution: Done
Status: newclosed
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