
Although you could just work within the source code distribution using the Makefile, it's cleaner and will be better for you in the future if you learn to use the script that allows you to leave the source code directory unmodified, and have all the project specific stuff in project directories. Here's how it works:

  1. Make a project directory

On our Opteron cluster, I have one directory where I keep the source code /home/rsignell/models/roms_rutgers/trunk and another where I actually do model runs /home/rsignell/projects/

So on my system, for a new test, I make a directory called /home/rsignell/projects/test1

  1. Checkout the source code using SVN (or unpack the source code if

you grabbed my tarfile) and copy the script (which you will find in ./ROMS/Bin subdirectory) to your project directory.

  1. Edit

I edit to specify:


and set which compiler I want to use (e.g. pgi, ifort) and what type of executable I want (MPI, OpenMP, or Serial)

Even though I use the pgi compiler on our cluster, I actually build MPI code using the mpif90 script, so I set USE_MPIF90 on as well as pgi.

  1. Compile.

Run the script. If you have more than one processor on the machine you are compiling on you can use the -j option to build faster. For example, to use 2 cpus:

./ -j 2
  1. Set up the input files for the run

ROMS uses an ASCII input file to specify some of the run parameters, and we use the .in extension by convention to indicate these files. For the test cases, these are found in the ~/ROMS/External directory. So to run ROMS from our project directory, we need to copy over the right input file for the LAKE_SIGNELL case. We also want a copy of varinfo.dat, which defines NetCDF parameters.

cp ~/models/ROMS/External/{,varinfo.dat} ~/projects/test1
  1. Run.

./oceanS < (Serial) ./oceanO < (OpenMP) mpirun -n 16 -hostfile node_file ./oceanM (MPI)

Last modified 17 years ago Last modified on 06/10/07 18:32:45
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