tidal simulation error

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tidal simulation error

#1 Unread post by wuhe »

hi,dear all
I would like to do some tidal simulation, and I have run the case https://www.myroms.org/wiki/index.php/FJORD_TIDAL_CASE successfully, then I have changed some defination of cpp file (.h) like this :
define ANA_FSOBC----->define SSH_TIDES
define ANA_M2OBC----->define UV_TIDES
,and I maked a forcing file including tidal harmonical information and did some necessary work to the file(*.in), but, unfortunately,there was some error appearing on my screen when i run my changed case

SET_NGFLD - current model time exceeds ending value for variable: zeta_east
TDAYS = -52791.0000
Data Tmin = 0.0000 Data Tmax = 0.0000
Data Tstr = 0.0000 Data Tend = 0.0000
TINTRP1 = 0.0000 TINTRP2 = 0.0000
FAC1 = 52791.0000 FAC2 = -52791.0000

SET_NGFLD - current model time exceeds ending value for variable: ubar_east
TDAYS = -52791.0000
Data Tmin = 0.0000 Data Tmax = 0.0000
Data Tstr = 0.0000 Data Tend = 0.0000
TINTRP1 = 0.0000 TINTRP2 = 0.0000
FAC1 = 52791.0000 FAC2 = -52791.0000

SET_NGFLD - current model time exceeds ending value for variable: vbar_east
TDAYS = -52791.0000
Data Tmin = 0.0000 Data Tmax = 0.0000
Data Tstr = 0.0000 Data Tend = 0.0000
TINTRP1 = 0.0000 TINTRP2 = 0.0000
FAC1 = 52791.0000 FAC2 = -52791.0000

my tidal forcing file :
>> ncdump('ex_tide.nc')

%% ncdump('ex_tide.nc') %% Generated 03-Jan-2010 15:24:08

nc = netcdf('ex_tide.nc', 'noclobber');
if isempty(nc), return, end

%% Global attributes:

nc.description = ncchar('tidal forcing nc file');
nc.author = ncchar('crane woo');
nc.created = ncchar('by crane woo on hp 541 ne808 at 27-Dec-2009 17:37:07');
nc.type = ncchar('grid file');

%% Dimensions:

nc('xi_rho') = 52;
nc('xi_u') = 51;
nc('xi_v') = 52;
nc('eta_rho') = 26;
nc('eta_u') = 26;
nc('eta_v') = 25;
nc('tide_period') = 1;

%% Variables and attributes:

nc{'tide_period'} = ncdouble('tide_period'); %% 1 element.
nc{'tide_period'}.long_name = ncchar('tide angular period');
nc{'tide_period'}.units = ncchar('hours');

nc{'tide_Ephase'} = ncdouble('tide_period', 'eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); %% 1352 elements.
nc{'tide_Ephase'}.long_name = ncchar('tidal elevation phase angle');
nc{'tide_Ephase'}.units = ncchar('degrees, time of maximum elevation with respect chosen time origin');

nc{'tide_Eamp'} = ncdouble('tide_period', 'eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); %% 1352 elements.
nc{'tide_Eamp'}.long_name = ncchar('tidal elevation amplitude');
nc{'tide_Eamp'}.units = ncchar('meter');

nc{'tide_Cphase'} = ncdouble('tide_period', 'eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); %% 1352 elements.
nc{'tide_Cphase'}.long_name = ncchar('tidal current phase angle');
nc{'tide_Cphase'}.units = ncchar('degrees, time of maximum velocity with respect chosen time origin');

nc{'tide_Cangle'} = ncdouble('tide_period', 'eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); %% 1352 elements.
nc{'tide_Cangle'}.long_name = ncchar('tidal current inclination angle');
nc{'tide_Cangle'}.units = ncchar('degrees between semi-major axis and East');

nc{'tide_Cmin'} = ncdouble('tide_period', 'eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); %% 1352 elements.
nc{'tide_Cmin'}.long_name = ncchar('minimum tidal current, ellipse semi-minor axis');
nc{'tide_Cmin'}.units = ncchar('meter second-1');

nc{'tide_Cmax'} = ncdouble('tide_period', 'eta_rho', 'xi_rho'); %% 1352 elements.
nc{'tide_Cmax'}.long_name = ncchar('maximum tidal current, ellipse semi-major axi');
nc{'tide_Cmax'}.units = ncchar('meter second-1');


so i am confused, and any hint will be grateful!


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Re: tidal simulation error

#2 Unread post by kate »

It is complaining about zeta_east and friends, not about the tidal variables. What does your boundary condition file look like? Did you mean for it to be reading from a boundary condition file?

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Re: tidal simulation error

#3 Unread post by wuhe »

I didn't input any boundary file, cause i did some change in the globaldefs.h according to your suggestion,(You need to hack globaldefs.h to swear to it that you do not need a boundary file. Do a search on OBC.
I changed it like this:
#if (!defined ANA_FSOBC && \
(defined WEST_FSOBC || defined EAST_FSOBC || \
defined SOUTH_FSOBC || defined NORTH_FSOBC)) || \
(!defined ANA_M2OBC && \
(defined WEST_M2OBC || defined EAST_M2OBC || \
defined SOUTH_M2OBC || defined NORTH_M2OBC)) || \
(!defined ANA_M3OBC && \
(defined WEST_M3OBC || defined EAST_M3OBC || \
defined SOUTH_M3OBC || defined NORTH_M3OBC)) || \
(!defined ANA_TOBC && \
(defined WEST_TOBC || defined EAST_TOBC || \
defined SOUTH_TOBC || defined NORTH_TOBC))
#define OBC_DATA


did I do this wrong?

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Re: tidal simulation error

#4 Unread post by kate »

Does it now work for you? That's the true test.

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