
General scientific issues regarding ROMS

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Location: University of Iceland


#1 Unread post by carlosag »

Hello everybody,
I am still fairly new in modelling with ROMS and I have a doubt I cannot solve by myself.
Following old-versions of ROMS I can see that

#define EW_periodic
#define NS_periodic

would activate the Lateral Boundary Conditions when written in the cppdefs.h before compiling. Now, in the new version of ROMS, I believe that must be written in the roms_input.in built by the user in ROMS/Include folder.

However, what confuses me is that I cannot understand if
#define EW_periodic
#define NS_periodic

are still used as before or have they changed? The reason why I ask is because in ROMS/Include/cppdefs.h such variables are not defined in the list of variables and I can find them in the CPP page in myroms but their description is empty.
Could someone please bring some light to this doubt?
Thank you very much,

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Re: EW_periodic,NS_periodic

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

All the boundary condition options have been moved to the ocean.in file. You dont need the boundary cpp options like EW_PERIODIC or FSCLAMPED etc. it is all in the ocean.in
For Example:

Code: Select all

! Set lateral boundary conditions keyword. Notice that a value is expected
! for each boundary segment per nested grid for each state variable.
! Each tracer variable requires [1:4,1:NAT+NPT,Ngrids] values. Otherwise,
! [1:4,1:Ngrids] values are expected for other variables. The boundary
! order is: 1=west, 2=south, 3=east, and 4=north. That is, anticlockwise
! starting at the western boundary.
! The keyword is case insensitive and usually has three characters. However,
! it is possible to have compound keywords, if applicable. For example, the
! keyword "RadNud" implies radiation boundary condition with nudging. This
! combination is usually used in active/passive radiation conditions.
!   Keyword    Lateral Boundary Condition Type
!   Cha        Chapman_implicit (free-surface)
!   Che        Chapman_explicit (free-surface)
!   Cla        Clamped
!   Clo        Closed
!   Fla        Flather (2D momentum)                  _____N_____     j=Mm
!   Gra        Gradient                              |     4     |
!   Nes        Nested (refinement)                   |           |
!   Nud        Nudging                             1 W           E 3
!   Per        Periodic                              |           |
!   Rad        Radiation                             |_____S_____|
!   Red        Reduced Physics (2D momentum)               2          j=1
!   Shc        Shchepetkin (2D momentum)            i=1         i=Lm
!                   W       S       E       N
!                   e       o       a       o
!                   s       u       s       r
!                   t       t       t       t
!                           h               h
!                   1       2       3       4

   LBC(isFsur) ==   Cha     Clo     Cha     Clo         ! free-surface
   LBC(isUbar) ==   Cla     Clo     Cla     Clo         ! 2D U-momentum
   LBC(isVbar) ==   Cla     Clo     Cla     Clo         ! 2D V-momentum
   LBC(isUvel) ==   Gra     Clo     Rad     Clo         ! 3D U-momentum
   LBC(isVvel) ==   Gra     Clo     Gra     Clo         ! 3D V-momentum
   LBC(isMtke) ==   Gra     Clo     Gra     Clo         ! mixing TKE

   LBC(isTvar) ==   Cla     Clo     Gra     Clo \       ! temperature
                    Cla     Clo     Gra     Clo         ! salinity

Posts: 24
Joined: Thu Sep 30, 2021 12:08 pm
Location: University of Iceland

Re: EW_periodic,NS_periodic

#3 Unread post by carlosag »

Dear jcwarner,
Thank you. I got it now and even manage to get my computation run.
All best regards,

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