possible bug in load_ts_metoffice.m?

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possible bug in load_ts_metoffice.m?

#1 Unread post by kchen »

1. In matlab/4dvar/load_ts_metoffice.m, the 'epoch' is defined as datenum([1950 1 1 0 0 0]) but it's not being used. Probably should add: time=time+epoch, somewhere after line 187 and before line 228.

2. load_ts_metoffice.m, line 339 and 340:

Code: Select all

    ind_T = find(Temp.time >= StartDay & Temp.time <= EndDay);
    ind_S = find(Salt.time >= StartDay & Salt.time <= EndDay);

probably should be

Code: Select all

     ind_T = find(Temp.time > EndDay | Temp.time < StartDay );  
     ind_S = find(Salt.time > EndDay | Salt.time < StartDay );   
since ind_T and ind_S are those we wanna exclude...


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Re: possible bug in load_ts_metoffice.m?

#2 Unread post by arango »

Yes, good catch. I did the time conditional differently. Please update. Thank you for reporting this problem.

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