Nonbreaking wave-induced mixing in ROMS?

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Nonbreaking wave-induced mixing in ROMS?

#1 Unread post by jivica »

Dear ROMS users,

before duplicating already done job I am wondering if someone already did it?

I am looking into the additional mixing (via k-e turbulence) with NONBREAKING(!) waves as additional term in the
shear production term (along with shear and bouy2) as a function of depth, Hs and frequency (Aijaz et. al., 2017; Babanin & Chalikov 2012)

Aijaz, S., M. Ghantous, A. V. Babanin, I. Ginis, B. Thomas, and G. Wake (2017),
Nonbreaking wave-induced mixing in upper ocean during tropical cyclones using coupled hurricane-ocean-wave modeling, J. Geophys. Res. Oceans, 122, 3939–3963, doi:10.1002/ 2016JC012219.

Babanin, A. V., and D. Chalikov (2012), Numerical investigation of turbulence generation in non-breaking potential waves, J. Geophys. Res.,
117, C00J17, doi:10.1029/2012JC007929.


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Re: Nonbreaking wave-induced mixing in ROMS?

#2 Unread post by kate »

Hi Ivica - Good luck! I stole some code from MOM6 for Langmuir mixing in KPP that I'm playing with. Seems to be an active area of research!

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Re: Nonbreaking wave-induced mixing in ROMS?

#3 Unread post by patrickm »

For wave‐induced vertical mixing in KPP, see Wang et al., JGR 2010, based on Qiao et al, JPO 2004. It is now part of CROCO (ROMS_AGRIF)

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Re: Nonbreaking wave-induced mixing in ROMS?

#4 Unread post by fdaryabor »

Yes, it's done by Wang et al., JGR 2010 based on Qiao et al, JPO 2004. I added it as a one of the switches (option) for vertical turbulent mixing :arrow: (lmd_vmix) to the CPP options list (ROMS 3.7), and is running now for the Mid-Atlantic Bight application :idea: . To extract wave induced mixing parameter (Bv: m2/s) user need to run the MASNUM model.Please take a look to the attached file.

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Re: Nonbreaking wave-induced mixing in ROMS?

#5 Unread post by kate »

Some of us are too lazy to run a wave model. Check out:
! Li, Q. and B. Fox-Kemper, 2017: Assessing the effects of Langmuir !
! turbulence on the entrainment buoyancy flux in the ocean surface !
! boundary layer, JPO, DOI: 10.1175/JPO-D-17-0085.1 !
! !
! Li, Q., B. Fox-Kemper, Ø. Breivik, and Adrean Webb, 2017: !
! Statistical models of global Langmuir mixing, Ocean Modelling, !
! DOI: 10.1016/j.ocemod.2017.03.016

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Re: Nonbreaking wave-induced mixing in ROMS?

#6 Unread post by patrickm »

Hi Kate, note that nonbreaking-wave-induced mixing and Langmuir turbulence are generally considered two different processes of wave-induced mixing (related to Stokes drift)... Patrick

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Re: Nonbreaking wave-induced mixing in ROMS?

#7 Unread post by jivica »

Thanks for all responses!

Farhid in which version of ROMS you've implemented it?
Looking in Rutger's version and lmd_vmix.F there is only diffusivity due to the internal waves and not because of surface wind induced waves?

Code: Select all

!  Compute interior diffusivity due to wave breaking (Gargett and
!  Holloway.
you have put non-breaking surface wind wave effect into kpp in CROCO? Please if you can point me into which subroutine I should look.
My intention is to put it into gls, it should go into shear production term as addition "W"
\ni (M^2 + \alpha N^2) + W

If you have information about wind induced waves from spectral model (or via coupling) it should be straight forward.
W is simple function of H_S is significant wave height, \omega is peak angular frequency, k is wavenumber, z is depth:
W = 0.0014 * k (\frac{\omega H_s}{2) e^{kz})^3



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Re: Nonbreaking wave-induced mixing in ROMS?

#8 Unread post by fdaryabor »

Dear Ivica,

Please have a look to "lmd_vmix.F " and the section, regarding to "Sum contributions due to internal wave breaking...", in fact non-breaking wave induced coefficient (Bv(i,j,k); (m2/s)) here is used to enhance the vertical mixing for momentum (Akv(i,j,k); (m2/s)) and tracer (Akt(i,j,k); (m2/s)) respectively. :arrow:

Akv* = Akv + Bv (1)
Akt* = Akt + cBv (2)

where "c" is weighting coefficient of wave‐induced mixing (Yonggang Wang et al. 2010).

Yonggang Wang et al 2010.pdf
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Re: Nonbreaking wave-induced mixing in ROMS?

#9 Unread post by Joeailvyou »

fdaryabor wrote: Fri Jun 01, 2018 3:07 pm Yes, it's done by Wang et al., JGR 2010 based on Qiao et al, JPO 2004. I added it as a one of the switches (option) for vertical turbulent mixing :arrow: (lmd_vmix) to the CPP options list (ROMS 3.7), and is running now for the Mid-Atlantic Bight application :idea: . To extract wave induced mixing parameter (Bv: m2/s) user need to run the MASNUM model.Please take a look to the attached file.

Do you mean the ROMS 3.7 have included such an option ? I didn't find it.
Do you mean add such an option and modification to code to your own ROMS code ? If so, could you please send me a copy of the modified code ?
What's more, I didn't want to use the MASNUM model. Is it possible to use a ERA5 wave spectrum data product to calculate Bv ?

Thank you very much ! Looking forward to hearing from you soon!

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