Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 7 years ago

#745 closed upgrade

Updated Matlab Colormaps — at Initial Version

Reported by: arango Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: Release ROMS/TOMS 3.7
Component: Matlab Version: 3.7
Keywords: Cc:


The color maps released on src:ticket:744 were modified to allow interpolation according to the number of colors requested. All the color maps have 256 values, except cm_delta with 512 values.

All the color maps have an optional input argument for the number of colors desired. For example, cm_balance.m has:

% CM_BALANCE: 256 color palette from CMOCEAN
% cmap = cm_balance(M)
% BALANCE colormap by Kristen Thyng.
% On Input:
%    M        Number of colors (integer, OPTIONAL)
% On Ouput:
%    cmap     Mx3 colormap matrix
% Usage:
%    colormap(cm_balance)
%    colormap(flipud(cm_balance))
% Thyng, K.M., C.A. Greene, R.D. Hetland, H.M. Zimmerle, and S.F DiMarco, 2016:
%   True colord of oceanography: Guidelines for effective and accurate colormap
%   selection, Oceanography, 29(3), 9-13,

If we want to overwrite the default number of colors, we can use for example:

>> colormap(cm_balance(128));

or equivalent

>> cmocean('balance', 128);

notice that in cmocean the cm_ prefix is dropped. Read documentation by issuing the help command in Matlab.

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