Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#53 closed request (Fixed)

SVNREV variable in makefile

Reported by: jprinehimer Owned by: arango
Priority: trivial Milestone: Release ROMS/TOMS 3.1
Component: Nonlinear Version: 3.1
Keywords: makefile, svn, subversion Cc:


Line 273 in the makefile has: SVNREV := $(shell svnversion -n .)

SVNREV should be set as a ?= so that the variable can be set in a build script in case the build computer doesn't have svn (e.g. you use one system for maintaining code and another for building/running code). The build doesn't fail the way it's set up now, but the errors about svnversion not being found are annoying.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by jprinehimer, 17 years ago

As an additional comment, I mean setting SVNREV as empty in a build script. The code on lines 323-328 then catches this and grep/seds the version from the text files.

comment:2 by arango, 17 years ago

Resolution: Fixed
Status: newclosed

Well, I don't understand why a single line warning, out of hundreds send to standard output during compilation, is that annoying:

make: svnversion: Command not found

make does not fail if the svnversion program is not found. The makefile has additional coding to construct the SVNREV definition when svnrevision is not available. I consider this type of information very important! Notice that the ROMS svn revision is written to all output NetCDF files. This will allow the user to completely reproduce his/her results in the future.

Subversion does not provide a clear way to get the revision number of a project. The only tool available is the svnversion program.

The only way that your suggestion will work is to have:

setenv SVNREV

to no value in your build script. I accepted your suggestion but very reluctantly. User may set the environmental variable to some value and the makefile will fail building the correct svn revision string.

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