Can we write diagnostic term into station file

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Can we write diagnostic term into station file

#1 Unread post by cathyyangfeng »

I am trying to do some mass balance analysis for some tracer that I interested in. I hope I could get a continues time-series for advection and diffusion term at a certain location. I think station would help. But when I set up the file it seems it can only record those tracers value but not those diagnostic terms set by Diagnostic_TS (including advection,diffusion ...). Is it possible to write those thing in to a station file?


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Re: Can we write diagnostic term into station file

#2 Unread post by kate »

No one has yet written the code to write diagnostics to the stations file. One issue would be that the diagnostics are currently averages over some time interval and the stations contain instantaneous values. Are you looking for instantaneous diagnostics? Do you also want the regular diagnostics output?

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Re: Can we write diagnostic term into station file

#3 Unread post by cathyyangfeng »

I was expected an instantaneous diagnostics. Actually, I am using the biological/physical coupled model. I am interested in the physical advection/transportation competing with those biological source/sinks in week or month scale. Currently, my model was forced by a 1 hour time interval wind and the his/dia outputs were daily time interval. It seems ok with those biological sources/sinks (like for the primary production,sinking). But for the advection/diffusion. The advection/diffusion term of tracer by daily time interval is a problem. I think I lost those variation under short time scale. Maybe I should be more concentrated on shorter time scale. I could run the model by one week and set the time interval for his/dia outputs by 1hr. Than the mass balance during each day integration could be accepted. How do you think the idea, Kate?

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Re: Can we write diagnostic term into station file

#4 Unread post by kate »

I think you're better off if you can live with the diagnostics output as currently implemented. Adding instantaneous diagnostics to the stations is not impossible, but it is a big task - not something the developers are going to do unless they personally need it (which they haven't so far).

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Re: Can we write diagnostic term into station file

#5 Unread post by cathyyangfeng »

I see, thanks a lot for the answering.

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