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#1 Unread post by hseo »

Hi all,
i wanted to usebulk parameterizaion when running ROMS.
What I did was to "define" BULK_FLUX in cppdefs.h, and to create forcing file that contains 10m winds, temperature, surface pressure etc
as if I created regular forcing file.
The problem is that ROMS can not read that forcing file.
Error message is, for example, "error while reading variable: Uwind" in get_2dfld.F, although the forcing file look OK to me.
Have anyone gone through similar cases?
Or, if you know how to use buk formula in ROMS, can I learn how you do?

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#2 Unread post by jacopo »

I never had problem with BULK_FLUX
Do you have maybe NaNs in your *_frc.nc file?

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#3 Unread post by arango »

The error indicated above is an IO error since this message only appears when calling nf_fread from get_2dfld. The error status flag from NetCDF has a value different than zero. This clearly indicates an IO error. ROMS cannot read your forcing NetCDF file. The standard output of ROMS is very verbose and can give you clues for why is this happening.

Your posting is not specific enough for me to see what is it going on. Two things can be happening here:

1) The NetCDF file is corrupted.
2) The time clocks are inconsistent so ROMS cannot read the requested record because of set-up incongruity between initial and forcing NetCDF files and ROMS standard input script. You need to set the appropriate value of DSTART.

You do not provide enough information. Is this a restart run?

Please check ROMS standard output carefully to see if you can figure out why ROMS cannot read Uwind.


#4 Unread post by hseo »

Thanks a lot.
I found that input "Uwind" and "Vwind" are in rho grid points, instead of u and v points.
It took me too long time to find out this simple thing..

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