Custom Query (964 matches)


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Results (883 - 885 of 964)

Ticket Owner Reporter Resolution Summary
#876 arango Done IMPORTANT: Compiling ROMS with CMake without ecbuild
  • Updated the compiling of ROMS with CMake without the need to use the ecbuild wrapper. The cbuild_roms.csh and include an option to use the ecbuild wrapper or not.

For example, in we have the USE_ECBUILD environmental flag to activate the ecbuild wrapper.

#export       USE_ECBUILD=on               # use "ecbuild" wrapper
  • Removed several macros from the cbuild_roms scripts used to compile 4D-Var, biology, and sediment applications. Such switches are activated internally with CMake by using the application CPP-options.

Many thanks to David Robertson for improving the CMake compiling capabilities. They are fully functional.

  • Corrected issues with the bottom fluxes for passive tracers. The assignment to btflx was missing in set_vbc.F:
#  if defined BIOLOGY || defined SEDIMENT || defined T_PASSIVE
!  Load surface and bottom passive tracer fluxes (T m/s).
      DO itrc=NAT+1,NT(ng)
        DO j=JstrR,JendR
          DO i=IstrR,IendR
          END DO
        END DO
      END DO
#  endif

We didn't noticed before because such fluxes are usually zero. Many thanks to Ashley Brereton for bringing this issue to my attention.

  • Corrected a typo in def_info.F when defining the bry_file_ global attribute and a typo in checkdefs.F when reporting the BOUNDARY_ALLGATHER option. Many thanks to Jiangtao Xu for reporting these typos.
#877 arango Done Updated Copyright 2002-2021

Updated the ROMS/TOMS Copyright to all algorithms:

  Copyright (c) 2002-2021 The ROMS/TOMS Group
     Licensed under an MIT/X style license
     See License_ROMS.txt
#878 arango Fixed Tagged latest respository version as ROMS 3.9

The current trunk revision (-r 1054) is quite stable so we are tagging this as ROMS Version 3.9 and the beginning of ROMS Version 4.0.

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