Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#503 closed upgrade (Done)

WARNING: major overhaul of ROMS kernel to include nesting Phase I

Reported by: arango Owned by: arango
Priority: major Milestone: Nesting/Composed Grids
Component: Nonlinear Version: 3.5
Keywords: Cc:


This is a major update of ROMS nonlinear, tangent linear, representer, and adjoint models to include the multiple grid nesting (refinement, composed, and mosaics) infra-structure. The nesting capabilities are not still available and will be released in the near future, I hope. There is is still some work ahead. The changes that will be required for full nesting capabilities are very minimal and will involve changes to main2d/main3d, open boundary conditions, and additional new files for the actual nesting.

However, the current update is very important since it includes changes to the ROMS kernel. I have been working on this for the last two years. I have extensively tested ROMS's NLM, TLM, RPM, and ADM kernels and their associated algorithms. This was difficult and time intensive. It required months in the debugger and a very systematic test of all ROMS algorithms and C-preprocessing options.

The technical description of the changes is elaborated and will be reported in the ROMS forum.

We are releasing this update a this time to allow time to the Users to assimilate and test play with the new structure. This new version has very new nice capabilities that some of you have been asking for long time.

Many many thank to John Warner for his help in developing and testing this capability. We have been working on this on and off for several years.

Happy Earth Day!

Change History (1)

comment:1 by arango, 13 years ago

Resolution: Done
Status: newclosed
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