i have issue with running the plot_all in MATLAB R2016b. The function tzplot('u') etc is popping error saying function not defined.
can any one please provide me the tzplot function
below is a piece from roms-1d documentation
If the cpp key ASCII_OUTPUT is defined, the depth of the vertical levels are stored in the file ``z.dat'', and every noutput time-step,
the time is stored in the file ``days.dat''
the depth of the oceanic boundary layer is stored in the file ``zbl.dat''
the horizontal velocities are stored in the files ``u.dat'' and ``v.dat''
all the tracers are stored in the files ``tXX.dat'', where XX is 01 for temperature, 02 for salinity, ...
The variables stored in the ASCII files can be visualized with MATLAB using the function ``tzplot(vname)'', where vname is the name of the variable: ``u'', ``v'', ``t01'', ``t02''...