TIME_REF > 0 error setting initial time/reading forcing data

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TIME_REF > 0 error setting initial time/reading forcing data

#1 Unread post by tasha »

I am trying to use CORE daily forcing data with time origin 1/1/48, but something is setup incorrectly. I set TIME_REF= 19480101.0d0, but the model is not accessing the correct record (shows Rec=**** in the output file) and the initial time is = 21899 21:00 when Tmax = 21899.875, even though DSTART = 1.0.


Code: Select all

      DSTART =  1.0                         ! days
  TIDE_START =  0.0d0                       ! days
    TIME_REF =  19480101.0d0                ! yyyymmdd.dd

Code: Select all

    GET_2DFLD   - surface u-wind component,                  t =   21899 21:00:
                   (Rec=****, Index=1, File: u_10.1948-2007.05APR2010.nc)
                   (Tmin=          0.1250 Tmax=      21899.8750)
                   (Min = -8.78071948E+00 Max =  6.02910196E+00)
    GET_2DFLD   - surface v-wind component,                  t =   21899 21:00:
                   (Rec=****, Index=1, File: v_10.1948-2007.05APR2010.nc)
                   (Tmin=          0.1250 Tmax=      21899.8750)
                   (Min = -8.55021522E+00 Max =  5.31524707E+00)
    GET_2DFLD   - surface air pressure,                      t =   21899 21:00:
                   (Rec=****, Index=1, File: slp.1948-2007.05APR2010.nc)
                   (Tmin=          0.1250 Tmax=      21899.8750)
                   (Min =  1.01785682E+03 Max =  1.04650166E+03)
    GET_2DFLD   - solar shortwave radiation flux,            t =   21899 12:00:
                   (Rec=****, Index=1, File: ncar_rad.1948-2007.05APR2010.nc)
                   (Tmin=          0.5000 Tmax=      21899.5000)
                   (Min = -3.09036103E-09 Max =  9.35105205E-07)
    GET_2DFLD   - downwelling longwave radiation flux,       t =   21899 12:00:
                   (Rec=****, Index=1, File: ncar_rad.1948-2007.05APR2010.nc)
                   (Tmin=          0.5000 Tmax=      21899.5000)
                   (Min =  3.71470132E-05 Max =  6.23772620E-05)
    GET_2DFLD   - surface air temperature,                   t =   21899 21:00:
                   (Rec=****, Index=1, File: t_10.1948-2007.05APR2010.nc)
                   (Tmin=          0.1250 Tmax=      21899.8750)
                   (Min =  2.34299664E+02 Max =  2.68278822E+02)
    GET_2DFLD   - surface air relative humidity,             t =   21899 21:00:
                   (Rec=****, Index=1, File: q_10.1948-2007.05APR2010.nc)
                   (Tmin=          0.1250 Tmax=      21899.8750)
                   (Min = -2.37136646E-04 Max =  2.71908455E-03)
    GET_2DFLD   - observed ice concentration,                t =  727210 00:00:
                   (Rec=0145, Index=1, File: seaice.nc)
                   (Tmin=     722830.0000 Tmax=     733384.5833)
                   (Min =  5.55210286E-01 Max =  1.01373174E+00)
NL ROMS/TOMS: started time-stepping: (Grid: 01 TimeSteps: ******** - 00210240)

 Elapsed CPU time (seconds):
Here is an 'ncdump' of the input file:

Code: Select all

[tr634@login-0-0 roms_in]$ ncdump -h u_10.1948-2007.05APR2010.nc
netcdf u_10.1948-2007.05APR2010 {
	LAT = 94 ;
	LON = 192 ;
	TIME = UNLIMITED ; // (87600 currently)
	bnds = 2 ;
	double LAT(LAT) ;
		LAT:units = "degrees_north" ;
		LAT:point_spacing = "uneven" ;
		LAT:axis = "Y" ;
	double LON(LON) ;
		LON:units = "degrees_east" ;
		LON:modulo = 360. ;
		LON:point_spacing = "even" ;
		LON:axis = "X" ;
	double TIME(TIME) ;
		TIME:units = "days since 1948-01-01 00:00:00" ;
		TIME:axis = "T" ;
		TIME:bounds = "TIME_bnds" ;
		TIME:time_origin = "1-JAN-1948" ;
		TIME:calendar = "NOLEAP" ;
	double TIME_bnds(TIME, bnds) ;
	float U_10_MOD(TIME, LAT, LON) ;
		U_10_MOD:missing_value = -1.e+34f ;
		U_10_MOD:_FillValue = -1.e+34f ;
		U_10_MOD:long_name = "10m U Wind" ;
		U_10_MOD:units = "m/s" ;
		U_10_MOD:coordinates = "LON LAT" ;
Thanks for your help!

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Re: TIME_REF > 0 error setting initial time/reading forcing

#2 Unread post by kate »

I would run ROMS in a debugger to figure out what it's thinking. The routine in question is get_cycle.

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