Phase II, Major Overhaul of ROMS Kernel to Include Nesting

ROMS Code Release Announcements

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Phase II, Major Overhaul of ROMS Kernel to Include Nesting

#1 Unread post by arango »

Phase II, Major Overhaul of ROMS Kernel to Include Nesting

The ROMS algorithms were :arrow: updated to include Phase II of the multiple-grid nesting infra-structure (svn trunk revision 519). This is a major update of the ROMS nonlinear (NLM), tangent linear (TLM), representer (RPM), and adjoint (ADM) numerical kernels. The main goal in Phase II is to remove all the lateral boundary conditions C-preprocessing options and replace them with logical switches. The changes are extensive because there were periodic boundary conditions (EW_PERIODIC and NS_PERIODIC) everywhere in the code. This required extensive testing of the NLM, TLM, RPM, and ADM kernels and provided idealized and realistic test cases.

The actual nesting capabilities are not available yet. This will be released in Phase III in the near future 8). There is is still some work ahead. The changes that will be required for full nesting capabilities are very minimal but tricky and will involve changes to main2d/main3d and adding new files for the actual nesting. At the beginning, I thought that Phase II was really easy but tedious. Well, I greatly underestimated the amount of work and time in the debugger during testing. It was as tricky as Phase I but it only took me five months to finish it.

We are releasing this update at this time to allow the Users time to assimilate, test, and play with the new lateral boundary conditions structure. One of the advantages of the new design is the we can have different lateral boundary conditions for each active (temperature and salinity) and passive (inert, biology, sediment, etc) tracers. I highly recommend that you use the same lateral boundary conditions for temperature and salinity because they uniquely determine the density of the fluid via the equation of state for seawater.

This version is named ROMS 3.6. Once we have the full nesting in place and finish other important developments it will become ROMS 4.0. The current plan is to release ROMS 4.0 sometime this year :D

With the added complexity of nested grids, the file can become very confusing and difficult to edit by hand. To help alleviate this problem we are developing a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to Since ROMS modelers use several different operating systems, we needed a solution that would be easy to maintain across the different platforms. We decided to use :arrow: Python for it's cross platform capabilities, ease of maintenance, and code readability and the :arrow: wxPython GUI toolkit for its robustness and ability to mimic the look and feel of whatever operating system you run the GUI on. Below is a screenshot of the current state of the GUI running on Windows 7.


What Is New:
  • The lateral boundary conditions are specified by logical switches to facilitate applications with nested grids. It also allows setting different lateral boundary conditions between the nonlinear model and the adjoint/tangent models. In addition, we can have different boundary conditions between active and passive tracers. The LBC structure is allocated as:

    Code: Select all

            LBC(1:4, nLBCvar, Ngrids)
    where 1:4 are the numbered boundary edges, nLBCvar is the number of LBC state variables, and Ngrids is the number of nested grids. The boundary order is: 1=west, 2=south, 3=east, and 4=north. That is, anticlockwise starting at the western boundary.

    For example, the free-surface gradient boundary conditions are specified with the following switches:

    Code: Select all

            LBC(iwest,  isFsur, ng) % gradient
            LBC(ieast,  isFsur, ng) % gradient
            LBC(isouth, isFsur, ng) % gradient
            LBC(inorth, isFsur, ng) % gradient
    The structure is declared and allocated in mod_param.F as:

    Code: Select all

          TYPE T_LBC
            logical :: acquire        ! process lateral boundary data
            logical :: Chapman
            logical :: clamped
            logical :: closed
            logical :: Flather
            logical :: gradient
            logical :: nested
            logical :: nudging
            logical :: periodic
            logical :: radiation
            logical :: reduced
          END TYPE T_LBC
          TYPE (T_LBC), allocatable :: LBC(:,:,:)
          TYPE (T_LBC), allocatable :: ad_LBC(:,:,:)
          TYPE (T_LBC), allocatable :: tl_LBC(:,:,:)
  • The lateral boundary conditions are now specified in the input script. For example, User/External/ has:

    Code: Select all

    ! Set lateral boundary conditions keyword. Notice that a value is expected
    ! for each boundary segment per nested grid for each state variable.
    ! Each tracer variable requires [1:4,1:NAT+NPT,Ngrids] values. Otherwise,
    ! [1:4,1:Ngrids] values are expected for other variables. The boundary
    ! order is: 1=west, 2=south, 3=east, and 4=north. That is, anticlockwise
    ! starting at the western boundary.
    ! The keyword is case insensitive and usually has three characters. However,
    ! it is possible to have compound keywords, if applicable. For example, the
    ! keyword "RadNud" implies radiation boundary condition with nudging. This
    ! combination is usually used in active/passive radiation conditions.
    !   Keyword    Lateral Boundary Condition Type
    !   Cha        Chapman
    !   Cla        Clamped
    !   Clo        Closed
    !   Fla        Flather                                _____N_____     j=Mm
    !   Gra        Gradient                              |     4     |
    !   Nes        Nested                                |           |
    !   Nud        Nudging                             1 W           E 3
    !   Per        Periodic                              |           |
    !   Rad        Radiation                             |_____S_____|
    !   Red        Reduced Physics                             2          j=1
    !                                                   i=1         i=Lm
    !                   W       S       E       N
    !                   e       o       a       o
    !                   s       u       s       r
    !                   t       t       t       t
    !                           h               h
    !                   1       2       3       4
       LBC(isFsur) ==   Cha     Cha     Cha     Cha         ! free-surface
       LBC(isUbar) ==   Fla     Fla     Fla     Fla         ! 2D U-momentum
       LBC(isVbar) ==   Fla     Fla     Fla     Fla         ! 2D V-momentum
       LBC(isUvel) ==   RadNud  RadNud  RadNud  RadNud      ! 3D U-momentum
       LBC(isVvel) ==   RadNud  RadNud  RadNud  RadNud      ! 3D V-momentum
       LBC(isMtke) ==   Gra     Gra     Gra     Gra         ! mixing TKE
       LBC(isTvar) ==   RadNud  RadNud  RadNud  RadNud \    ! temperature
                        RadNud  RadNud  RadNud  RadNud      ! salinity
    ! Adjoint-based algorithms can have different lateral boundary
    ! conditions keywords.
    ad_LBC(isFsur) ==   Cha     Cha     Cha     Cha         ! free-surface
    ad_LBC(isUbar) ==   Fla     Fla     Fla     Fla         ! 2D U-momentum
    ad_LBC(isVbar) ==   Fla     Fla     Fla     Fla         ! 2D U-momentum
    ad_LBC(isUvel) ==   RadNud  RadNud  RadNud  RadNud      ! 3D U-momentum
    ad_LBC(isVvel) ==   RadNud  RadNud  RadNud  RadNud      ! 3D V-momentum
    ad_LBC(isMtke) ==   Gra     Gra     Gra     Gra         ! mixing TKE
    ad_LBC(isTvar) ==   RadNud  RadNud  RadNud  RadNud \    ! temperature
                        RadNud  RadNud  RadNud  RadNud      ! salinity
    ! Set lateral open boundary edge volume conservation switch for
    ! nonlinear model and adjoint-based algorithms. Usually activated
    ! with radiation boundary conditions to enforce global mass
    ! conservation, except if tidal forcing enabled. [1:Ngrids].
       VolCons(west)  ==  F                            ! western  boundary
       VolCons(east)  ==  F                            ! eastern  boundary
       VolCons(south) ==  F                            ! southern boundary
       VolCons(north) ==  F                            ! northern boundary
    ad_VolCons(west)  ==  F                            ! western  boundary
    ad_VolCons(east)  ==  F                            ! eastern  boundary
    ad_VolCons(south) ==  F                            ! southern boundary
    ad_VolCons(north) ==  F                            ! northern boundary
  • Notice that the keyword is case insensitive and usually has three characters. It contains the first three characters of the field in the LBC structure (Fla => % Flather). However, it is possible to have compound keywords, if applicable. For example, the keyword RadNud implies radiation boundary condition with nudging. This combination is usually used in active/passive radiation conditions. This design is very generic and will allow us to implement new or expand lateral boundary conditions in the future.
  • The location of the lateral boundary conditions section in the input script is very important and must always be immediately following the specification of the domain decomposition parameters:

    Code: Select all

    ! Domain decomposition parameters for serial, distributed-memory or
    ! shared-memory configurations used to determine tile horizontal range
    ! indices (Istr,Iend) and (Jstr,Jend), [1:Ngrids].
          NtileI == 1                               ! I-direction partition
          NtileJ == 1                               ! J-direction partition
    This is because the periodic boundary switches are needed for the allocation of several ROMS modules early during the processing of
  • If your lateral boundary conditions are periodic, all the variables in such periodic direction must be set to periodic (Per keyword). I highly recommend that you set the same type of lateral boundary conditions for 2D momentum components (ubar, vbar). Similarly, use the same lateral boundary conditions for 3D momentum components (u, v).
  • Notice all that the volume conservation options used in radiation conditions,VolCons(1:4,ng), are also set in The volume conservations are usually activated with radiation boundary conditions to enforce global mass conservation, except if tidal forcing enabled.
  • Similarly, the lateral boundary conditions for biological and sediment tracers are set in their respective input parameter scripts. For example, for the 11 component Nemuro model we have in ROMS/External/

    Code: Select all

    !                   W       S       E       N
    !                   e       o       a       o
    !                   s       u       s       r
    !                   t       t       t       t
    !                           h               h
    !                   1       2       3       4
       LBC(isTvar) ==   Per     Clo     Per     Clo \    ! idbio( 1), nanophytoplankton
                        Per     Clo     Per     Clo \    ! idbio( 2), diatom
                        Per     Clo     Per     Clo \    ! idbio( 3), microzooplankton
                        Per     Clo     Per     Clo \    ! idbio( 4), mesozooplankton
                        Per     Clo     Per     Clo \    ! idbio( 5), Pzooplankton
                        Per     Clo     Per     Clo \    ! idbio( 6), NO3
                        Per     Clo     Per     Clo \    ! idbio( 7), NH4
                        Per     Clo     Per     Clo \    ! idbio( 8), PON
                        Per     Clo     Per     Clo \    ! idbio( 9), DON
                        Per     Clo     Per     Clo \    ! idbio(10), SiOH4
                        Per     Clo     Per     Clo      ! idbio(11), opal
    Notice that the ROMS input line continuation symbol (\) is used after every component is specified, except the last one (idbio(11), opal). The comments after the continuation symbol are ignored in ROMS.
  • Alternatively, you can specify the passive tracers lateral boundary conditions in a compact form. For example, in ROMS/External/ for the EcoSim bio-optical model (61 passive tracers) we have:

    Code: Select all

    !                   W       S       E       N
    !                   e       o       a       o
    !                   s       u       s       r
    !                   t       t       t       t
    !                           h               h
    !                   1       2       3       4
       LBC(isTvar) ==   Per     Clo     Per     Clo      ! idbio(:), compact
    In this case, ROMS will assign the same values as the first entry, idbio(1), for all 61 passive tracers. This is the same strategy that it is used in other input parameters when they are not specified. The compact form is very handy in applications with a lot of passive tracers. However, it should not be used if you desire different lateral boundary condition for various tracers. The order of the entries is very important and should follow the exact same order as in the model tracer array, t(:,:,:,:,itrc).
  • In sediment applications, both cohesive and non-cohesive sediment concentrations lateral boundary conditions are specified together. For Example, we may have in

    Code: Select all

    !                   W       S       E       N
    !                   e       o       a       o
    !                   s       u       s       r
    !                   t       t       t       t
    !                           h               h
    !                   1       2       3       4
       LBC(isTvar) ==   Gra     Clo     Cla     Clo \    ! idsed(1), mud_01
                        Gra     Clo     Cla     Clo \    ! idsed(2), mud_02
                        Gra     Clo     Cla     Clo \    ! idsed(3), sand_01
                        Gra     Clo     Cla     Clo \    ! idsed(4), sand_02
                        Gra     Clo     Cla     Clo      ! idsed(5), sand_03
    That is, we specify the cohesive sediments (mud) first, if any. Then, we specify next the non-cohesive sediments (sand), if any. We need to follow the same order of the sediment concentration tracers as in t(:,:,:,:,itrc).
  • In nesting applications, which will be released in Phase III, you need to specify the lateral boundary conditions for every grid. For example, we can have:

    Code: Select all

    !                   W       S       E       N
    !                   e       o       a       o
    !                   s       u       s       r
    !                   t       t       t       t
    !                           h               h
    !                   1       2       3       4
       LBC(isFsur) ==   Clo     Cha     Cha     Cha \       ! free-surface,  grid 1
                        Nes     Nes     Nes     Nes         ! free-surface,  grid 2
       LBC(isUbar) ==   Clo     Fla     Fla     Fla \       ! 2D U-momentum, grid 1
                        Nes     Nes     Nes     Nes         ! 2D U-momentum, grid 2
       LBC(isVbar) ==   Clo     Fla     Fla     Fla \       ! 2D V-momentum, grid 1
                        Nes     Nes     Nes     Nes         ! 2D V-momentum, grid 2
       LBC(isUvel) ==   Clo     Cla     Cla     Cla \       ! 3D U-momentum, grid 1
                        Nes     Nes     Nes     Nes         ! 3D U-momentum, grid 2
       LBC(isVvel) ==   Clo     Cla     Cla     Cla \       ! 3D V-momentum, grid 1
                        Nes     Nes     Nes     Nes         ! 3D V-momentum, grid 2
       LBC(isMtke) ==   Clo     Gra     Gra     Gra \       ! mixing TKE,    grid 1
                        Nes     Nes     Nes     Nes         ! mixing TKE,    grid 2
       LBC(isTvar) ==   Clo     Cla     Cla     Cla \       ! temperature,   grid 1
                        Clo     Cla     Cla     Cla \       ! salinity,      grid 1
                        Nes     Nes     Nes     Nes \       ! temperature,   grid 2
                        Nes     Nes     Nes     Nes         ! salinity,      grid 2
    Here, grid 1 is the parent and coarser whereas grid 2 is the child and finer in an application with grid refinement.
  • Notice that you may want to specify different lateral boundary conditions for adjoint-based applications. If so, we use the same values in the TLM, RPM, and ADM to preserve the symmetry of the linearized model state operator. This is crucial. The values in the ad_LBC and tl_LBC structures must be identical.

    Code: Select all

    ! Adjoint-based algorithms can have different lateral boundary
    ! conditions keywords.
    ad_LBC(isFsur) ==   Clo     Cha     Cha     Cha         ! free-surface
    ad_LBC(isUbar) ==   Clo     Fla     Fla     Fla         ! 2D U-momentum
    ad_LBC(isVbar) ==   Clo     Fla     Fla     Fla         ! 2D U-momentum
    ad_LBC(isUvel) ==   Clo     Cla     Cla     Cla         ! 3D U-momentum
    ad_LBC(isVvel) ==   Clo     Cla     Cla     Cla         ! 3D V-momentum
    ad_LBC(isMtke) ==   Clo     Gra     Gra     Gra         ! mixing TKE
    ad_LBC(isTvar) ==   Clo     Cla     Cla     Cla \       ! temperature
                        Clo     Cla     Cla     Cla         ! salinity
    In 4D-Var data assimilation, this will allows us to have different lateral boundary conditions in the background nonlinear trajectory (outer loop) and adjoint and tangent linear models (inner loop). For example, in some applications is convenient to use radiation conditions in open boundaries in the nonlinear model. However, it is very difficult to use radiation conditions in the adjoint and tangent linear model because of stability and cumbersome storage of the inflow/outflow variables at every time step. We still need to think more about what to do when adjusting the lateral boundary condition (ADJUST_BOUNDARY) if different values are used for LBC and ad_LBC.
  • I highly recommend you that you always check the standard output file or the global header (NLM_LBC attribute) in the output NetCDF files to confirm that your applications have the expected lateral boundary conditions.
  • Three new routines are provided to process the lateral boundary conditions structure in ROMS/Utility/lbc.F:
    • lbc_getatt: If restart, this routine reads lateral boundary conditions keywords strings from restart NetCDF file global attribute (NLM_LBC). Then, it checks those values against the ones provided in input script for consistency. This routine is called from ROMS/Utility/get_state.F.
    • lbc_putatt: This routine writes lateral boundary conditions keyword strings into the specified output NetCDF files' global attribute. It is call from ROMS/Utility/def_info.F. For Example, a ncdump of will print:

      Code: Select all

                      :NLM_LBC = "\n",
                              "EDGE:               WEST   SOUTH  EAST   NORTH  \n",
                              "zeta:               Per    Clo    Per    Clo    \n",
                              "ubar:               Per    Clo    Per    Clo    \n",
                              "vbar:               Per    Clo    Per    Clo    \n",
                              "u:                  Per    Clo    Per    Clo    \n",
                              "v:                  Per    Clo    Per    Clo    \n",
                              "temp:               Per    Clo    Per    Clo    \n",
                              "salt:               Per    Clo    Per    Clo    \n",
                              "nanophytoplankton:  Per    Clo    Per    Clo    \n",
                              "diatom:             Per    Clo    Per    Clo    \n",
                              "microzooplankton:   Per    Clo    Per    Clo    \n",
                              "mesozooplankton:    Per    Clo    Per    Clo    \n",
                              "Pzooplankton:       Per    Clo    Per    Clo    \n",
                              "NO3:                Per    Clo    Per    Clo    \n",
                              "NH4:                Per    Clo    Per    Clo    \n",
                              "PON:                Per    Clo    Per    Clo    \n",
                              "DON:                Per    Clo    Per    Clo    \n",
                              "SiOH4:              Per    Clo    Per    Clo    \n",
                              "opal:               Per    Clo    Per    Clo" ;
      Notice that a Line Feed (LF) symbol is added at the end of each entry (\n) for readability. This is done in Fortran by using CHAR(10). Where 10 is the decimal value for LF control character in the :arrow: standard ASCII character set.
    • lbc_report: This routine reports to standard output lateral boundary conditions structure value for requested state variables. It is called from inp_par.F.
  • The routine ROMS/Utilily/inp_par.F is split into various files so it is more manageable now. This routine was getting too big. The routines that read the parameters from the input scripts are now stand alone and can be found in ROMS/Utility:
    • read_asspar.F: reads and reports data assimilation input parameters (
    • read_biopar.F: reads and reports biological model input parameters (,,,,,
    • read_couplepar.F: reads and reports multiple model coupling input parameters (
    • read_fltpar.F: reads and reports floats trajectories input parameters (
    • read_phypar.F: reads and reports physical model input parameters ( This routine is still too long and we may get optimization warnings from the ifort compiler. These warnings can be ignored because there is nothing to optimize and is called only during initialization.
    • read_sedpar.F: reads and reports sediment model input parameters (
    • read_stapar.F: reads and reports station input parameters (
  • A new function load_lbc is added to inp_par.F to process the lateral boundary conditions keywords from input script files. This function is called from routines read_BioPar, read_PhyPar, and read_SedPar.
  • If restart, the NLM_LBC global attribute (described above) in the restart NetCDF file is checked to guarantee identical lateral boundary conditions set-up. This is done in get_state.F during the call to routine get_lbc. This implies that the restart file has to be generated by ROMS version 3.6 or higher. It will not work with restart files generated with old versions of ROMS. This global attribute is new to ROMS 3.6. In such cases, use the restart file as initial conditions instead of restart or activate new C-preprocessing option NO_LBC_ATT to avoid checking the NLM_LBC global attribute. If activating NO_LBC_ATT, it is your responsibility to check the lateral boundary conditions used to create the old restart file against those in your input script(s) for consistency.
  • Backward compatibility with previous versions of ROMS is a little tricky bit but possible. After all, we are just changing C-preprocessing directives with Fortran logical switches. There are no changes to the computational kernels but changes in the flow of the computations. All the lateral boundary conditions are available after compiling (for instance, see Build/zetabc_im.f90). This can be both an advantage or a disadvantage. It is advantageous because we do not need to recompile the entire code when the lateral boundary conditions are changed. It also greatly facilitates nesting with simple logic instead of cumbersome and additional C-preprocessing options. It facilitates different lateral boundary conditions for some or all tracer fields. However, it is disadvantageous in the sense that we can no longer easily see which lateral boundary conditions were activated. We need to inspect carefully the standard output and NetCDF file global attributes.

    All the C-preprocessing lateral boundary conditions options are removed from the svn distributed code. As such, any CPP option that you may have in your application header file will be ignored. However, it is very dangerous to have them if you have customized the code or use any customized analytical routines from ROMS/Functionals or User/Functionals. Therefore, I highly recommend that you remove them from your application header file and use the build script instead. I am providing examples of how this is done in the :arrow: test repository. For example, in the INLET_TEST case (test/inlet_test/ we have:

    Code: Select all

    # Set tunable CPP options.
    # Sometimes it is desirable to activate one or more CPP options to run
    # different variants of the same application without modifying its header
    # file. If this is the case, specify each options here using the -D syntax.
    # Notice also that you need to use shell's quoting syntax to enclose the
    # definition.  Both single or double quotes work. For example,
    #    setenv MY_CPP_FLAGS "-DAVERAGES"
    # can be use to write time-averaged fields. Notice that you can have as
    # many definitions as you want by appending values.
    # Set deprecated lateral boundary conditions CPP flags for backward
    # compatibility with older versions of the code.
      setenv BACK_COMPATIBILITY  on         # needed for ROMS 3.4 or older
    if ($?BACK_COMPATIBILITY) then
    Notice the local environmental variable BACK_COMPATIBILITY which allows you to set the lateral boundary conditions C-preprocessing options for backward compatibility with older versions of the code. You can also modify the build script to use the old/new header files. For example, you may have:

    Code: Select all

    # If applicable, use the MY_ANALYTICAL_DIR directory to place your
    # customized biology model header file (like fennel.h, nemuro.h, ecosim.h,
    # etc).
     setenv MY_HEADER_DIR       ${MY_PROJECT_DIR}
    if (! $?BACK_COMPATIBILITY) then
      setenv MY_ANALYTICAL_DIR   ${MY_PROJECT_DIR}/Functionals_new
      setenv MY_ANALYTICAL_DIR   ${MY_PROJECT_DIR}/Functionals_old
    Well, I told you it was a little bit tricky. But I think that you can handle it :wink:
Technical Considerations:
  • A table of all the C-preprocessing options that were removed and the equivalent logical switch can be found in the following :arrow: WikiROMS page. I advise you to check this information.
  • Two new logical switches ConposedGrid(ng) and RefinedGrid(ng) are defined, allocated and initialized in mod_scalars.F to access or not sections of code relevant to composed and refined grids, respectively.
  • Throughout the entire code the EW_PERIODIC directive is replaced with EWperiodic(ng) and NS_PERIODIC directive is replaced with NSperiodic(ng). Both periodic logical switches are declared, allocated, and initialized in ROMS/Modules/mod_scalars.F. Use the following conversions:

    Code: Select all

           IF (EWperiodic(ng)) THEN
           END IF
    instead of
           #ifdef EW_PERIODIC     or     #if defined EW_PERIODIC
             ...                           ...
           #endif                        #endif
           IF (NSperiodic(ng)) THEN
           END IF
    instead of
           #ifdef NS_PERIODIC     or     #if defined NS_PERIODIC
             ...                           ...
           #endif                        #endif
           IF (.not.EWperiodic(ng)) THEN
           END IF
    instead of
           #ifndef EW_PERIODIC    or     #if !defined EW_PERIODIC
             ...                           ...
           #endif                        #endif
           IF (.not.NSperiodic(ng)) THEN
           END IF
    instead of
           #ifndef NS_PERIODIC    or     #if !defined NS_PERIODIC
             ...                           ...
           #endif                        #endif
           IF (EWperiodic(ng).and.NSperiodic(ng)) THEN
           END IF
    instead of
           #if defined EW_PERIODIC && defined NS_PERIODIC
           IF (EWperiodic(ng).or.NSperiodic(ng)) THEN
           END IF
    instead of
           #if defined EW_PERIODIC || defined NS_PERIODIC
           IF (.not.(EWperiodic(ng).or.NSperiodic(ng))) THEN
           END IF
    instead of
           #if !defined EW_PERIODIC && !defined NS_PERIODIC
  • Remove the following declaration of local switches from all your customized routines:

    Code: Select all

    #ifdef DISTRIBUTE
    # ifdef EW_PERIODIC
          logical :: EWperiodic=.TRUE.
    # else
          logical :: EWperiodic=.FALSE.
    # endif
    # ifdef NS_PERIODIC
          logical :: NSperiodic=.TRUE.
    # else
          logical :: NSperiodic=.FALSE.
    # endif
    This is usually found in the local variable declarations section at the beginning of each routine. This is only needed in distributed-memory applications.
  • In distributed memory, the above declaration is not needed since we already have the global EWperiodic(ng) and NSperiodic(ng) logical switches.

    Code: Select all

    We now use
    #ifdef DISTRIBUTE
          CALL mp_exchange2d (ng, tile, model, 1,                           &
         &                    LBi, UBi, LBj, UBj,                           &
         &                    NghostPoints,                                 &
         &                    EWperiodic(ng), NSperiodic(ng),               &
         &                    Pair)
    instead of
    #ifdef DISTRIBUTE
          CALL mp_exchange2d (ng, tile, model, 1,                           &
         &                    LBi, UBi, LBj, UBj,                           &
         &                    NghostPoints, EWperiodic, NSperiodic,         &
         &                    Pair)
    That is, (ng) is added to both the EWperiodic and NSperiodic variable arguments. Notice that if you do not remove the local declaration mentioned in previous item, you will get an error from the compiler because EWperiodic and NSperiodic has been already declared in module mod_scalars and are not longer scalars but 1D arrays, 1:Ngrids. This was done intentionally...

    In some routines you may have to include module mod_scalars to have access to EWperiodic(ng) and NSperiodic(ng). Otherwise, the compiler will give you an error. You need to add:

    Code: Select all

          USE mod_scalars
  • You always need to include the periodic routines module. For example,

    Code: Select all

          USE exchange_2d_mod, ONLY : exchange_r2d_tile
    instead of
    #if defined EW_PERIODIC || defined NS_PERIODIC
          USE exchange_2d_mod, ONLY : exchange_r2d_tile
  • In order to use ROMS Version 3.6 or higher, every user needs to update all their customized analytical header files (ana_*.h) to replace the periodic lateral boundary C-preprocessing options EW_PERIODIC and NS_PERIODIC with the logical switches EWperiodic(ng) and NSperiodic(ng), respectively, as shown above. This is very easy :!: However, the files ana_hmixcoef.h and ana_nudgcoef.h are more elaborated. The routine in ana_hmixcoef.h is used to set horizontal mixing coefficients in the sponge areas next to the open boundaries whereas ana_nudgcoef.h is used to set nudging coefficients for the interior and boundary points. Both routines have a generic section at the bottom after the following comment:

    Code: Select all

    !! WARNING:  This section is generic for all applications. Please do not
    !!           change the code below.
    Please use the new version of the generic code. I recommend that you start with the new version of these routines and add the code needed by your application.
  • Notice that the internal C-preprocessing option NUDGING_COEF, defined previously in globaldefs.h, is eliminated and replaced with logical switch NudgingCoeff(ng). This switch is used in ana_nudgcoef.h.
  • Also, the internal C-preprocessing option OBC_DATA, defined previously in globaldefs.h, is eliminated and replaced with logical switch ObcData(ng). This switch is activated internally in read_phypar.F to process lateral boundary conditions NetCDF file.
  • Finally if you are not sure of what to do, compare an old and new version of the file in question. Use tagged Version 3.5 as the old version and the current trunk revision as the new version.
Good luck customizing you code to ROMS Version 3.6 8)

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