make_ clim error

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make_ clim error

#1 Unread post by mashinde »

Dear frds,
I have one doubt regarding the make_clim.
I have the problem with make_clim. I created 1/16 deg grid over medi. sea
having 70 vertical levels. The errors are as below

>> make_clim

Making the clim: /home/sadmin/Desktop/ROMS/Roms_tools/Run/ROMS_FILES/

Title: Mediterrenean Test Model

Read in the grid...

Create the climatology file...

Creating the file : /home/sadmin/Desktop/ROMS/Roms_tools/Run/ROMS_FILES/

Warning: ## close failed: /home/sadmin/Desktop/ROMS/Roms_tools/Run/ROMS_FILES/
> In netcdf.close at 20
In create_climfile at 339
In make_clim at 101

Create the OA file...

Creating the file : /home/sadmin/Desktop/ROMS/Roms_tools/Run/ROMS_FILES/

Warning: ## close failed: /home/sadmin/Desktop/ROMS/Roms_tools/Run/ROMS_FILES/
> In netcdf.close at 20
In create_oafile at 284
In make_clim at 116

Horizontal extrapolations


Ext tracers: Roa = 0 km - default value = NaN
Warning: ## close failed: /home/sadmin/Desktop/ROMS/Roms_tools/Run/ROMS_FILES/
> In netcdf.close at 20
In ext_tracers at 57
In make_clim at 127

??? Error using ==> le
Matrix dimensions must agree.

Error in ==> ext_tracers at 84
j=find(Y>=latmin & Y<=latmax);

Error in ==> make_clim at 127


This script run fine without error for other horizontal resolution with reduced vertical levels. But it failed for above mentioned grid and vertical levels. My files are less than 2 GB and netcdf toolbox is updated.

can you suggest something why this error persist with this grid.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: make_ clim error

#2 Unread post by MROCIO »

Hello mashinde,

I'm having the same problem like you with make_clim, Do you have any idea why is this error present.
Could you tell me, how did you fix it?
Thanks in advance.

Rocio Mancilla
>> make_clim

Making the clim: ../Run/ROMS_FILES/


Read in the grid...

Create the climatology file...

Creating the file : ../Run/ROMS_FILES/

Warning: ## close failed: ../Run/ROMS_FILES/
> In netcdf.close at 20
In create_climfile at 338
In make_clim at 95

Create the OA file...

Creating the file : ../Run/ROMS_FILES/

Warning: ## close failed: ../Run/ROMS_FILES/
> In netcdf.close at 20
In create_oafile at 284
In make_clim at 110

Horizontal extrapolations


Ext tracers: Roa = 0 km - default value = NaN
Warning: ## close failed: ../Run/ROMS_FILES/
> In netcdf.close at 20
In ext_tracers at 56
In make_clim at 119

??? Error using ==> le
Matrix dimensions must agree.

Error in ==> ext_tracers at 79
j=find(Y>=latmin & Y<=latmax);

Error in ==> make_clim at 119

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Re: make_ clim error

#3 Unread post by lassad »

Hi all,

I'm using the ROMS TOOLS Package to produce my own initial and boundary file. I've already produced my grid file using seagrid and after that I succsessfully run make_forcing. When I tried to run make_clim to produce my boundary and initial files I've got an error message when the script tried to vertically interpolate the temperature field (transcripted below).
Does anyone knows what could be my source of error or what I'm doing wrong here?

Thanks for the help and attention,

Luiz Paulo


Vertical interpolations

Warning: Divide by zero.
> In zlevs at 60
In vinterp_clm at 57
In make_clim at 135
Time index: 1 of total: 12
??? Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.

Error in ==> ztosigma at 62

Error in ==> vinterp_clm at 114

Error in ==> make_clim at 135


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Re: make_ clim error

#4 Unread post by andres »


Can you post an image the mask of your domain? It might be that there are no data in the WOA files for your area of interest. What is your domain and resolution? (post also the file romstools_param.m)
lassad wrote:Hi all,

I'm using the ROMS TOOLS Package to produce my own initial and boundary file. I've already produced my grid file using seagrid and after that I succsessfully run make_forcing. When I tried to run make_clim to produce my boundary and initial files I've got an error message when the script tried to vertically interpolate the temperature field (transcripted below).
Does anyone knows what could be my source of error or what I'm doing wrong here?

Thanks for the help and attention,

Luiz Paulo


Vertical interpolations

Warning: Divide by zero.
> In zlevs at 60
In vinterp_clm at 57
In make_clim at 135
Time index: 1 of total: 12
??? Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals.

Error in ==> ztosigma at 62

Error in ==> vinterp_clm at 114

Error in ==> make_clim at 135

Andres Sepulveda

Geophysics Department
University of Concepcion

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Re: make_ clim error

#5 Unread post by PeterRobins »

I am getting exactly the error the first two posters got.
Does anyone have a solution to this?
Thanks a lot!

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Re: make_ clim error

#6 Unread post by arango »

The only Matlab scripts that we support for processing our version of ROMS are located in the Matlab svn repository: :!: These are the official version of these scripts containing the correct functions to process vertical coordinate schemes, nesting, land/sea masking, and so on. We are not responsible for scripts created by others; neither guarantee that the vertical coordinates z_r(i,j,k) and z_w(i,j,k) are computed correctly for the parameters specified in our version of ROMS Some of the scripts that are around were written many years ago and I am not sure if they have been updated to the evolution of Matlab and ROMS :arrow: vertical coordinates.

If any of the scripts in question are not located in the above repository, you need to inquire directly to the developer(s) of such scripts.

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