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Results (949 - 951 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#952 arango Done VERY IMPORTANT: CMake build scripts and OUTPUT_STATS
  • The CMake build scripts (cbuild_roms.csh and were cleaned and made more compact:

    • Several macro definitions were moved from the build scripts to the main CMakeLists.txt configuration file for simplicity

    • The ROMS executable is now copied to the project directory instead of making a symbolic link. It should work even if ROMS were linked to the shared library (libROMS.{so|dylib}) because CMAKE_BUILD_WITH_INSTALL_RPATH is set to FALSE so that RPATH/RUNPATH are set correctly for both the build tree and installed locations of the ROMS executable.

    • The macro definitions in Compilers/roms_compiler_flags.cmake and Compilers/roms_config.cmake were also updated.
  • The OUTPUT_STATS option is introduced to report the statistics of every output variable into standard output to facilitate debugging. For example, we can have the following report:
     WRT_HIS_NF90     - writing history     fields (Index=1,1) in record = 33
       - zeta:                       Min = -2.53787051E-01,  Max =  2.21499656E-01,  CheckSum = 8935
       - ubar:                       Min = -1.34311554E-01,  Max =  1.93256921E-01,  CheckSum = 8568
       - DU_avg1:                    Min = -2.07583251E+07,  Max =  3.32353876E+07,  CheckSum = 7365
       - DU_avg2:                    Min = -2.07602196E+07,  Max =  3.32406785E+07,  CheckSum = 7461
       - vbar:                       Min = -2.15736568E-01,  Max =  1.94236573E-01,  CheckSum = 8406
       - DV_avg1:                    Min = -3.37735448E+07,  Max =  1.84199170E+07,  CheckSum = 7265
       - DV_avg2:                    Min = -3.37768757E+07,  Max =  1.84168047E+07,  CheckSum = 7277
       - u:                          Min = -3.54280363E-01,  Max =  5.53737927E-01,  CheckSum = 257209
       - v:                          Min = -5.36308150E-01,  Max =  4.26453121E-01,  CheckSum = 251702
       - omega:                      Min = -1.60468150E-03,  Max =  1.36090242E-03,  CheckSum = 255075
       - w:                          Min = -2.31089520E-03,  Max =  1.50154444E-03,  CheckSum = 271803
       - temp:                       Min =  1.11330213E+00,  Max =  1.83344385E+01,  CheckSum = 241650
       - salt:                       Min =  3.19036203E+01,  Max =  3.46896641E+01,  CheckSum = 211601
       - AKv:                        Min =  2.23812185E-05,  Max =  8.12660236E-01,  CheckSum = 272259
       - AKt:                        Min =  1.00000000E-05,  Max =  9.92734690E-01,  CheckSum = 273723
       - AKs:                        Min =  1.00000000E-05,  Max =  9.92734690E-01,  CheckSum = 273723
       - Pair:                       Min =  1.00743285E+03,  Max =  1.02769252E+03,  CheckSum = 6863
       - Tair:                       Min = -2.08358809E+00,  Max =  1.77220951E+01,  CheckSum = 6496
       - Uwind:                      Min = -1.45947707E+01,  Max =  3.82034782E+00,  CheckSum = 8050
       - Vwind:                      Min = -7.43046612E+00,  Max =  1.32450908E+01,  CheckSum = 6425
       - shflux:                     Min = -1.26168950E-04,  Max =  1.21942551E-05,  CheckSum = 8438
       - ssflux:                     Min = -1.55420481E-05,  Max =  2.02108689E-06,  CheckSum = 8850
       - latent:                     Min = -5.21229738E-05,  Max =  5.96354770E-06,  CheckSum = 9261
       - sensible:                   Min = -4.84698719E-05,  Max =  7.84890317E-06,  CheckSum = 8970
       - lwrad:                      Min = -3.46309283E-05,  Max = -1.61819579E-06,  CheckSum = 9208
       - evaporation:                Min = -9.84070050E-06,  Max =  8.59023387E-05,  CheckSum = 8691
       - rain:                       Min = -7.05555578E-07,  Max =  4.68687525E-04,  CheckSum = 8526
       - EminusP:                    Min = -4.72947771E-07,  Max =  6.06640234E-08,  CheckSum = 8707
       - swrad:                      Min =  0.00000000E+00,  Max =  6.02349409E-05,  CheckSum = 8724
       - sustr:                      Min = -5.49541550E-04,  Max =  3.78055345E-05,  CheckSum = 8639
       - svstr:                      Min = -9.05397457E-05,  Max =  3.54286819E-04,  CheckSum = 8133
    As a consequence, all the calls to nf_fwrite2d, nfwrite3d, and nf_fwrite4d were modified to include the variable metadata index in its fourth argument:
    !  Write out tracer type variables.
          DO itrc=1,NT(ng)
            IF (Hout(idTvar(itrc),ng)) THEN
              status=nf_fwrite3d(ng, model, HIS(ng)%ncid, idTvar(itrc),     &
         &                       HIS(ng)%Tid(itrc),                         &
         &                       HIS(ng)%Rindex, gtype,                     &
         &                       LBi, UBi, LBj, UBj, 1, N(ng), scale,       &
    # ifdef MASKING
         &                       GRID(ng) % rmask,                          &
    # endif
         &                       OCEAN(ng) % t(:,:,:,NOUT,itrc))
              IF (FoundError(status, nf90_noerr, __LINE__, MyFile)) THEN
                IF (Master) THEN
                  WRITE (stdout,20) TRIM(Vname(1,idTvar(itrc))),            &
         &                          HIS(ng)%Rindex
                END IF
              END IF
            END IF
          END DO
    WARNING: Notice the additional fourth argument idTvar(itrc) to nf_fwrite3d.
  • The metadata file varinfo.yaml was updated to include ROMS geometry variables used in def_info.F and wrt_info.F. I should have done this a long time ago. For example, when the file is created, it reports its statistics when OUTPUT_STATS is activated:
    DEF_HIS_NF90     - creating history file,            Grid 01:
       - h:                          Min =  7.80292502E+01,  Max =  5.19952300E+03,  CheckSum = 7704
       - f:                          Min =  7.27220522E-05,  Max =  1.08086034E-04,  CheckSum = 8151
       - pm:                         Min =  3.11708295E-05,  Max =  4.03430084E-05,  CheckSum = 7924
       - pn:                         Min =  2.69947206E-05,  Max =  2.69947206E-05,  CheckSum = 9405
       - lon_rho:                    Min = -1.34000000E+02,  Max = -1.16000000E+02,  CheckSum = 4984
       - lat_rho:                    Min =  3.00000000E+01,  Max =  4.80000000E+01,  CheckSum = 5282
       - lon_u:                      Min = -1.33833333E+02,  Max = -1.16166667E+02,  CheckSum = 4914
       - lat_u:                      Min =  3.00000000E+01,  Max =  4.80000000E+01,  CheckSum = 5004
       - lon_v:                      Min = -1.34000000E+02,  Max = -1.16000000E+02,  CheckSum = 4628
       - lat_v:                      Min =  3.01666667E+01,  Max =  4.78333333E+01,  CheckSum = 5206
       - lon_psi:                    Min = -1.33833333E+02,  Max = -1.15833333E+02,  CheckSum = 4563
       - lat_psi:                    Min =  3.01666667E+01,  Max =  4.78333333E+01,  CheckSum = 4932
       - angle:                      Min =  1.45444412E-03,  Max =  2.16172340E-03,  CheckSum = 7606
       - mask_rho:                   Min =  1.00000000E+00,  Max =  1.00000000E+00,  CheckSum = 2660
       - mask_u:                     Min =  1.00000000E+00,  Max =  1.00000000E+00,  CheckSum = 2520
       - mask_v:                     Min =  1.00000000E+00,  Max =  1.00000000E+00,  CheckSum = 2470
       - mask_psi:                   Min =  1.00000000E+00,  Max =  2.00000000E+00,  CheckSum = 2340


  • All the ROMS test repository's CMake build scripts were updated.
  • The metadata file varinfo.yaml was updated, and the changes are required for this and future versions of ROMS.
#953 arango Done VERY IMPORTANT: ROMS GitHub Transition

We completed the transition of ROMS to GitHub. We have been working on this for the last couple of months.

The GitHub ROMS repositories are at For more information and instructions on ROMS framework source code, please visit

The GitHub version becomes the official git repository for downloading, updating, improving, and correcting defects/bugs in the ROMS source code. Also, it is the version used in the ROMS-JEDI interface hosted at, which is currently private.

We will update the git and svn repositories hosted at for some time, but encourage the User to transition to GitHub, which gives you access to the feature branches.

We still highly recommend users registering at and set up a username and password to access the **ROMS forum**, email notifications for bugs/updates, technical support from the community, trac code maintenance history, tutorials, workshops, and publications. The User's ROMS forum has over 24, 000 posts with helpful information. Technical support is limited to registered users.

We do not provide user technical support, usage, or answers in GitHub.

If you have a GitHub username, we suggest following us by checking on the follow/unfollow button in the myroms repositories, so you are notifiedGitHub dashboard about changes and updates to the GitHub ROMS repositories.

You could also check on the watch/unwatch button to receive notifications about changes to any ROMS repositories. You can customize what type of notification you would like to receive.

Your support will help us secure funding from US funding agencies for continued ROMS framework management and development. It is not much to ask since ROMS is freely distributed.

#955 arango Done IMPORTANT: Refactored state vector indices
  • The state vector indices are used in various algorithms. The numeric order is essential in data assimilation because they are used to associate observations with the type of variables in the state vector:
          isFsur = 1                ! free-surface
          isUbar = 2                ! 2D U-velocity
          isVbar = 3                ! 2D V-velocity
          isUvel = 4                ! 3D U-velocity
          isVvel = 5                ! 3D V-velocity
    #ifdef SOLVE3D
          DO i=1,MT
            isTvar(i)=ic            ! Active/Passive tracers
          END DO
    #if defined ADJUST_WSTRESS || defined FORCING_SV     || \
        defined HESSIAN_FSV    || defined SO_SEMI        || \
        defined STOCHASTIC_OPT
          isUstr=ic                 ! surface U-velocity stress
          isVstr=ic                 ! surface V-velocity stress
    #ifdef SOLVE3D
    # if defined ADJUST_STFLUX  || defined FORCING_SV     || \
         defined HESSIAN_FSV    || defined SO_SEMI        || \
         defined STOCHASTIC_OPT
          DO i=1,MT
            isTsur(i)=ic            ! surface tracer flux      
          END DO
    # endif
    #ifdef WEC
          isU2Sd=ic                 ! 2D Stokes U-velocity 
          isV2Sd=ic                 ! 2D Stokes V-velocity
    # if defined SOLVE3D
          isU3Sd=ic                 ! 3D Stokes U-velocity
          isV3Sd=ic                 ! 3D Stokes V-velocity
    # endif
    #ifdef SOLVE3D
    # if defined GLS_MIXING || defined MY25_MIXING
          isMtke=ic                 ! TKE
    # endif
          isWvel=ic                 ! vertical velocity
    Therefore, all the state indices from the zeta to the last Tvar(:) tracer variables cannot be changed.
  • Updated the GNU make configuration (*.mk) files to include the environmental variable ESMFMKFILE. Thus, now we have:
    ifdef USE_ESMF
                         include $(ESMFMKFILE)
              ESMF_OS ?= $(OS)
          ESMF_MK_DIR ?= $(ESMF_DIR)/lib/lib$(ESMF_BOPT)/$(ESMF_SUBDIR)
               FFLAGS += $(ESMF_F90COMPILEPATHS)
    Many thanks to Ufuk Turuncoglu for bringing this issue to my attention.
  • Made tiny changes to NUOPC cap modules cmeps_roms.F and esmf_roms.F.
  • Corrected issue in esmf_esm.F (routine ESM_SetRunSequence) that used LocalPET before being assigned.
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