Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

#632 closed bug (Fixed)

Corrected bug in ini_hmixcoef.F and improved check_multifile.F

Reported by: arango Owned by: arango
Priority: major Milestone: Release ROMS/TOMS 3.7
Component: Nonlinear Version: 3.7
Keywords: Cc:


  • Corrected a bug in ini_hmixcoef.F when computing visc2_p. I guess that I got distracted when I was coding this one. It usually happens when my phone rings and some enters my office. We need to have instead:
          DO j=JstrP,JendT
            DO i=IstrP,IendT
              visc2_p(i,j)=cff*(grdscl(i-1,j-1)+grdscl(i,j-1)+              &
         &                      grdscl(i-1,j  )+grdscl(i,j  ))
            END DO
          END DO
    Many thanks to Pan Feng for bringing this to my attention.
  • Improved the checking of the units attribute in function check_file, which is called by check_multifile.F. I use instead:
          Nrec=var_Dsize(1)              ! time is a 1D array
          DO i=1,nvatt
            IF (TRIM(var_Aname(i)).eq.'units') THEN
              IF (INDEX(TRIM(var_Achar(i)),'day').ne.0) THEN
              ELSE IF (INDEX(TRIM(var_Achar(i)),'hour').ne.0) THEN
              ELSE IF (INDEX(TRIM(var_Achar(i)),'second').ne.0) THEN
              END IF
            ELSE IF (TRIM(var_Aname(i)).eq.'calendar') THEN
              IF ((Nrec.eq.1).or.                                           &
         &        (INDEX(TRIM(var_Achar(i)),'none').ne.0)) THEN
              END IF
            ELSE IF (TRIM(var_Aname(i)).eq.'cycle_length') THEN
            END IF
          END DO
    The intrinsic INDEX function is more appropriate here to search the time units in a string with additional words at the beginning or end of the string. Many thanks to John Luick for reporting this problem and giving more information.

Change History (1)

comment:1 by arango, 10 years ago

Resolution: Fixed
Status: newclosed
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