Dear ROMS Folks,
Please consider submitting an abstract to the "The Inner Shelf - Opening the Black Box Connecting the Coastal Ocean and the Surf Zone" session at the 2018 Ocean Sciences Meeting to be held from 11-16 February, 2018 at the Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon.
Deadline: 6 September 2017, 23:59 EDT
Session information:
Session ID: 27739
Session Title: The Inner Shelf - Opening the Black Box Connecting the Coastal Ocean and the Surf Zone
Topic Area: Physical Oceanography: Mesoscale and Smaller
Session Description:
The inner part of the continental shelf connects the surfzone, dominated by waves, to the coastal ocean, dominated by larger scale dynamics as the circulation adjusts to the presence of a coastal boundary. Extending from the outer edge of the surfzone to water depths of up to 50 m, surface and bottom boundary layers generally overlap and interact within the inner shelf as the region is forced by wind, waves, surface heat fluxes, barotropic tides and nonlinear internal waves. Also, wind-driven currents, thermally-driven baroclinic exchange, submesoscale activity, surfzone processes, and flow interactions with coastal topography can lead to variability, meanders and eddies at a wide range of scales. Understanding the linkage from the outer shelf to the surfzone through the inner shelf is important to predict water property exchange (heat, sediment, pollutants, biota), to search and rescue, and for shallow water acoustics. This session seeks to advance our understanding of in-situ and remote sensing observations, and numerical modeling studies focused on inner-shelf dynamics with length scales of up to 50 km. In particular, studies investigating the relative importance of the range of physical processes driving inner shelf circulation in areas removed from freshwater-driven systems are encouraged.
Nirnimesh Kumar, University of Washington Seattle Campus, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Seattle, WA, United States
Anthony Kirincich, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA, United States,
Rachel Horwitz, Dalhousie University, Halifax, NS, Canada
Kristen A Davis, University of California Irvine, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department, Irvine, CA, United States