Opened 7 years ago

Closed 7 years ago

#756 closed upgrade (Fixed)

Important Corrections

Reported by: arango Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: Release ROMS/TOMS 3.7
Component: Nonlinear Version: 3.7
Keywords: Cc:


This update contains several minor corrections:

  • check_multifile.F: Added the source/sink files (SSF structure) for multifile management. Splitting the SSF input data into multiple files is now possible. Also, corrected the forcing data time range checking in the adjoint model. We need to have instead:
            IF (Lcheck) THEN
              IF (model.eq.iADM) THEN
              END IF
            END IF
    Many thanks to Julia Levin for bringing this problem to my attention.
  • qet_cycle.F: Replaced the multifile LowerBound logic with an ELSE statement to also allow computing the LOWER time-snapshot in the time cycling case:
    !  If not processing a multi-file field, find LOWER time-snapshot
    !  and its associated time record (Tindex).
            IF ( THEN     ! forward:   Tval(i) =< mday =< Tval(i+1)
              IF (Linside) THEN
                DO i=2,ntime
                  IF ((tstart.le.mday).and.(mday.le.Tval(i))) THEN
                    Tindex=i-1     ! one is added when processing
                  END IF
                END DO
                Tstr=Tmax          ! LowerBound for next multifile or
                Tindex=ntime       ! time cycling
              END IF
    Many thanks to Dezhou Yang for reporting this issue.
  • read_asspar.F: Corrected loading of 4D-Var parameters HdecayB and VdecayB. The order of this input values in input script is (4,1:NT,Ngrids):
               CASE ('HdecayB(isTvar)')
                 Npts=load_r(Nval, Rval, 4*MT*Ngrids, Rboundary)
                 DO ng=1,Ngrids
                   DO itrc=1,NT(ng)
                     DO ib=1,4
                     END DO
                   END DO
                 END DO
               CASE ('VdecayB(isTvar)')
                 Npts=load_r(Nval, Rval, 4*MT*Ngrids, Rboundary)
                 DO ng=1,Ngrids
                   DO itrc=1,NT(ng)
                     DO ib=1,4
                     END DO
                   END DO
                 END DO
    The documentation in indicates that the tracer boundary decorrelation scales need to be specified in the (1:4,1:NT,1:Ngrids) to facilitate having different values for each tracer. For example for Ngrids=1 and NT=2, we can have:
    ! Boundary conditions error covariance: horizontal, isotropic decorrelation
    ! scales (m). A value is expected for each boundary edge in the following
    ! order:
    !                  1: west  2: south  3: east  4: north
    HdecayB(isFsur) == 40.0d+3  40.0d+3   40.0d+3  40.0d+3  ! free-surface
    HdecayB(isUbar) == 40.0d+3  40.0d+3   40.0d+3  40.0d+3  ! 2D U-momentum
    HdecayB(isVbar) == 40.0d+3  40.0d+3   40.0d+3  40.0d+3  ! 2D V-momentum
    HdecayB(isUvel) == 40.0d+3  40.0d+3   40.0d+3  40.0d+3  ! 3D U-momentum
    HdecayB(isVvel) == 40.0d+3  40.0d+3   40.0d+3  40.0d+3  ! 3D V-momentum
    HdecayB(isTvar) == 4*40.0d+3  4*15.0d+3                 ! (4,1:NT) tracers
    ! Boundary conditions error covariance: vertical, isotropic decorrelation
    ! scales (m). A value is expected for each boundary edge in the following
    ! order:
    !                 1: west  2: south  3: east  4: north
    VdecayB(isUvel) == 10.0d0  10.0d0  10.0d0  10.0d0       ! 3D U-momentum
    VdecayB(isVvel) == 10.0d0  10.0d0  10.0d0  10.0d0       ! 3D V-momentum
    VdecayB(isTvar) == 4*10.d0  4*20.d0                     ! (4,1:NT) tracers
    It allows to use the compact notation to specify different values for temperature and salinity.
  • Added new makefile configurations files and Many thnaks to Mark Hadfield for providing us these two new compiling files.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by arango, 7 years ago

Resolution: Fixed
Status: newclosed
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