plotting upwelling problems

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plotting upwelling problems

#1 Unread post by luis.delcastillo »

I followed step by step the instalation process of ROMS Plotting Package but when i run the idt gmeta the graph is empty.
Below is a image of what is showing.
So what do you thing that can be happening

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Re: plotting upwelling problems

#2 Unread post by luis.delcastillo »

this is my

2007 -1 : year and starting year-day (use yearday<0, for no time label)
ROMS 3.0
North Atlantic
3/4 Degree Resolution
Temperature (Celsius) at 100 m
1 NFIELDS: number of fields to plot. Line below, field(s) types:
23 field identification: FLDID(1:NFIELDS)
1 NLEVELS: number of levels and/or depths to plot (0 for all levels)
-100 levels (>0) or depths (<0) to plot: FLDLEV(1:NLEVELS)
0 FRSTD : first day to plot
0 LASTD : last day to plot
0 DSKIP : plot every other DSKIP days (0.0 plot at its own time frequency)
1 FINDX : forecast record to process, if any (atmospheric files only).
0 VINTRP : vertical interpolation scheme: 0=linear, 1:cubic splines
-2.0 PMIN : field minimum value for color palette (0.0 for default)
28.0 PMAX : field maximum value for color palette (0.0 for default)
0 ICNT : draw contours between color bands: 0=no, 1=yes
0.0 ISOVAL : iso-surface value to process (see below)
1.2 VLWD : vector line width (1.0 for default)
4.0 VLSCL : vector length scale (1.0 for default)
2 IVINC : vector grid sampling in the X-direction (1 for default)
1 JVINC : vector grid sampling in the Y-direction (1 for default)
0 IREF : secondary or reference field option (see below)
25 IDOVER : overlay field identification (for IREF=1,2 only)
1 LEVOVER: level of the overlay field (set to 0 if same as current FLDLEV)
0.0 RMIN : overlay field minimum value to consider (0.0 for default)
0.0 RMAX : overlay field maximum value to consider (0.0 for default)
10.0 LGRID : Desired longitude/latitude grid spacing (degrees)
2 IPROJ : map projection (see below).
0.0 PLON : projection Pole longitude (west values are negative).
0.0 PLAT : projection Pole latitude (south values are negative).
0.0 ROTA : projection rotation angle (clockwise; degrees).
2 LMSK : flag to color mask land: [0] no, [1] yes
-1 NPAGE : number of plots per page (currently 1, 2, or 4)
T READGRD: logical switch to read in positions from grid NetCDF file.
F PLTLOGO: logical switch draw Logo.
F WRTHDR : logical switch to write out the plot header titles.
T WRTBLAB: logical switch to write out the plot bottom title.
T WRTRANG: logical switch to write out data range values and CI.
F WRTFNAM: logical switch to write out input primary filename.
F WRTDATE: logical switch to write out current date.
F CST : logical switch to read and plot coastlines and islands.
-30.0 70.0 : bottom and top map latitudes (south values are negative).
-100.5 20.5 : left and right map longitudes (west values are negative).

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Re: plotting upwelling problems

#3 Unread post by robertson »


A couple things are happening here. First is the fact that your PMIN and PMAX values are way out of range. If you look at the output from the ccnt command you will see from the last frame that the values are between ~14.61 and ~15.97. I would suggest using 14 and 16 instead of -2.0 and 28. These numbers should change depending on the depth you're plotting but 14 and 16 seem reasonable for 100m. Even with values of 14 and 16 you probably won't see much detail on the first frame since the upwelling problem starts with uniformly stratified temperature.

The second issue is that the gebco1 palette is configured to specify exact contour mapping for each color. That is why you see values like -5000 on the color bar. I would suggest using a different palette; perhaps natlan1.pal. The other option is to change the behavior of the gebco1 palette by opening gebco1.pal and changing the 3 in the first line to a 1 so it reads 24 1 1 instead of 24 3 1. This changes IPAL to 1 so it doesn't use the contour mapping in the 8th column.


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