Error with SHOREFACE after update

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Error with SHOREFACE after update

#1 Unread post by fancer »

After "svn up", when I make SHOREFACE example, show up next error:

/usr/bin/cpp -P -traditional -DLINUX -DI686 -DGFORTRAN -D'ROOT_DIR="/root/program_files/ROMS/roms3"' -DSHOREFACE -D'HEADER="shoreface.h"' -D'ROMS_HEADER="shoreface.h"' -DNestedGrids=1 -D'ANALYTICAL_DIR="/root/program_files/ROMS/roms3/ROMS/Functionals"' -D'SVN_REV="351M"' -IROMS/Include -IROMS/Nonlinear -IROMS/Utility -IROMS/Drivers -IROMS/Functionals -IMaster -ICompilers -D'HEADER_DIR="/root/program_files/ROMS/roms3/ROMS/Include"' ROMS/Utility/set_3dfld.F > Build/set_3dfld.f90
ROMS/Bin/cpp_clean Build/set_3dfld.f90
cd Build; /usr/bin/gfortran -c -frepack-arrays -O3 -ffast-math set_3dfld.f90
cd Build; /usr/bin/gfortran -c -frepack-arrays -O3 -ffast-math set_data.f90

Error: Unclassifiable statement at (1)

You can see, what here superfluous bracket))) And set_data.f90 is generated file))) After deleting superfluous bracket all work correctly)))
I deleted all ROMS and download all packаges afresh, but error save((((

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Re: Error with SHOREFACE after update

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

thanks for the post.
That change was identified and a ticket was issued. The main trunk was not updated yet but i am sure it will get changed shortly. For now, just remove that extra parenthesis and it should allow you to compile.

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