Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.08
Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.08
I created seagrid nc file for my domain and have Hycom data. I also install pyroms_toolbox. My problem is I have no idea about how to make boundary and initial file. Could anybody help me a example by using pyroms_toolbox to do that please? especially how to fill in the file to run
My questions are
1) in seagrid how can I chose the number of vertical cell? (if I want my grid size is x=30; y=30; z=15)
2) for Grid_HYCOM, get_nc_Grid_HYCOM and make_remap_grid_file which information I should use in?
class Grid_HYCOM(object):
Grid object for HYCOM
def __init__(self, lon_t, lat_t, lon_vert, lat_vert, mask_t, z_t, h, angle, name): = name
self.lon_t = lon_t
self.lat_t = lat_t
self.lon_vert = lon_vert
self.lat_vert = lat_vert
self.mask_t = mask_t
self.z_t = z_t
self.h = h
self.angle = angle
3) should I run only one of flood, flood_fast and flood_fast_weighted or all of them?
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
A more equatorial example is in Palau_HYCOM.
For the vertical, set the number of vertical points in the gridid.txt file. My ARCTIC4 chunk looks like:
Code: Select all
id = ARCTIC4
name = ARCTIC4
grdfile = /import/AKWATERS/kshedstrom/gridpak/Arctic2/
N = 50
grdtype = roms
Vtrans = 4
theta_s = 7
theta_b = 2
Tcline = 250
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
Dear Katekate wrote:. First you run make_remap_weights_file, then make_ic_file/make_bdry_file.
A more equatorial example is in Palau_HYCOM.
I download Hycom data with empty z (to import all z to the netcdf file)
then try to run make_remap_weights_file and got problem with this
Code: Select all
>>> srcgrd = pyroms_toolbox.Grid_HYCOM.get_nc_Grid_HYCOM('/work/apps/anaconda3/envs/pr2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyroms_toolbox/works/East-Sea_HYCOM/Hycomdata/')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#6>", line 1, in <module>
srcgrd = pyroms_toolbox.Grid_HYCOM.get_nc_Grid_HYCOM('/work/apps/anaconda3/envs/pr2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyroms_toolbox/works/East-Sea_HYCOM/Hycomdata/')
File "/work/apps/anaconda3/envs/pr2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyroms_toolbox/Grid_HYCOM/", line 19, in get_nc_Grid_HYCOM
depth = nc.variables['z'][:]
KeyError: 'z'
by open the hycom netcdf file data by IDV and I have all z data can be visualized in 3d model so I do not understand why nc.variables['z'][:] have that error?
by running ncdump -h /work/apps/anaconda3/envs/pr2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyroms_toolbox/works/East-Sea_HYCOM/Hycomdata/ > my_file.cdl I got 40 depth levels like this.
Code: Select all
netcdf \1906201200 {
time = 5 ;
lat = 626 ;
lon = 313 ;
depth = 40 ;
float salinity(time, depth, lat, lon) ;
salinity:_CoordinateAxes = "time_run time depth lat lon" ;
salinity:units = "psu" ;
salinity:long_name = "Salinity" ;
salinity:standard_name = "sea_water_salinity" ;
salinity:NAVO_code = 16 ;
salinity:coordinates = "time_run time depth lat lon " ;
double depth(depth) ;
depth:units = "m" ;
depth:long_name = "Depth" ;
depth:standard_name = "depth" ;
depth:positive = "down" ;
depth:axis = "Z" ;
depth:NAVO_code = 5 ;
depth:_CoordinateAxisType = "Height" ;
depth:_CoordinateZisPositive = "down" ;
my file /", line 19 got
Code: Select all
depth = nc.variables['Z'][:]
# depth = nc.variables['z'][:]
Thank you so much for your allway very quick and helpful replies.
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
Dear Katekate wrote:Looks like it should be 'depth', not 'z'.
you are right I changed it to depth and pass, and have this error after that
Code: Select all
>>> srcgrd = pyroms_toolbox.Grid_HYCOM.get_nc_Grid_HYCOM('/work/apps/anaconda3/envs/pr2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyroms_toolbox/works/East-Sea_HYCOM/Hycomdata/')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#4>", line 1, in <module>
srcgrd = pyroms_toolbox.Grid_HYCOM.get_nc_Grid_HYCOM('/work/apps/anaconda3/envs/pr2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyroms_toolbox/works/East-Sea_HYCOM/Hycomdata/')
File "/work/apps/anaconda3/envs/pr2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyroms_toolbox/Grid_HYCOM/", line 21, in get_nc_Grid_HYCOM
var = nc.variables['sea_water_temperature'][0,:,1:-1,1:-1]
KeyError: 'sea_water_temperature'
Code: Select all
float water_temp(time, depth, lat, lon) ;
water_temp:_CoordinateAxes = "time_run time depth lat lon" ;
water_temp:units = "degC" ;
water_temp:long_name = "Water Temperature" ;
water_temp:standard_name = "sea_water_temperature" ;
water_temp:NAVO_code = 15 ;
water_temp:comment = "in-situ temperature" ;
water_temp:coordinates = "time_run time depth lat lon " ;
Change it to water_temp and passed
then I got this
Code: Select all
>>> srcgrd = pyroms_toolbox.Grid_HYCOM.get_nc_Grid_HYCOM('/work/apps/anaconda3/envs/pr2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyroms_toolbox/works/East-Sea_HYCOM/Hycomdata/')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#4>", line 1, in <module>
srcgrd = pyroms_toolbox.Grid_HYCOM.get_nc_Grid_HYCOM('/work/apps/anaconda3/envs/pr2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyroms_toolbox/works/East-Sea_HYCOM/Hycomdata/')
File "/work/apps/anaconda3/envs/pr2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyroms_toolbox/Grid_HYCOM/", line 24, in get_nc_Grid_HYCOM
lon_t = lon[1:-1,1:-1]
File "/work/apps/anaconda3/envs/pr2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/numpy/ma/", line 3174, in __getitem__
dout =[indx]
IndexError: too many indices for array
Thank you
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
Code: Select all
lon_t = lon[1:-1,1:-1]
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
Dear Katekate wrote:No, I don't think you have a version problem, unless it's a HYCOM version problem.Longitude is often a 1-D array, not a 2-D array. What do you have?Code: Select all
lon_t = lon[1:-1,1:-1]
I am sorry, I still do not understand my problem.
I would like to make IC BC from this data ... taset.html
and I have code after install pyroms like this
Code: Select all
import numpy as np
import pyroms
import netCDF4
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import pyproj
from pyroms_toolbox.Grid_HYCOM import Grid_HYCOM
def get_nc_Grid_HYCOM(grdfile, name='GLBa0.08_NEP'):
grd = get_nc_Grid_HYCOM(grdfile)
Load grid object for HYCOM_GLBa0.08_NEP
nc = netCDF4.Dataset(grdfile)
lon = nc.variables['lon'][:]
lat = nc.variables['lat'][:]
depth = nc.variables['z'][:]
var = nc.variables['temp'][0,:,1:-1,1:-1]
lon_t = lon[1:-1,1:-1]
lat_t = lat[1:-1,1:-1]
lon_vert = 0.5 * (lon[:,1:] + lon[:,:-1])
lon_vert = 0.5 * (lon_vert[1:,:] + lon_vert[:-1,:])
lat_vert = 0.5 * (lat[1:,:] + lat[:-1,:])
lat_vert = 0.5 * (lat_vert[:,1:] + lat_vert[:,:-1])
mask_t = np.array(~var[:].mask, dtype='int')
z_t = np.tile(depth,(mask_t.shape[2],mask_t.shape[1],1)).T
depth_bnds = np.zeros(len(depth)+1)
for i in range(1,len(depth)):
depth_bnds[i] = 0.5 * (depth[i-1] + depth[i])
depth_bnds[-1] = 5750
bottom = pyroms.utility.get_bottom(var[::-1,:,:], mask_t[0], spval=var.fill_value)
nlev = len(depth)
bottom = (nlev-1) - bottom
h = np.zeros(mask_t[0,:].shape)
for i in range(mask_t[0,:].shape[1]):
for j in range(mask_t[0,:].shape[0]):
if mask_t[0,j,i] == 1:
h[j,i] = depth_bnds[int(bottom[j,i])+1]
geod = pyproj.Geod(ellps='WGS84')
az_forward, az_back, dx = geod.inv(lon_vert[:,:-1], lat_vert[:,:-1], lon_vert[:,1:], lat_vert[:,1:])
angle = 0.5 * (az_forward[1:,:] + az_forward[:-1,:])
angle = (90 - angle) * np.pi/180.
return Grid_HYCOM(lon_t, lat_t, lon_vert, lat_vert, mask_t, z_t, h, angle, name)
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
Dear Katekate wrote:Are you sure you are downloading on the GLBa0.08 HYCOM grid? They have moved that to the "inactive" status. It was on a tripole grid and needed lat,lon to be functions if both i and j. The newer HYCOM products are on a simpler grid, where lat is a function of j only and lon is a function of i only. I'm afraid I haven't tried to run these scripts with the new HYCOM products. It's on my list of things to do, just not necessarily this week.
Thank you for your suggestion. I double check and found out I have downloaded wrong data for GLBa0.08. Actually I would like to have that data for predict/ forecasting works but at the moment, for just practice using ROMS, It is better for me if I keep up with GLBa0.08 examples to understand how pyroms work.
I followed instruction in this topic viewtopic.php?f=23&t=4819
mdessert wrote
at 1- I am not sure how he downloaded these files, I try to run 2- then get the *.nc file for salt, ssh, temp, u and v1-I've well downloaded files from
2-I've formatted them through get_hycom_GLBa0.08_'varname'
3-I've built my source grid through
4-I've computed my weigth files from
5-And then, I've 'concatenated' all my variable files to obtain one big file
then I run 3- once time and get the GLBa0.08 file
when I run 4- for the 1st time I stuck as mention bellow.
I do not know how to run step 5- to have all in one big file
I stuck at running :
Code: Select all
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/work/apps/anaconda3/envs/pr2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyroms_toolbox/works/East-Sea_HYCOM/", line 7, in <module>
srcgrd = pyroms_toolbox.Grid_HYCOM.get_nc_Grid_HYCOM('/work/apps/anaconda3/envs/pr2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyroms_toolbox/works/East-Sea_HYCOM/')
File "/work/apps/anaconda3/envs/pr2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyroms_toolbox/Grid_HYCOM/", line 52, in get_nc_Grid_HYCOM
h[j,i] = depth_bnds[bottom[j,i]+1]
IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (`...`), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices
Regard and have a nice weekend.
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
Code: Select all
h[j,i] = depth_bnds[int(bottom[j,i])+1]
Step 5 happens with this script:
Code: Select all
print -n "Enter year to process: "; read year; print ""
leap=`echo $(($year % 4))`
if [ $leap == 0 ] ; then
#set -A days {1..331}
#set -A days {2..4}
#set -A days {33..$nday}
set -A days {1..$nday}
for day in ${days[@]} ; do
day=`echo $day | awk '{printf "%03d", $1}'`
ncks -a -O HYCOM_GLBa0.08_ssh_${year}_${day}.nc HYCOM_GLBa0.08_${year}_${day}.nc
ncks -a -A HYCOM_GLBa0.08_temp_${year}_${day}.nc HYCOM_GLBa0.08_${year}_${day}.nc
ncks -a -A HYCOM_GLBa0.08_salt_${year}_${day}.nc HYCOM_GLBa0.08_${year}_${day}.nc
ncks -a -A HYCOM_GLBa0.08_u_${year}_${day}.nc HYCOM_GLBa0.08_${year}_${day}.nc
ncks -a -A HYCOM_GLBa0.08_v_${year}_${day}.nc HYCOM_GLBa0.08_${year}_${day}.nc
rm -f HYCOM_GLBa0.08_ssh_${year}_${day}.nc HYCOM_GLBa0.08_temp_${year}_${day}.nc \ HYCOM_GLBa0.08_salt_${year}_${day}.nc HYCOM_GLBa0.08_u_${year}_${day}.nc \
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
Dear Katekate wrote:My latest version of that troublesome line is:Sometimes it pays to "git pull".Code: Select all
h[j,i] = depth_bnds[int(bottom[j,i])+1]
by looking in I have
Code: Select all
for i in range(1,len(depth)):
depth_bnds[i] = 0.5 * (depth[i-1] + depth[i])
depth_bnds[-1] = 5750
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
Dear Katekate wrote:Sometimes Python evolves so that something that used to run no longer runs. Sometimes when that happens I can figure out how to change it and get it pushed to github. You need to update your code through either "git pull" or just editing it in place.
Thank you so much, I do git pull and updated the code, then pyroms go to this
Code: Select all
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/work/apps/anaconda3/envs/pr2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyroms_toolbox/works/East-Sea_HYCOM/", line 8, in <module>
dstgrd = pyroms.grid.get_ROMS_grid('PALAU1')
File "/work/apps/anaconda3/envs/pr2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyroms/", line 467, in get_ROMS_grid
gridinfo = ROMS_gridinfo(gridid,hist_file=hist_file,grid_file=grid_file)
File "/work/apps/anaconda3/envs/pr2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyroms/", line 71, in __init__
File "/work/apps/anaconda3/envs/pr2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyroms/", line 82, in _get_grid_info
data = open(gridid_file,'r')
TypeError: coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, NoneType found
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
Code: Select all
id = PALAU1
name = PALAU1
grdfile = /import/AKWATERS/kshedstrom/gridpak/Palau/
N = 50
grdtype = roms
Vtrans = 4
theta_s = 7
theta_b = 2
Tcline = 250
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
kate wrote:My latest version of that troublesome line is:Sometimes it pays to "git pull".Code: Select all
h[j,i] = depth_bnds[int(bottom[j,i])+1]
Step 5 happens with this script:Gosh, should convert to bash.Code: Select all
#!/bin/ksh print -n "Enter year to process: "; read year; print "" leap=`echo $(($year % 4))` if [ $leap == 0 ] ; then nday=366 else nday=365 fi #nday=31 #set -A days {1..331} #set -A days {2..4} #set -A days {33..$nday} set -A days {1..$nday} for day in ${days[@]} ; do day=`echo $day | awk '{printf "%03d", $1}'` ncks -a -O HYCOM_GLBa0.08_ssh_${year}_${day}.nc HYCOM_GLBa0.08_${year}_${day}.nc ncks -a -A HYCOM_GLBa0.08_temp_${year}_${day}.nc HYCOM_GLBa0.08_${year}_${day}.nc ncks -a -A HYCOM_GLBa0.08_salt_${year}_${day}.nc HYCOM_GLBa0.08_${year}_${day}.nc ncks -a -A HYCOM_GLBa0.08_u_${year}_${day}.nc HYCOM_GLBa0.08_${year}_${day}.nc ncks -a -A HYCOM_GLBa0.08_v_${year}_${day}.nc HYCOM_GLBa0.08_${year}_${day}.nc rm -f HYCOM_GLBa0.08_ssh_${year}_${day}.nc HYCOM_GLBa0.08_temp_${year}_${day}.nc \ HYCOM_GLBa0.08_salt_${year}_${day}.nc HYCOM_GLBa0.08_u_${year}_${day}.nc \ HYCOM_GLBa0.08_v_${year}_${day}.nc done
Dear Kate
Thank you so much for sharing your works. I finished the 5th step and going to run make ic and bc file and got these error.
bc file
Code: Select all
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/work/apps/anaconda3/envs/pr2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyroms_toolbox/works/East-Sea_HYCOM/", line 57, in <module>
year = int(sys.argv[1])
IndexError: list index out of range
Code: Select all
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/work/apps/anaconda3/envs/pr2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyroms_toolbox/works/East-Sea_HYCOM/", line 30, in <module>
remap(file, 'temp', src_grd, dst_grd, dst_dir=dst_dir)
File "/work/apps/anaconda3/envs/pr2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyroms_toolbox/works/East-Sea_HYCOM/", line 127, in remap
dxy=dxy, cdepth=cdepth, kk=kk)
File "/work/apps/anaconda3/envs/pr2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyroms_toolbox/Grid_HYCOM/", line 107, in flood_fast
varz[bottom[j,i]:,j,i] = varz[bottom[j,i],j,i]
IndexError: only integers, slices (`:`), ellipsis (`...`), numpy.newaxis (`None`) and integer or boolean arrays are valid indices
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
Did you give it a year as a command-line argument? It is expecting one. There's also a commented out line:year = int(sys.argv[1])
Code: Select all
#lst_year = sys.argv[1:]
For the other, I thought I had fixed all those "bottom" problems. Indeed, my copy of that line contains:
Code: Select all
varz[int(bottom[j,i]):,j,i] = varz[int(bottom[j,i]),j,i]
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
Dear Katekate wrote:Did you give it a year as a command-line argument? It is expecting one. There's also a commented out line:year = int(sys.argv[1])that can be enabled, allowing you to give it a list of years. Or you can edit the script to provide the year(s) internally.Code: Select all
#lst_year = sys.argv[1:]
For the other, I thought I had fixed all those "bottom" problems. Indeed, my copy of that line contains:Code: Select all
varz[int(bottom[j,i]):,j,i] = varz[int(bottom[j,i]),j,i]
thank you for your answers, I put the year in then passed (when not python asked me for the year, I input but it still give me error)
the bc script run for a while then a message box appear to say that "Your program is still running! Do you want to kill it?" I said "No" for 4 time then the script seem to be stopped. May be I have some problems with these lines
Code: Select all
processes = 4
p = Pool(processes)
# Trick to pass more than one arg
partial_do_file = partial(do_file, src_grd=src_grd, dst_grd=dst_grd)
results =, lst_file)
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
Dear Katekate wrote:The limits on these two types of jobs are different, and you might have run into some system limits on cputime, etc. Do you have a sys admin to talk to about where and how to run jobs? .
Thank you for help. I am trying to run all in my laptop before asking admin about my cputime. I run the script and have this message box
I notice that the cpu usage all are very low so may be the script was actually stopped.
please forgive me if I am a newbie in linux base systems so some time it makes me hard to understand the problems.
Have a nice week.
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
Dear Katekate wrote:Maybe you should try a pool size of 1, not running in parallel. I'm not familiar with that exact display, but the swap seems high, like it doesn't all fit in memory and none of them are making any progress.
Thanks for help. I put some flag into the code then
so I have error with p = Pool(processes), I also try with processes = 1 but the error stills. Could you please help me other way to skip using Pool?
Thank you.
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
I have same err for 4 and 1 processes. If i dont kill it then the script hang like picture above with no err message and activity.kate wrote:Does it object to processes = 1 the same way as processes = 4, or was there a different error? What if you don't let it kill the job?
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
I restart and try to run it and the err stills remain. My system is 8gb of ram with nearly 6gb free. May be problem is related to system open mpi libraries can not linked to anaconda packages? I have succeced running ROMS test cases with mpi run.kate wrote:Can you try on a system with more memory?
I try to run with this
Code: Select all
processes = 4
p = Pool(processes)
# Trick to pass more than one arg
partial_do_file = partial(do_file, src_grd=src_grd, dst_grd=dst_grd)
results =, lst_file)
I changed the code from
Code: Select all
partial_do_file = partial(do_file, src_grd=src_grd, dst_grd=dst_grd)
results =, lst_file)
Code: Select all
results =, src_grd=src_grd, dst_grd=dst_grd)))
Code: Select all
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/work/apps/anaconda3/envs/pr2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyroms_toolbox/works/East-Sea_HYCOM/", line 101, in <module>
results =, src_grd=src_grd, dst_grd=dst_grd)))
File "/work/apps/anaconda3/envs/pr2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyroms_toolbox/works/East-Sea_HYCOM/", line 30, in do_file
zeta = remap_bdry(file, 'ssh', src_grd, dst_grd, dst_dir=dst_dir)
File "/work/apps/anaconda3/envs/pr2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyroms_toolbox/works/East-Sea_HYCOM/", line 28, in remap_bdry
dst_file = src_file.rsplit('/')[-1]
AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'rsplit'
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
I would check your system limits. With a bash shell:
Code: Select all
(snowdrifts) [kshedstrom@chinook02 Tidal_bay]$ ulimit -a
core file size (blocks, -c) 0
data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited
scheduling priority (-e) 0
file size (blocks, -f) unlimited
pending signals (-i) 257144
max locked memory (kbytes, -l) unlimited
max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited
open files (-n) 1024
pipe size (512 bytes, -p) 8
POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200
real-time priority (-r) 0
stack size (kbytes, -s) 10240
cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes (-u) 1024
virtual memory (kbytes, -v) unlimited
file locks (-x) unlimited
Code: Select all 318% limit
cputime unlimited
filesize unlimited
datasize unlimited
stacksize 10240 kbytes
coredumpsize 0 kbytes
memoryuse unlimited
vmemoryuse unlimited
descriptors 1024
memorylocked unlimited
maxproc 1024
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
My informationkate wrote:You can read up on multiprocessing online. Something wasn't right about your last attempt.
I would check your system limits. With a bash shell:
Code: Select all
(pr2) bangdt@C2:~$ ulimit -a
core file size (blocks, -c) 0
data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited
scheduling priority (-e) 0
file size (blocks, -f) unlimited
pending signals (-i) 31039
max locked memory (kbytes, -l) 16384
max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited
open files (-n) 1024
pipe size (512 bytes, -p) 8
POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200
real-time priority (-r) 0
stack size (kbytes, -s) 8192
cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes (-u) 31039
virtual memory (kbytes, -v) unlimited
file locks (-x) unlimited
Code: Select all
# limit
cputime unlimited
filesize unlimited
datasize unlimited
stacksize 8192 kbytes
coredumpsize 0 kbytes
memoryuse unlimited
memorylocked 16384 kbytes
maxproc 31039
openfiles 1024
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
Code: Select all
memorylocked 16384 kbytes
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
Dear Katekate wrote:Maybe this is biting you:Code: Select all
memorylocked 16384 kbytes
by running this code
Code: Select all
(pr2) root@C2:~# ulimit -l
(pr2) root@C2:~# ulimit -l unlimited
(pr2) root@C2:~# ulimit -l
Code: Select all
(pr2) root@C2:~# ulimit -a
core file size (blocks, -c) 0
data seg size (kbytes, -d) unlimited
scheduling priority (-e) 0
file size (blocks, -f) unlimited
pending signals (-i) 31040
max locked memory (kbytes, -l) unlimited
max memory size (kbytes, -m) unlimited
open files (-n) 1024
pipe size (512 bytes, -p) 8
POSIX message queues (bytes, -q) 819200
real-time priority (-r) 0
stack size (kbytes, -s) 8192
cpu time (seconds, -t) unlimited
max user processes (-u) 31040
virtual memory (kbytes, -v) unlimited
file locks (-x) unlimited
Code: Select all
(pr2) root@C2:~# csh
# limit
cputime unlimited
filesize unlimited
datasize unlimited
stacksize 8192 kbytes
coredumpsize 0 kbytes
memoryuse unlimited
memorylocked unlimited
maxproc 31040
openfiles 1024
but when I try to run the script the problem stills remain.
may be stuck at this line and can not load the lst_file to call do_file.
Code: Select all
results =, lst_file)
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
Code: Select all
for file in lst_file:
do_file(file, src_grd, dst_grd)
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
Dear Katekate wrote:What you want is to call do_file for each file in the list. Did it print the list of files to operate on? Is it what you expected? Then you can comment out the chunk with processes = 4 to the end. Add a loop going through the list of files, calling do_file(file, src_grd, dst_grd), something like:Code: Select all
for file in lst_file: do_file(file, src_grd, dst_grd)
Thank you so much for your suggestion. Now I have all ic and bc created. But I still have problem with them.
1- All my ic and bc file are 2d grid file, not 3d comparing to the source data
2- My bc file doesnt have temp, salt, u and v data, only have 2d grid data in mask on v and u, and all the mask on u, v are the same value (=1), the bathymetry data in the bc file are ok.
my grid id is
Code: Select all
# gridid definition file
name = EASTSEA
grdfile = /work/apps/anaconda3/envs/pr2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pyroms_toolbox/works/East-Sea_HYCOM/
N = 20
grdtype = roms
Vtrans = 1
theta_s = 5
theta_b = 0.4
Tcline = 3
I am not sure if my ic and bc file are ok or how to check it (I use IDV to view them) ... sp=sharing
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.
If you like the idea of using these Python scripts, perhaps it's time to learn what you can about Python/numpy and the rest. Check out pdb, the Python debugger.
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.08
It is long time no see, I hope you are doing well.
thank you so much for help us go through this forum smoothly.
several months ago I have install pyroms 2 and successfully made boundary and initial file. Today after install pyroms 3 (python 3) it return an error.
when I run this code
Code: Select all
import matplotlib
import numpy as np
import netCDF4
from datetime import datetime
import pyroms
import pyroms_toolbox
#from pyroms_toolbox import date2jday
import sys
def create_HYCOM_file(name, time, lon, lat, var):
#create netCDF file
nc = netCDF4.Dataset(name, 'w', format='NETCDF3_64BIT')
nc.Author = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name
nc.Created ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
nc.title = 'HYCOM + NCODA Global 1/12 Analysis (GLBa0.08)'
#create dimensions
Mp, Lp = lon.shape
nc.createDimension('lon', Lp)
nc.createDimension('lat', Mp)
nc.createDimension('ocean_time', None)
#create variables
nc.createVariable('lon', 'f', ('lat', 'lon'))
nc.variables['lon'].long_name = 'longitude'
nc.variables['lon'].units = 'degrees_east'
nc.variables['lon'][:] = lon
nc.createVariable('lat', 'f', ('lat', 'lon'))
nc.variables['lat'].long_name = 'latitude'
nc.variables['lat'].units = 'degrees_north'
nc.variables['lat'][:] = lat
nc.createVariable('ocean_time', 'f', ('ocean_time'))
nc.variables['ocean_time'].units = 'days since 1900-01-01 00:00:00'
nc.variables['ocean_time'].calendar = 'LEAP'
nc.variables['ocean_time'][0] = time
nc.createVariable(outvarname, 'f', ('ocean_time', 'lat', 'lon'), fill_value=spval)
nc.variables[outvarname].long_name = long_name
nc.variables[outvarname].units = units
nc.variables[outvarname].coordinates = 'lon lat'
nc.variables[outvarname][0] = var
print('Done with file %s' %name)
# get HYCOM Northeast Pacific data from 2007 to 2011
year = 2015
invarname = 'ssh'
outvarname = 'ssh'
#read grid and variable attributes from the first file
dataset = netCDF4.Dataset(url)
lon = dataset.variables['Longitude'][1550-9:1950,300:700]
lat = dataset.variables['Latitude'][1550-9:1950,300:700]
#spval = dataset.variables[invarname]._FillValue
units = dataset.variables[invarname].units
long_name = dataset.variables[invarname].long_name
retry_day = []
# loop over daily files
if year%4 == 0:
daysinyear = 366
# daysinyear = 365
daysinyear = 32
for day in range(1,daysinyear+1):
print('Processing file for day %03d, year %04d' %(day, year))
url='' %(year,day)
#get data from server
dataset = netCDF4.Dataset(url)
var = dataset.variables[invarname][0,1550-9:1950,300:700]
spval = var.get_fill_value()
print('No file on the server... We skip this day.')
#create netCDF file
outfile = 'data/' %(outvarname,year,day)
jday = pyroms_toolbox.date2jday(datetime(year, 1, 1)) + day - 1
create_HYCOM_file(outfile, jday, lon, lat, var)
if retry == 'True':
if len(retry_day) != 0:
print("Some files have not been downloded... Let's try again")
while len(retry_day) != 0:
for day in retry_day:
print('Retry file for day %03d, year %04d' %(day, year))
url='' %(year,day)
#get data from server
dataset = netCDF4.Dataset(url)
var = dataset.variables[invarname][0,1550-9:1950,300:700]
spval = var.get_fill_value()
print('No file on the server... We skip this day.')
#create netCDF file
outfile = 'data/' %(outvarname,year,day)
jday = pyroms_toolbox.date2jday(datetime(year, 1, 1)) + day - 1
create_HYCOM_file(outfile, jday, lon, lat, var)
Code: Select all
= RESTART: /home/bangdt/hymenet/pyroms/pyroms_toolbox/pyroms_toolbox/Grid_HYCOM/
Processing file for day 001, year 2015
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/bangdt/hymenet/pyroms/pyroms_toolbox/pyroms_toolbox/Grid_HYCOM/", line 100, in <module>
jday = pyroms_toolbox.date2jday(datetime(year, 1, 1)) + day - 1
TypeError: 'module' object is not callable
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.08
I test pyroms example Palau_HYCOM directly and make grid nc file. But when I run 'python' or 'python 2015', it return an error on spheical. I find out the error command in .py script is dstgrd = pyroms.grid.get_ROMS_grid('PALAU1')
Code: Select all
>>> dstgrd = pyroms.grid.get_ROMS_grid('PALAU1')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/Users/dan_chen/ROMS/pyroms/pyroms/pyroms/", line 487, in get_ROMS_grid
hgrd = get_ROMS_hgrid(gridid)
File "/Users/dan_chen/ROMS/pyroms/pyroms/pyroms/", line 228, in get_ROMS_hgrid
spherical = nc.variables['spherical'][0]
KeyError: 'spherical'
Thanks for any help in advance.
- Posts: 1
- Joined: Tue Sep 27, 2022 6:48 pm
- Location: Università di Cagliari
Re: Create boundary and initial file from seagrid and GLBa0.08
I got the same error. Did you figure out how to solve it?
Apparently the nc file created by has no spherical variable. Even if I comment something in the code and put spherical = 'T' in the I get the following error:
NetCDF file must contain lon_vert and lat_vert or lon_rho, lat_rho, lon_psi, lat_psi for a geographical grid.
That is reasonable since the grid nc file has lon lat as variables, not lon_vert, lat_vert
Any suggestion?