Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (151 - 153 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#213 arango mathieu Fixed Typo in formula for SST nudging/OI

In ROMS/Nonlinear/set_data.F line 1022 please replace




The error results in incorrect extrapolation of sea surface temperature.

Also, in ROMS/Modules/mod_scalar.F the variables assi, pert, Prms and Prms are defined but not used anywhere.

This cause a problem because their allocation is not done correctly in line 1635-1637. After the loop on ng in line 1551-1584, the variable ng takes the value 2 (using ifort 10.1). The result is that the allocation is not correct and is detected with "-check bounds".

When running with no "-check bounds" with either ASSIMILATION_SST or NUDGING_SST and the error polynomial being 1 so that the temperature is not modified, the result is a blowup of the model caused by this memory error.

#215 arango arango Done Multiple Hessian files

I added the capability for multiple Hessian files.

#216 arango arango Fixed Bugs in hmixing.F

There are couple of bugs in hmixing.F in the boundary conditions for Uvis3d_r and Vvis3d_r, as reported in the forum

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