I've tried to checkout the tagged roms version, roms-3.1,
which is shown as revision 167 in the roms-svn repository
I run, from the linux machine:
>> svn checkout https://www.myroms.org/svn/src/tags/roms-3.1 MyDir
The download has been successful, although the last diagnostics line says
"Checked out revision 168."
What version have I received? Tagged roms-3.1 (rev. 167) or some later version from the trunk?
Alex Kurapov
roms-3.1 checkout
First of all it is not recommended to check out code from tags directory because running svn update at a later date will not update your copy of the code with bug fixes or improvements. The versions in the tags directory are more of a time line of major achievements in ROMS history. It is recommend that you always checkout the trunk so you can easily get updates, improvements and bug fixes by simply running svn update.
That being said, you have checked out the frozen, tagged ROMS 3.1. In Subversion the revision numbers are related to the entire repository, not any particular file, set of files or directory. What the "Checked out revision 168" message means is that you checked out the tags/roms-3.1 directory as it appears at revision 168 of the repository. If you ran svn info on any of the files or directories in your working (checked out) copy of the code none of the files or directories will have a Last Changed Rev: higher than 167.
That being said, you have checked out the frozen, tagged ROMS 3.1. In Subversion the revision numbers are related to the entire repository, not any particular file, set of files or directory. What the "Checked out revision 168" message means is that you checked out the tags/roms-3.1 directory as it appears at revision 168 of the repository. If you ran svn info on any of the files or directories in your working (checked out) copy of the code none of the files or directories will have a Last Changed Rev: higher than 167.