Opened 4 years ago

Closed 4 years ago

#849 closed upgrade (Done)

Miscellaneous Update

Reported by: arango Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: Release ROMS/TOMS 3.9
Component: Nonlinear Version: 3.9
Keywords: Cc:


This update includes a couple of changes:

  • Fixed the tracer advection logic in inp_par.F and tadv.F for the shallow-water (SOLVE3D undefined) applications not needing tracer advection.
    !  Set switch for three ghost-points in the halo region.
    #ifdef SOLVE3D
          ThreeGhostPoints=ANY(Hadvection(:,:)%MPDATA).or.                  &
         &                 ANY(Hadvection(:,:)%HSIMT)
    #ifdef UV_VIS4

Many thanks to Guangyu Xu for reporting this issue.

  • Updated inp_decode.F function load_s1d to have the following interface:
         INTERFACE load_s1d
           MODULE PROCEDURE load_s1d1       ! 1D structrure, S(:)
           MODULE PROCEDURE load_s1d2       ! 2D structrure, S(Ie,:)
         END INTERFACE load_s1d
    so we have specific funtions for 1D (load_s1d1) and 2D (load_s1d2) TYPE_IO structures. For example, in read_asspar.F we have:
               CASE ('STDnameI')
                 label='STD - initial conditions standard deviation'
                 Npts=load_s1d(Nval, Cval, Cdim, line, label, igrid,       &
        &                      Ngrids, Nfiles, 4, 1, STD)
               CASE ('STDnameM')
                 label='STD - model error standard deviation'
                 Npts=load_s1d(Nval, Cval, Cdim, line, label, igrid,       &
        &                      Ngrids, Nfiles, 4, 2, STD)
               CASE ('STDnameB')
                 label='STD - boundary conditions standard deviation'
                 Npts=load_s1d(Nval, Cval, Cdim, line, label, igrid,       &
        &                      Ngrids, Nfiles, 4, 3, STD)
               CASE ('STDnameF')
                 label='STD - surface forcing standard deviation'
                 Npts=load_s1d(Nval, Cval, Cdim, line, label, igrid,       &
        &                      Ngrids, Nfiles, 4, 4, STD)
    to process each element of the STD(1:4,Ngrids) standard deviation structure used in 4D-Var.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by arango, 4 years ago

Resolution: Done
Status: newclosed
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