2016 ROMS Asia-Pacific Workshop, Tasmania - 3rd Notice

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2016 ROMS Asia-Pacific Workshop, Tasmania - 3rd Notice

#1 Unread post by arango »

2016 ROMS/TOMS Asia-Pacific Workshop
Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies
Hobart Waterfront, Tasmania, Australia
October 17 - 21, 2016

The extended registration deadline for the 2016 ROMS/TOMS Asia-Pacific Workshop is less than a week away. This is a reminder that registration deadline was extended to July 31, 2016. The abstracts for oral presentations and posters are still due by August 15, 2016. To register, please log into the ROMS website and fill out the workshop :arrow: registration form. This information can be updated often so there is no need to wait until you have an abstract. If you are not already a ROMS user please fill out this :arrow: form to become a ROMS user.

The invitation is open to everybody who wants to attend. In particular, we invite our Australian, New Zealand, and Asian users. The previous Asia-Pacific workshop was in 2009.

For those of you who require an invitation letter, we have prepared an editable PDF file :arrow: here. It can also be found on the :arrow: main workshop page. NOTE: you may have to save the PDF and/or open it with Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Acrobat Reader in order to be able to enter the Name, Institution and Address fields.

There are many hotels in Hobart but we have prepared a short list with a range of rates to give you an idea of what is available. That list and other travel information can be found :arrow: here. We encourage you to book your hotel accommodations as soon as possible because the ROMS workshop overlaps with this year's annual :arrow: Royal Hobart Show. All workshop information can be found :arrow: here. Further information will be posted on that site as it becomes available.

Looking forward to seeing you in Hobart,

Local Organizers:

Dr. David Gwyther, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Dr. Ben Galton-Fenzi, ACE Cooperative Research Centre, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Dr. Andreas Klocker, IMAS, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia

ROMS Organizers:

Dr. Hernan G. Arango, IMCS, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
Prof. John L. Wilkin, IMCS, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
Prof. Andrew M. Moore, University California, Santa Cruz, CA, USA

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