zetabc.f: incorrect designation of the northern edge

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zetabc.f: incorrect designation of the northern edge

#1 Unread post by SLarangeiro »

Hello everyone,

I think there is a small bug in the file zetabc.f: on the lateral boundary conditions at the northern edge and for the clamped, gradient and closed boundary conditions, there is an incorrect designation of the edge:




that should be:




Best regards,
Sérgio Larangeiro

Code: Select all

!  Northern edge, clamped boundary condition.
        ELSE IF (LBC(isouth,isFsur,ng)%clamped) THEN
          DO i=Istr,Iend
#ifdef MASKING
            zeta(i,Jend+1,kout)=zeta(i,Jend+1,kout)*                    &
     &                          GRID(ng)%rmask(i,Jend+1)
          END DO
!  Northern edge, gradient boundary condition.
        ELSE IF (LBC(isouth,isFsur,ng)%gradient) THEN
          DO i=Istr,Iend
#ifdef MASKING
            zeta(i,Jend+1,kout)=zeta(i,Jend+1,kout)*                    &
     &                          GRID(ng)%rmask(i,Jend+1)
          END DO
!  Northern edge, closed boundary condition.
        ELSE IF (LBC(isouth,isFsur,ng)%closed) THEN
          DO i=Istr,Iend
#ifdef MASKING
            zeta(i,Jend+1,kout)=zeta(i,Jend+1,kout)*                    &
     &                          GRID(ng)%rmask(i,Jend+1)

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Re: zetabc.f: incorrect designation of the northern edge

#2 Unread post by arango »

Yes, good catch. I fixed the :arrow: repository. Thank you for reporting this bug.

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