Blowing-up: Saving latest model state into RESTART file

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Blowing-up: Saving latest model state into RESTART file

#1 Unread post by lizhaoqin »

My model is blowing and I don't know why. I tried to change the time step but the only thing it does is to delay the
blowing up.
if i do not add river files its work fine. But if i add river transport, i am getting error..
I need help on this one
Model Input Parameters: ROMS/TOMS version 3.7
Wednesday - March 29, 2017 - 11:38:05 PM

NSCS ONLY TIDE RUN,Baipeng @ OUC on 20150704

Operating system : Linux
CPU/hardware : x86_64
Compiler system : pgi
Compiler command : /soft/ompi133-pgi714/bin/mpif90
Compiler flags : -O3 -Mfree

Input Script :

SVN Root URL :
SVN Revision : exported

Local Root : /public/home/zhoujian/zhaoqin/src/roms37-n
Header Dir : /public/home/zhoujian/zhaoqin/river/zhujiang/ini
Header file : zhujiang.h
Analytical Dir: /public/home/zhoujian/zhaoqin/river/zhujiang/ini

Resolution, Grid 01: 0249x0215x010, Parallel Nodes: 16, Tiling: 004x004

Physical Parameters, Grid: 01

8640 ntimes Number of timesteps for 3-D equations.
60.000 dt Timestep size (s) for 3-D equations.
60 ndtfast Number of timesteps for 2-D equations between
each 3D timestep.
1 ERstr Starting ensemble/perturbation run number.
1 ERend Ending ensemble/perturbation run number.
0 nrrec Number of restart records to read from disk.
T LcycleRST Switch to recycle time-records in restart file.
12 nRST Number of timesteps between the writing of data
into restart fields.
1 ninfo Number of timesteps between print of information
to standard output.
T ldefout Switch to create a new output NetCDF file(s).
12 nHIS Number of timesteps between the writing fields
into history file.
0 ntsAVG Starting timestep for the accumulation of output
time-averaged data.
12 nAVG Number of timesteps between the writing of
time-averaged data into averages file.
5.0000E+00 nl_tnu2(01) NLM Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient
(m2/s) for tracer 01: temp
5.0000E+00 nl_tnu2(02) NLM Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient
(m2/s) for tracer 02: salt
5.0000E+00 nl_visc2 NLM Horizontal, harmonic mixing coefficient
(m2/s) for momentum.
F LuvSponge Turning OFF sponge on horizontal momentum.
F LtracerSponge(01) Turning OFF sponge on tracer 01: temp
F LtracerSponge(02) Turning OFF sponge on tracer 02: salt
1.0000E-06 Akt_bak(01) Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for tracer 01: temp
1.0000E-06 Akt_bak(02) Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for tracer 02: salt
1.0000E-05 Akv_bak Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for momentum.
5.0000E-06 Akk_bak Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for turbulent energy.
5.0000E-06 Akp_bak Background vertical mixing coefficient (m2/s)
for turbulent generic statistical field.
3.0000E-04 rdrg Linear bottom drag coefficient (m/s).
1.8000E-03 rdrg2 Quadratic bottom drag coefficient.
2.0000E-02 Zob Bottom roughness (m).
1 lmd_Jwt Jerlov water type.
2 Vtransform S-coordinate transformation equation.
4 Vstretching S-coordinate stretching function.
2.0000E+00 theta_s S-coordinate surface control parameter.
8.0000E-01 theta_b S-coordinate bottom control parameter.
5.000 Tcline S-coordinate surface/bottom layer width (m) used
in vertical coordinate stretching.
1025.000 rho0 Mean density (kg/m3) for Boussinesq approximation.
0.000 dstart Time-stamp assigned to model initialization (days).
0.000 tide_start Reference time origin for tidal forcing (days).
20160101.00 time_ref Reference time for units attribute (yyyymmdd.dd)
3.0000E+01 Tnudg(01) Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for tracer 01: temp
3.0000E+01 Tnudg(02) Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for tracer 02: salt
1.8000E+02 Znudg Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for free-surface.
1.8000E+02 M2nudg Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for 2D momentum.
1.8000E+02 M3nudg Nudging/relaxation time scale (days)
for 3D momentum.
1.2000E+02 obcfac Factor between passive and active
open boundary conditions.
F VolCons(1) NLM western edge boundary volume conservation.
F VolCons(2) NLM southern edge boundary volume conservation.
F VolCons(3) NLM eastern edge boundary volume conservation.
F VolCons(4) NLM northern edge boundary volume conservation.
10.000 T0 Background potential temperature (C) constant.
35.000 S0 Background salinity (PSU) constant.
1.000 gamma2 Slipperiness variable: free-slip (1.0) or
no-slip (-1.0).
T LuvSrc Turning ON momentum point Sources/Sinks.
T LwSrc Turning ON volume influx point Sources/Sinks.
T LtracerSrc(01) Turning ON point Sources/Sinks on tracer 01: temp
T LtracerSrc(02) Turning ON point Sources/Sinks on tracer 02: salt
F LsshCLM Turning OFF processing of SSH climatology.
F Lm2CLM Turning OFF processing of 2D momentum climatology.
F Lm3CLM Turning OFF processing of 3D momentum climatology.
F LtracerCLM(01) Turning OFF processing of climatology tracer 01: temp
F LtracerCLM(02) Turning OFF processing of climatology tracer 02: salt
F LnudgeM2CLM Turning OFF nudging of 2D momentum climatology.
F LnudgeM3CLM Turning OFF nudging of 3D momentum climatology.
F LnudgeTCLM(01) Turning OFF nudging of climatology tracer 01: temp
F LnudgeTCLM(02) Turning OFF nudging of climatology tracer 02: salt
T Hout(idFsur) Write out free-surface.
T Hout(idUbar) Write out 2D U-momentum component.
T Hout(idVbar) Write out 2D V-momentum component.
T Hout(idu2dE) Write out 2D U-eastward at RHO-points.
T Hout(idv2dN) Write out 2D V-northward at RHO-points.
T Hout(idUvel) Write out 3D U-momentum component.
T Hout(idVvel) Write out 3D V-momentum component.
T Hout(idWvel) Write out W-momentum component.
T Hout(idTvar) Write out tracer 01: temp
T Hout(idTvar) Write out tracer 02: salt
T Hout(idVvis) Write out vertical viscosity: AKv.

T Aout(idFsur) Write out averaged free-surface.
T Aout(idu2dE) Write out averaged 2D U-eastward at RHO-points.
T Aout(idv2dN) Write out averaged 2D V-northward at RHO-points.
T Aout(idUvel) Write out averaged 3D U-momentum component.
T Aout(idVvel) Write out averaged 3D V-momentum component.
T Aout(idWvel) Write out averaged W-momentum component.
T Aout(idTvar) Write out averaged tracer 02: salt
T Aout(idVvis) Write out averaged vertical viscosity: AKv.

Output/Input Files:

Output Restart File: ./out/
Output History File: ./out/
Output Averages File: ./out/
Input Grid File: ./nc/
Input Nonlinear Initial File: ./nc/
Input Sources/Sinks File: ./nc/
Input Forcing File 01: ./nc/

Tile partition information for Grid 01: 0249x0215x0010 tiling: 004x004

tile Istr Iend Jstr Jend Npts

0 1 62 1 54 33480
1 63 125 1 54 34020
2 126 188 1 54 34020
3 189 249 1 54 32940
4 1 62 55 108 33480
5 63 125 55 108 34020
6 126 188 55 108 34020
7 189 249 55 108 32940
8 1 62 109 162 33480
9 63 125 109 162 34020
10 126 188 109 162 34020
11 189 249 109 162 32940
12 1 62 163 215 32860
13 63 125 163 215 33390
14 126 188 163 215 33390
15 189 249 163 215 32330

Tile minimum and maximum fractional coordinates for Grid 01:
(interior points only)

tile Xmin Xmax Ymin Ymax grid

0 0.50 62.50 0.50 54.50 RHO-points
1 62.50 125.50 0.50 54.50 RHO-points
2 125.50 188.50 0.50 54.50 RHO-points
3 188.50 249.50 0.50 54.50 RHO-points
4 0.50 62.50 54.50 108.50 RHO-points
5 62.50 125.50 54.50 108.50 RHO-points
6 125.50 188.50 54.50 108.50 RHO-points
7 188.50 249.50 54.50 108.50 RHO-points
8 0.50 62.50 108.50 162.50 RHO-points
9 62.50 125.50 108.50 162.50 RHO-points
10 125.50 188.50 108.50 162.50 RHO-points
11 188.50 249.50 108.50 162.50 RHO-points
12 0.50 62.50 162.50 215.50 RHO-points
13 62.50 125.50 162.50 215.50 RHO-points
14 125.50 188.50 162.50 215.50 RHO-points
15 188.50 249.50 162.50 215.50 RHO-points

0 1.00 62.50 0.50 54.50 U-points
1 62.50 125.50 0.50 54.50 U-points
2 125.50 188.50 0.50 54.50 U-points
3 188.50 249.00 0.50 54.50 U-points
4 1.00 62.50 54.50 108.50 U-points
5 62.50 125.50 54.50 108.50 U-points
6 125.50 188.50 54.50 108.50 U-points
7 188.50 249.00 54.50 108.50 U-points
8 1.00 62.50 108.50 162.50 U-points
9 62.50 125.50 108.50 162.50 U-points
10 125.50 188.50 108.50 162.50 U-points
11 188.50 249.00 108.50 162.50 U-points
12 1.00 62.50 162.50 215.50 U-points
13 62.50 125.50 162.50 215.50 U-points
14 125.50 188.50 162.50 215.50 U-points
15 188.50 249.00 162.50 215.50 U-points

0 0.50 62.50 1.00 54.50 V-points
1 62.50 125.50 1.00 54.50 V-points
2 125.50 188.50 1.00 54.50 V-points
3 188.50 249.50 1.00 54.50 V-points
4 0.50 62.50 54.50 108.50 V-points
5 62.50 125.50 54.50 108.50 V-points
6 125.50 188.50 54.50 108.50 V-points
7 188.50 249.50 54.50 108.50 V-points
8 0.50 62.50 108.50 162.50 V-points
9 62.50 125.50 108.50 162.50 V-points
10 125.50 188.50 108.50 162.50 V-points
11 188.50 249.50 108.50 162.50 V-points
12 0.50 62.50 162.50 215.00 V-points
13 62.50 125.50 162.50 215.00 V-points
14 125.50 188.50 162.50 215.00 V-points
15 188.50 249.50 162.50 215.00 V-points

Maximum halo size in XI and ETA directions:

HaloSizeI(1) = 150
HaloSizeJ(1) = 132
TileSide(1) = 69
TileSize(1) = 4140

Lateral Boundary Conditions: NLM

Variable Grid West Edge South Edge East Edge North Edge
--------- ---- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------

zeta 1 Chapman Imp Chapman Imp Chapman Imp Closed

ubar 1 Flather Flather Flather Closed

vbar 1 Flather Flather Flather Closed

u 1 Radiation Radiation Radiation Closed

v 1 Radiation Radiation Radiation Closed

temp 1 Radiation Radiation Radiation Closed

salt 1 Radiation Radiation Radiation Closed

tke 1 Gradient Gradient Gradient Closed

Activated C-preprocessing Options:

zhujiang NSCS ONLY TIDE RUN,Baipeng @ OUC on 20150704
ADD_FSOBC Adding tidal elevation to processed OBC data.
ANA_BSFLUX Analytical kinematic bottom salinity flux.
ANA_BTFLUX Analytical kinematic bottom temperature flux.
ANA_FSOBC Analytical free-surface boundary conditions.
ANA_M2OBC Analytical 2D momentum boundary conditions.
ANA_SMFLUX Analytical kinematic surface momentum flux.
ANA_SSFLUX Analytical kinematic surface salinity flux.
ASSUMED_SHAPE Using assumed-shape arrays.
AVERAGES Writing out time-averaged nonlinear model fields.
CURVGRID Orthogonal curvilinear grid.
DJ_GRADPS Parabolic Splines density Jacobian (Shchepetkin, 2002).
DOUBLE_PRECISION Double precision arithmetic.
FSOBC_REDUCED Using free-surface data in reduced physics conditions
KANTHA_CLAYSON Kantha and Clayson stability function formulation.
MASKING Land/Sea masking.
MIX_S_TS Mixing of tracers along constant S-surfaces.
MIX_S_UV Mixing of momentum along constant S-surfaces.
MPI MPI distributed-memory configuration.
MY25_MIXING Mellor/Yamada Level-2.5 mixing closure.
NONLINEAR Nonlinear Model.
NONLIN_EOS Nonlinear Equation of State for seawater.
N2S2_HORAVG Horizontal smoothing of buoyancy and shear.
POWER_LAW Power-law shape time-averaging barotropic filter.
PROFILE Time profiling activated .
QCORRECTION Surface net heat flux correction.
K_C2ADVECTION Second-order centered differences advection of TKE fields.
RAMP_TIDES Ramping tidal forcing for one day.
!RST_SINGLE Double precision fields in restart NetCDF file.
SALINITY Using salinity.
SOLAR_SOURCE Solar Radiation Source Term.
SOLVE3D Solving 3D Primitive Equations.
SPLINES Conservative parabolic spline reconstruction.
SPHERICAL Spherical grid configuration.
SSH_TIDES Add tidal elevation to SSH climatology.
TS_U3HADVECTION Third-order upstream horizontal advection of tracers.
TS_C4VADVECTION Fourth-order centered vertical advection of tracers.
TS_DIF2 Harmonic mixing of tracers.
UV_ADV Advection of momentum.
UV_COR Coriolis term.
UV_U3HADVECTION Third-order upstream horizontal advection of 3D momentum.
UV_C4VADVECTION Fourth-order centered vertical advection of momentum.
UV_QDRAG Quadratic bottom stress.
UV_VIS2 Harmonic mixing of momentum.
VAR_RHO_2D Variable density barotropic mode.

Process Information:

Node # 12 (pid= 21000) is active.
Node # 0 (pid= 20988) is active.
Node # 1 (pid= 20989) is active.
Node # 2 (pid= 20990) is active.
Node # 3 (pid= 20991) is active.
Node # 4 (pid= 20992) is active.
Node # 5 (pid= 20993) is active.
Node # 6 (pid= 20994) is active.
Node # 7 (pid= 20995) is active.
Node # 8 (pid= 20996) is active.
Node # 9 (pid= 20997) is active.
Node # 10 (pid= 20998) is active.
Node # 11 (pid= 20999) is active.
Node # 13 (pid= 21001) is active.
Node # 14 (pid= 21002) is active.
Node # 15 (pid= 21003) is active.

INITIAL: Configuring and initializing forward nonlinear model ...

Vertical S-coordinate System, Grid 01:

level S-coord Cs-curve Z at hmin at hc half way at hmax

10 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
9 -0.1000000 -0.0105235 -0.276 -0.276 -0.961 -1.478
8 -0.2000000 -0.0421432 -0.605 -0.605 -2.933 -4.966
7 -0.3000000 -0.0949716 -0.987 -0.987 -5.922 -10.473
6 -0.4000000 -0.1690770 -1.423 -1.423 -9.931 -18.007
5 -0.5000000 -0.2643019 -1.911 -1.911 -14.952 -27.553
4 -0.6000000 -0.3800088 -2.450 -2.450 -20.955 -39.048
3 -0.7000000 -0.5147634 -3.037 -3.037 -27.871 -52.358
2 -0.8000000 -0.6659856 -3.665 -3.665 -35.576 -67.237
1 -0.9000000 -0.8296305 -4.324 -4.324 -43.877 -83.298
0 -1.0000000 -1.0000000 -5.000 -5.000 -52.500 -100.000

Time Splitting Weights for Grid 01: ndtfast = 60 nfast = 83

Primary Secondary Accumulated to Current Step

ndtfast, nfast = 60 83 nfast/ndtfast = 1.38333

Centers of gravity and integrals (values must be 1, 1, approx 1/2, 1, 1):

1.000000000000 1.029032332991 0.514516166496 1.000000000000 1.000000000000

Power filter parameters, Fgamma, gamma = 0.28400 0.23667

Metrics information for Grid 01:

Minimum X-grid spacing, DXmin = 1.02296327E+00 km
Maximum X-grid spacing, DXmax = 1.03751445E+00 km
Minimum Y-grid spacing, DYmin = 1.02306790E+00 km
Maximum Y-grid spacing, DYmax = 1.03748200E+00 km
Minimum Z-grid spacing, DZmin = 2.76308681E-01 m
Maximum Z-grid spacing, DZmax = 1.67018536E+01 m

Minimum barotropic Courant Number = 9.58445839E-03
Maximum barotropic Courant Number = 4.27857443E-02
Maximum Coriolis Courant Number = 3.40239443E-03

NLM: GET_STATE - Read state initial conditions, t = 0 00:00:00
(Grid 01, File:, Rec=0001, Index=1)
- free-surface
(Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00)
- vertically integrated u-momentum component
(Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00)
- vertically integrated v-momentum component
(Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00)
- u-momentum component
(Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00)
- v-momentum component
(Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 0.00000000E+00)
- potential temperature
(Min = 2.05085800E+01 Max = 2.16111430E+01)
- salinity
(Min = 3.42318397E+01 Max = 3.45099590E+01)
GET_NGFLD - tidal period
(Min = 4.32000000E+04 Max = 9.29494789E+04)
GET_2DFLD - tidal elevation amplitude
(Min = 7.21237057E-02 Max = 6.59631946E-01)
GET_2DFLD - tidal elevation phase angle
(Min = 5.00965909E-01 Max = 5.53049352E+00)
GET_NGFLD - river runoff XI-positions at RHO-points
(Min = 5.60000000E+01 Max = 1.12000000E+02)
GET_NGFLD - river runoff ETA-positions at RHO-points
(Min = 1.15000000E+02 Max = 2.10000000E+02)
GET_NGFLD - river runoff direction
(Min = 0.00000000E+00 Max = 1.00000000E+00)
GET_NGFLD - river runoff mass transport vertical profile
(Min = 1.00000000E-01 Max = 1.00000000E-01)
GET_NGFLD - river runoff mass transport, t = 345 00:00:00
(Rec=0000012, Index=2, File:
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.22557870E+03 Max = 7.27970679E+02)
GET_NGFLD - river runoff potential temperature, t = 345 00:00:00
(Rec=0000012, Index=2, File:
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.96000000E+01 Max = 1.96000000E+01)
GET_NGFLD - river runoff salinity, t = 345 00:00:00
(Rec=0000012, Index=2, File:
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.00000000E+00 Max = 2.00000000E+00)
GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 345 00:00:00
(Rec=0000012, Index=1, File:
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.89871352E-05 Max = 3.06551132E-05)
GET_2DFLD - surface net heat flux, t = 345 00:00:00
(Rec=0000012, Index=1, File:
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -5.25836503E-05 Max = -4.18047617E-05)
GET_2DFLD - sea surface temperature climatology, t = 345 00:00:00
(Rec=0000012, Index=1, File:
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.18230925E+01 Max = 2.30666757E+01)
GET_2DFLD - surface net heat flux sensitivity to SST, t = 345 00:00:00
(Rec=0000012, Index=1, File:
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.23753182E-05 Max = -1.10841986E-05)

Basin information for Grid 01:

Maximum grid stiffness ratios: rx0 = 2.061283E-01 (Beckmann and Haidvogel)
rx1 = 2.722997E+00 (Haney)

Initial basin volumes: TotVolume = 1.6586264838E+12 m3
MinVolume = 2.8939061026E+05 m3
MaxVolume = 1.7968182750E+07 m3
Max/Min = 6.2089722724E+01

NL ROMS/TOMS: started time-stepping: (Grid: 01 TimeSteps: 00000001 - 00008640)

GET_NGFLD - river runoff mass transport, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0000001, Index=1, File:
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -8.22955247E+02 Max = 5.76581790E+02)
GET_NGFLD - river runoff potential temperature, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0000001, Index=1, File:
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.71000000E+01 Max = 1.71000000E+01)
GET_NGFLD - river runoff salinity, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0000001, Index=1, File:
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.00000000E+00 Max = 2.00000000E+00)
GET_2DFLD - solar shortwave radiation flux, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0000001, Index=2, File:
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 2.94819529E-05 Max = 3.11401733E-05)
GET_2DFLD - surface net heat flux, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0000001, Index=2, File:
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -5.04445284E-05 Max = -3.61466074E-05)
GET_2DFLD - sea surface temperature climatology, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0000001, Index=2, File:
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = 1.95655146E+01 Max = 2.18864341E+01)
GET_2DFLD - surface net heat flux sensitivity to SST, t = 15 00:00:00
(Rec=0000001, Index=2, File:
(Tmin= 15.0000 Tmax= 345.0000)
(Min = -1.11153567E-05 Max = -9.94507060E-06)

C => (i,j,k) Cu Cv Cw Max Speed

0 0 00:00:00 0.000000E+00 2.727146E+02 2.727146E+02 1.752388E+12
(000,000,00) 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00
DEF_HIS - creating history file, Grid 01: ./out/
WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000001
DEF_AVG - creating average file, Grid 01: ./out/
1 0 00:01:00 1.897242E-07 2.727146E+02 2.727146E+02 1.752388E+12
(082,141,02) 9.016881E-04 4.150491E-03 6.738187E-03 2.543850E-01
2 0 00:02:00 2.967674E-07 2.727145E+02 2.727145E+02 1.752387E+12
(082,141,10) 3.280183E-03 9.954998E-03 1.573697E-01 2.780806E-01
3 0 00:03:00 5.751378E-07 2.727144E+02 2.727144E+02 1.752386E+12
(099,191,10) 6.656703E-03 0.000000E+00 1.254497E-01 3.288212E-01
4 0 00:04:00 9.548240E-07 2.727142E+02 2.727142E+02 1.752385E+12
(112,210,10) 2.177691E-04 1.055854E-02 2.238568E-01 3.773203E-01
5 0 00:05:00 1.322166E-06 2.727139E+02 2.727139E+02 1.752384E+12
(112,210,10) 6.919126E-04 1.054579E-02 3.604228E-01 3.977519E-01
6 0 00:06:00 1.634702E-06 2.727136E+02 2.727136E+02 1.752382E+12
(112,210,10) 1.510198E-03 1.052249E-02 4.088143E-01 4.071458E-01
7 0 00:07:00 1.905340E-06 2.727132E+02 2.727132E+02 1.752380E+12
(112,210,10) 2.594927E-03 1.050589E-02 3.791894E-01 4.586531E-01
8 0 00:08:00 2.154239E-06 2.727128E+02 2.727128E+02 1.752378E+12
(112,210,10) 3.731831E-03 1.050462E-02 3.112280E-01 5.028766E-01
9 0 00:09:00 2.388576E-06 2.727123E+02 2.727123E+02 1.752376E+12
(082,141,10) 1.425698E-02 1.012145E-02 2.858029E-01 5.313119E-01
10 0 00:10:00 2.602124E-06 2.727118E+02 2.727118E+02 1.752373E+12
(082,141,10) 1.436687E-02 1.013395E-02 2.796520E-01 5.481975E-01
11 0 00:11:00 2.778816E-06 2.727112E+02 2.727112E+02 1.752370E+12
(082,141,10) 1.469163E-02 1.014998E-02 2.774342E-01 5.594477E-01
12 0 00:12:00 2.899308E-06 2.727106E+02 2.727106E+02 1.752367E+12
(082,141,10) 1.519298E-02 1.016249E-02 2.828070E-01 5.686807E-01
WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000002
WRT_AVG - wrote averaged fields into time record = 0000001
WRT_RST - wrote re-start fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000001
13 0 00:13:00 2.959693E-06 2.727099E+02 2.727099E+02 1.752363E+12
(082,141,10) 1.573780E-02 1.016330E-02 2.946449E-01 5.754105E-01
14 0 00:14:00 2.986870E-06 2.727092E+02 2.727092E+02 1.752359E+12
(082,141,10) 1.614624E-02 1.014687E-02 3.085484E-01 5.756701E-01
15 0 00:15:00 3.022363E-06 2.727085E+02 2.727085E+02 1.752355E+12
(082,141,10) 1.623994E-02 1.011283E-02 3.185470E-01 5.645989E-01
16 0 00:16:00 3.085689E-06 2.727077E+02 2.727077E+02 1.752351E+12
(082,141,10) 1.588196E-02 1.006624E-02 3.185969E-01 5.390086E-01
17 0 00:17:00 3.161895E-06 2.727069E+02 2.727069E+02 1.752347E+12
(082,141,10) 1.501752E-02 1.001589E-02 3.039338E-01 4.991701E-01
18 0 00:18:00 3.228920E-06 2.727060E+02 2.727060E+02 1.752342E+12
(082,141,10) 1.370654E-02 9.971554E-03 2.724041E-01 4.492981E-01
19 0 00:19:00 3.289104E-06 2.727051E+02 2.727051E+02 1.752337E+12
(082,141,10) 1.213604E-02 9.941416E-03 2.256397E-01 3.969182E-01
20 0 00:20:00 3.363775E-06 2.727042E+02 2.727042E+02 1.752332E+12
(112,210,10) 2.710379E-03 1.045590E-02 1.997440E-01 3.528436E-01
21 0 00:21:00 3.466781E-06 2.727032E+02 2.727032E+02 1.752327E+12
(112,210,10) 3.040080E-03 1.046153E-02 2.085324E-01 3.531451E-01
22 0 00:22:00 3.600193E-06 2.727023E+02 2.727023E+02 1.752321E+12
(112,210,10) 3.369754E-03 1.046238E-02 2.017284E-01 3.498029E-01
23 0 00:23:00 3.773735E-06 2.727013E+02 2.727013E+02 1.752316E+12
(100,191,10) 1.625508E-02 4.605347E-03 2.004197E-01 3.467233E-01
24 0 00:24:00 4.006130E-06 2.727002E+02 2.727002E+02 1.752310E+12
(100,191,10) 1.547079E-02 4.960476E-03 1.902454E-01 3.538465E-01
WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000003
WRT_AVG - wrote averaged fields into time record = 0000002
WRT_RST - wrote re-start fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000002
25 0 00:25:00 4.298696E-06 2.726992E+02 2.726992E+02 1.752304E+12
(100,191,10) 1.466230E-02 5.082429E-03 1.608097E-01 3.929607E-01
26 0 00:26:00 4.626425E-06 2.726981E+02 2.726981E+02 1.752297E+12
(112,210,10) 3.712249E-03 1.042380E-02 1.799255E-01 4.334513E-01
27 0 00:27:00 4.960693E-06 2.726970E+02 2.726970E+02 1.752291E+12
(082,141,10) 1.531529E-02 9.981744E-03 2.165780E-01 4.669828E-01
28 0 00:28:00 5.284591E-06 2.726959E+02 2.726959E+02 1.752284E+12
(082,141,10) 1.602298E-02 9.964845E-03 2.633784E-01 4.878008E-01
29 0 00:29:00 5.583272E-06 2.726948E+02 2.726948E+02 1.752278E+12
(082,141,10) 1.590495E-02 9.954630E-03 2.848546E-01 4.949517E-01
30 0 00:30:00 5.839293E-06 2.726936E+02 2.726936E+02 1.752271E+12
(112,210,10) 1.912469E-03 1.039424E-02 3.152769E-01 4.922601E-01
31 0 00:31:00 6.049230E-06 2.726925E+02 2.726925E+02 1.752264E+12
(112,210,10) 1.954354E-03 1.039598E-02 3.088747E-01 4.853924E-01
32 0 00:32:00 6.233282E-06 2.726913E+02 2.726913E+02 1.752256E+12
(112,210,10) 2.323458E-03 1.039583E-02 2.763280E-01 4.783610E-01
33 0 00:33:00 6.419342E-06 2.726901E+02 2.726901E+02 1.752249E+12
(112,210,10) 2.877860E-03 1.039317E-02 2.251070E-01 4.727515E-01
34 0 00:34:00 6.625266E-06 2.726889E+02 2.726889E+02 1.752242E+12
(082,141,10) 1.337303E-02 1.005281E-02 1.612745E-01 4.698028E-01
35 0 00:35:00 6.858134E-06 2.726877E+02 2.726877E+02 1.752234E+12
(082,141,10) 1.418596E-02 1.006520E-02 1.698133E-01 4.708301E-01
36 0 00:36:00 7.120740E-06 2.726865E+02 2.726865E+02 1.752226E+12
(082,141,10) 1.509565E-02 1.006054E-02 1.947691E-01 4.749503E-01
WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000004
WRT_AVG - wrote averaged fields into time record = 0000003
WRT_RST - wrote re-start fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000001
37 0 00:37:00 7.414524E-06 2.726853E+02 2.726853E+02 1.752218E+12
(082,141,10) 1.571158E-02 1.003948E-02 2.236237E-01 4.779684E-01
38 0 00:38:00 7.737670E-06 2.726840E+02 2.726840E+02 1.752210E+12
(082,141,10) 1.577494E-02 1.000791E-02 2.428259E-01 4.750101E-01
39 0 00:39:00 8.081284E-06 2.726828E+02 2.726828E+02 1.752202E+12
(082,141,10) 1.525379E-02 9.975111E-03 2.432665E-01 4.641594E-01
40 0 00:40:00 8.431525E-06 2.726816E+02 2.726816E+02 1.752194E+12
(082,141,10) 1.434160E-02 9.950511E-03 2.235010E-01 4.476733E-01
41 0 00:41:00 8.779947E-06 2.726803E+02 2.726803E+02 1.752185E+12
(112,210,10) 2.204950E-03 1.044856E-02 2.379481E-01 4.306364E-01
42 0 00:42:00 9.130580E-06 2.726791E+02 2.726791E+02 1.752177E+12
(112,210,10) 2.429503E-03 1.044706E-02 2.497040E-01 4.188542E-01
43 0 00:43:00 9.493361E-06 2.726779E+02 2.726779E+02 1.752168E+12
(112,210,10) 2.776261E-03 1.044564E-02 2.457460E-01 4.171452E-01
44 0 00:44:00 9.872413E-06 2.726766E+02 2.726766E+02 1.752159E+12
(112,210,10) 3.136312E-03 1.044732E-02 2.324927E-01 4.281598E-01
45 0 00:45:00 1.026431E-05 2.726754E+02 2.726754E+02 1.752150E+12
(112,210,10) 3.425537E-03 1.045211E-02 2.177108E-01 4.512559E-01
46 0 00:46:00 1.066302E-05 2.726741E+02 2.726741E+02 1.752142E+12
(112,210,10) 3.601602E-03 1.045699E-02 2.067479E-01 4.821239E-01
47 0 00:47:00 1.105858E-05 2.726729E+02 2.726729E+02 1.752132E+12
(082,141,10) 1.655074E-02 9.981477E-03 2.020774E-01 5.139038E-01
48 0 00:48:00 1.143674E-05 2.726717E+02 2.726717E+02 1.752123E+12
(082,141,10) 1.748858E-02 9.960645E-03 2.421128E-01 5.394607E-01
WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000005
WRT_AVG - wrote averaged fields into time record = 0000004
WRT_RST - wrote re-start fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000002
49 0 00:49:00 1.178992E-05 2.726704E+02 2.726704E+02 1.752114E+12
(082,141,10) 1.793031E-02 9.938018E-03 2.714508E-01 5.537325E-01
50 0 00:50:00 1.212783E-05 2.726692E+02 2.726692E+02 1.752105E+12
(082,141,10) 1.783212E-02 9.919974E-03 2.834750E-01 5.551042E-01
51 0 00:51:00 1.246978E-05 2.726680E+02 2.726680E+02 1.752095E+12
(082,141,10) 1.729795E-02 9.910087E-03 2.764584E-01 5.455305E-01
52 0 00:52:00 1.282694E-05 2.726668E+02 2.726668E+02 1.752086E+12
(082,141,10) 1.654397E-02 9.908242E-03 2.537870E-01 5.295350E-01
53 0 00:53:00 1.319702E-05 2.726655E+02 2.726656E+02 1.752076E+12
(082,141,10) 1.583255E-02 9.911285E-03 2.228248E-01 5.125861E-01
54 0 00:54:00 1.357506E-05 2.726643E+02 2.726643E+02 1.752067E+12
(082,141,10) 1.539468E-02 9.914633E-03 1.927097E-01 4.994989E-01
55 0 00:55:00 1.396120E-05 2.726631E+02 2.726631E+02 1.752057E+12
(112,210,10) 1.730444E-03 1.050347E-02 2.037223E-01 4.933365E-01
56 0 00:56:00 1.435701E-05 2.726619E+02 2.726620E+02 1.752047E+12
(112,210,10) 2.083881E-03 1.051570E-02 2.056895E-01 5.189267E-01
57 0 00:57:00 1.476202E-05 2.726608E+02 2.726608E+02 1.752038E+12
(112,210,10) 2.682071E-03 1.051908E-02 1.980431E-01 5.375121E-01
58 0 00:58:00 1.517613E-05 2.726596E+02 2.726596E+02 1.752028E+12
(082,141,10) 1.710450E-02 9.878233E-03 1.884050E-01 5.457852E-01
59 0 00:59:00 1.560037E-05 2.726585E+02 2.726585E+02 1.752018E+12
(082,141,10) 1.767456E-02 9.861183E-03 2.075313E-01 5.453758E-01
60 0 01:00:00 1.603410E-05 2.726573E+02 2.726573E+02 1.752008E+12
(082,141,10) 1.794723E-02 9.846349E-03 2.214102E-01 5.413086E-01
WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000006
WRT_AVG - wrote averaged fields into time record = 0000005
WRT_RST - wrote re-start fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000001
61 0 01:01:00 1.647466E-05 2.726562E+02 2.726562E+02 1.751998E+12
(082,141,10) 1.788999E-02 9.835072E-03 2.247058E-01 5.415850E-01
62 0 01:02:00 1.692064E-05 2.726551E+02 2.726551E+02 1.751988E+12
(082,141,10) 1.759607E-02 9.827084E-03 2.161009E-01 5.479753E-01
63 0 01:03:00 1.737467E-05 2.726540E+02 2.726541E+02 1.751978E+12
(112,210,10) 4.564231E-03 1.050235E-02 2.244676E-01 5.558243E-01
64 0 01:04:00 1.783961E-05 2.726530E+02 2.726530E+02 1.751967E+12
(112,210,10) 4.170328E-03 1.049951E-02 2.495433E-01 5.694688E-01
65 0 01:05:00 1.831004E-05 2.726519E+02 2.726520E+02 1.751957E+12
(112,210,10) 3.835279E-03 1.049378E-02 2.590906E-01 5.843420E-01
66 0 01:06:00 1.877349E-05 2.726509E+02 2.726509E+02 1.751947E+12
(112,210,10) 3.695192E-03 1.048722E-02 2.490357E-01 5.947115E-01
67 0 01:07:00 1.922669E-05 2.726499E+02 2.726499E+02 1.751937E+12
(112,210,10) 3.807812E-03 1.048268E-02 2.233428E-01 5.984546E-01
68 0 01:08:00 1.968399E-05 2.726489E+02 2.726489E+02 1.751927E+12
(082,141,10) 1.927963E-02 9.815190E-03 1.825267E-01 5.965541E-01
69 0 01:09:00 2.016224E-05 2.726479E+02 2.726479E+02 1.751916E+12
(082,141,10) 2.010863E-02 9.819463E-03 2.037293E-01 5.965822E-01
70 0 01:10:00 2.066117E-05 2.726469E+02 2.726469E+02 1.751906E+12
(082,141,10) 2.071188E-02 9.822258E-03 2.226794E-01 6.048425E-01
71 0 01:11:00 2.116657E-05 2.726460E+02 2.726460E+02 1.751896E+12
(082,141,10) 2.099581E-02 9.821559E-03 2.337690E-01 6.169258E-01
72 0 01:12:00 2.166724E-05 2.726450E+02 2.726450E+02 1.751885E+12
(082,141,10) 2.095479E-02 9.816990E-03 2.337806E-01 6.325329E-01
WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000007
WRT_AVG - wrote averaged fields into time record = 0000006
WRT_RST - wrote re-start fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000002
73 0 01:13:00 2.216288E-05 2.726441E+02 2.726441E+02 1.751875E+12
(082,141,10) 2.066244E-02 9.810355E-03 2.224061E-01 6.500189E-01
74 0 01:14:00 2.265712E-05 2.726432E+02 2.726432E+02 1.751864E+12
(112,210,10) 5.049485E-03 1.043328E-02 2.301587E-01 6.667334E-01
75 0 01:15:00 2.315014E-05 2.726423E+02 2.726423E+02 1.751854E+12
(112,210,10) 4.957289E-03 1.041677E-02 2.413791E-01 6.799867E-01
76 0 01:16:00 2.363973E-05 2.726414E+02 2.726414E+02 1.751844E+12
(112,210,10) 4.915385E-03 1.040577E-02 2.420984E-01 6.883095E-01
77 0 01:17:00 2.412683E-05 2.726405E+02 2.726405E+02 1.751833E+12
(112,210,10) 4.914340E-03 1.040189E-02 2.347467E-01 6.921412E-01
78 0 01:18:00 2.461755E-05 2.726396E+02 2.726397E+02 1.751823E+12
(112,210,10) 4.927008E-03 1.040412E-02 2.235084E-01 6.934256E-01
79 0 01:19:00 2.512023E-05 2.726388E+02 2.726388E+02 1.751812E+12
(112,210,10) 4.932722E-03 1.040908E-02 2.120622E-01 6.945821E-01
80 0 01:20:00 2.564129E-05 2.726380E+02 2.726380E+02 1.751802E+12
(112,210,10) 4.931373E-03 1.041251E-02 2.023092E-01 6.976940E-01
81 0 01:21:00 2.618121E-05 2.726372E+02 2.726372E+02 1.751792E+12
(112,210,10) 4.935057E-03 1.041132E-02 1.941433E-01 7.040949E-01
82 0 01:22:00 2.673279E-05 2.726364E+02 2.726364E+02 1.751781E+12
(082,141,10) 2.371533E-02 9.848760E-03 1.857793E-01 7.140693E-01
83 0 01:23:00 2.728529E-05 2.726357E+02 2.726357E+02 1.751771E+12
(082,141,10) 2.415486E-02 9.838633E-03 2.019379E-01 7.267194E-01
84 0 01:24:00 2.783325E-05 2.726349E+02 2.726349E+02 1.751760E+12
(082,141,10) 2.422579E-02 9.831763E-03 2.064273E-01 7.404151E-01
WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000008
WRT_AVG - wrote averaged fields into time record = 0000007
WRT_RST - wrote re-start fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000001
85 0 01:25:00 2.838076E-05 2.726342E+02 2.726342E+02 1.751750E+12
(082,141,10) 2.404364E-02 9.832298E-03 1.978636E-01 7.536703E-01
86 0 01:26:00 2.893537E-05 2.726335E+02 2.726335E+02 1.751739E+12
(082,141,10) 2.383242E-02 9.841545E-03 1.798246E-01 7.656659E-01
87 0 01:27:00 2.949987E-05 2.726328E+02 2.726328E+02 1.751729E+12
(082,141,10) 2.384115E-02 9.857437E-03 1.599424E-01 7.761128E-01
88 0 01:28:00 3.007094E-05 2.726321E+02 2.726321E+02 1.751719E+12
(082,141,10) 2.423876E-02 9.875288E-03 1.471207E-01 7.849947E-01
89 0 01:29:00 3.064330E-05 2.726314E+02 2.726314E+02 1.751708E+12
(112,210,10) 3.847908E-03 1.046687E-02 1.713654E-01 7.925752E-01
90 0 01:30:00 3.121240E-05 2.726307E+02 2.726308E+02 1.751698E+12
(112,210,10) 4.337573E-03 1.047308E-02 1.915915E-01 7.993291E-01
91 0 01:31:00 3.177244E-05 2.726301E+02 2.726301E+02 1.751688E+12
(082,141,10) 2.709232E-02 9.892767E-03 1.878258E-01 8.056122E-01
92 0 01:32:00 3.231536E-05 2.726295E+02 2.726295E+02 1.751678E+12
(082,141,10) 2.778389E-02 9.881899E-03 2.124846E-01 8.114855E-01
93 0 01:33:00 3.283680E-05 2.726289E+02 2.726289E+02 1.751667E+12
(082,141,10) 2.799066E-02 9.867488E-03 2.271633E-01 8.169859E-01
94 0 01:34:00 3.334335E-05 2.726283E+02 2.726283E+02 1.751657E+12
(082,141,10) 2.773039E-02 9.854628E-03 2.254914E-01 8.225899E-01
95 0 01:35:00 3.384901E-05 2.726277E+02 2.726277E+02 1.751647E+12
(082,141,10) 2.719937E-02 9.847523E-03 2.073048E-01 8.291808E-01
96 0 01:36:00 3.436465E-05 2.726271E+02 2.726271E+02 1.751637E+12
(082,141,10) 2.669110E-02 9.848169E-03 1.787903E-01 8.375315E-01
WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000009
WRT_AVG - wrote averaged fields into time record = 0000008
WRT_RST - wrote re-start fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000002
97 0 01:37:00 3.489418E-05 2.726266E+02 2.726266E+02 1.751627E+12
(082,141,10) 2.647772E-02 9.855823E-03 1.500082E-01 8.478146E-01
98 0 01:38:00 3.543819E-05 2.726260E+02 2.726261E+02 1.751617E+12
(112,210,10) 5.468679E-03 1.047420E-02 1.740525E-01 8.594760E-01
99 0 01:39:00 3.599431E-05 2.726255E+02 2.726256E+02 1.751607E+12
(112,210,10) 5.170762E-03 1.046788E-02 1.987352E-01 8.713821E-01
100 0 01:40:00 3.655346E-05 2.726250E+02 2.726251E+02 1.751597E+12
(112,210,10) 5.151008E-03 1.045741E-02 2.195895E-01 8.820811E-01
101 0 01:41:00 3.710158E-05 2.726245E+02 2.726246E+02 1.751587E+12
(112,210,10) 5.416885E-03 1.044882E-02 2.272063E-01 8.902207E-01
102 0 01:42:00 3.762842E-05 2.726241E+02 2.726241E+02 1.751577E+12
(112,210,10) 5.899692E-03 1.044736E-02 2.181747E-01 8.950951E-01
103 0 01:43:00 3.813268E-05 2.726236E+02 2.726236E+02 1.751568E+12
(082,141,10) 3.027602E-02 9.866865E-03 1.974376E-01 8.969787E-01
104 0 01:44:00 3.861925E-05 2.726231E+02 2.726232E+02 1.751558E+12
(082,141,10) 3.039535E-02 9.856924E-03 2.038631E-01 8.968976E-01
105 0 01:45:00 3.909494E-05 2.726227E+02 2.726228E+02 1.751548E+12
(082,141,10) 3.031410E-02 9.852192E-03 2.001235E-01 8.959867E-01
106 0 01:46:00 3.956661E-05 2.726223E+02 2.726223E+02 1.751539E+12
(082,141,10) 3.016135E-02 9.855435E-03 1.891257E-01 8.950126E-01
107 0 01:47:00 4.003905E-05 2.726219E+02 2.726220E+02 1.751529E+12
(082,141,10) 3.005444E-02 9.866807E-03 1.752006E-01 8.943662E-01
108 0 01:48:00 4.051115E-05 2.726215E+02 2.726216E+02 1.751520E+12
(082,141,10) 3.005292E-02 9.883842E-03 1.622952E-01 8.942752E-01
WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000010
WRT_AVG - wrote averaged fields into time record = 0000009
WRT_RST - wrote re-start fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000001
109 0 01:49:00 4.098001E-05 2.726212E+02 2.726212E+02 1.751510E+12
(082,141,10) 3.019457E-02 9.902472E-03 1.534719E-01 8.948106E-01
110 0 01:50:00 4.144106E-05 2.726208E+02 2.726209E+02 1.751501E+12
(112,210,10) 7.707256E-03 1.047902E-02 1.887951E-01 8.957461E-01
111 0 01:51:00 4.189342E-05 2.726205E+02 2.726206E+02 1.751492E+12
(112,210,10) 7.904893E-03 1.047205E-02 1.993864E-01 8.965600E-01
112 0 01:52:00 4.233723E-05 2.726202E+02 2.726203E+02 1.751482E+12
(112,210,10) 8.224876E-03 1.046808E-02 2.047908E-01 8.966507E-01
113 0 01:53:00 4.276980E-05 2.726199E+02 2.726200E+02 1.751473E+12
(112,210,10) 8.639430E-03 1.046654E-02 2.060991E-01 8.955442E-01
114 0 01:54:00 4.318462E-05 2.726197E+02 2.726197E+02 1.751464E+12
(112,210,10) 9.110108E-03 1.046528E-02 2.052207E-01 8.929835E-01
115 0 01:55:00 4.357602E-05 2.726194E+02 2.726195E+02 1.751455E+12
(112,210,10) 9.588678E-03 1.046150E-02 2.039210E-01 8.890117E-01
116 0 01:56:00 4.394525E-05 2.726192E+02 2.726192E+02 1.751446E+12
(112,210,10) 1.001679E-02 1.045301E-02 2.033917E-01 8.839702E-01
117 0 01:57:00 4.430187E-05 2.726189E+02 2.726190E+02 1.751437E+12
(112,210,10) 1.032721E-02 1.043943E-02 2.040363E-01 8.783044E-01
118 0 01:58:00 4.465791E-05 2.726187E+02 2.726188E+02 1.751429E+12
(112,210,10) 1.045600E-02 1.042260E-02 2.055305E-01 8.723223E-01
119 0 01:59:00 4.502003E-05 2.726185E+02 2.726186E+02 1.751420E+12
(112,210,10) 1.036335E-02 1.040589E-02 2.070140E-01 8.661640E-01
120 0 02:00:00 4.538770E-05 2.726183E+02 2.726184E+02 1.751411E+12
(112,210,10) 1.005976E-02 1.039279E-02 2.073331E-01 8.600547E-01
WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000011
WRT_AVG - wrote averaged fields into time record = 0000010
WRT_RST - wrote re-start fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000002
121 0 02:01:00 4.575757E-05 2.726181E+02 2.726182E+02 1.751403E+12
(112,210,10) 9.615450E-03 1.038547E-02 2.054942E-01 8.545355E-01
122 0 02:02:00 4.612770E-05 2.726180E+02 2.726180E+02 1.751394E+12
(112,210,10) 9.152256E-03 1.038404E-02 2.011090E-01 8.503728E-01
123 0 02:03:00 4.649677E-05 2.726178E+02 2.726179E+02 1.751386E+12
(112,210,10) 8.812495E-03 1.038689E-02 1.947180E-01 8.601642E-01
124 0 02:04:00 4.686209E-05 2.726177E+02 2.726177E+02 1.751378E+12
(082,141,10) 3.387848E-02 9.991272E-03 1.796374E-01 8.770390E-01
125 0 02:05:00 4.722001E-05 2.726176E+02 2.726176E+02 1.751370E+12
(082,141,10) 3.427822E-02 9.986136E-03 2.000595E-01 8.888766E-01
126 0 02:06:00 4.756836E-05 2.726174E+02 2.726175E+02 1.751362E+12
(082,141,10) 3.438279E-02 9.980093E-03 2.135007E-01 8.942947E-01
127 0 02:07:00 4.790806E-05 2.726174E+02 2.726174E+02 1.751354E+12
(082,141,10) 3.421781E-02 9.973938E-03 2.171634E-01 8.937108E-01
128 0 02:08:00 4.824295E-05 2.726173E+02 2.726173E+02 1.751346E+12
(082,141,10) 3.388867E-02 9.968366E-03 2.114808E-01 8.890065E-01
129 0 02:09:00 4.857771E-05 2.726172E+02 2.726173E+02 1.751338E+12
(082,141,10) 3.353673E-02 9.963933E-03 1.998055E-01 8.827456E-01
130 0 02:10:00 4.891553E-05 2.726172E+02 2.726172E+02 1.751331E+12
(082,141,10) 3.328462E-02 9.960948E-03 1.870053E-01 8.772904E-01
131 0 02:11:00 4.925618E-05 2.726172E+02 2.726172E+02 1.751323E+12
(082,141,10) 3.319345E-02 9.959334E-03 1.775525E-01 8.741146E-01
132 0 02:12:00 4.959663E-05 2.726172E+02 2.726172E+02 1.751316E+12
(082,141,10) 3.324802E-02 9.958564E-03 1.739073E-01 8.734660E-01
WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000012
WRT_AVG - wrote averaged fields into time record = 0000011
WRT_RST - wrote re-start fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000001
133 0 02:13:00 4.993280E-05 2.726172E+02 2.726172E+02 1.751309E+12
(082,141,10) 3.337297E-02 9.957756E-03 1.758469E-01 8.744002E-01
134 0 02:14:00 5.026092E-05 2.726172E+02 2.726173E+02 1.751302E+12
(082,141,10) 3.346998E-02 9.955956E-03 1.809206E-01 8.752389E-01
135 0 02:15:00 5.057638E-05 2.726173E+02 2.726173E+02 1.751295E+12
(082,141,10) 3.345867E-02 9.952502E-03 1.857057E-01 8.743232E-01
136 0 02:16:00 5.087389E-05 2.726173E+02 2.726174E+02 1.751288E+12
(112,210,10) 1.192970E-02 1.040969E-02 2.203715E-01 8.707224E-01
137 0 02:17:00 5.114966E-05 2.726174E+02 2.726174E+02 1.751281E+12
(112,210,10) 1.216125E-02 1.040077E-02 2.345000E-01 8.646146E-01
138 0 02:18:00 5.140427E-05 2.726175E+02 2.726175E+02 1.751274E+12
(112,210,10) 1.241348E-02 1.039365E-02 2.374864E-01 8.572733E-01
139 0 02:19:00 5.164217E-05 2.726175E+02 2.726176E+02 1.751268E+12
(112,210,10) 1.266020E-02 1.038981E-02 2.289294E-01 8.506757E-01
140 0 02:20:00 5.186856E-05 2.726176E+02 2.726177E+02 1.751261E+12
(112,210,10) 1.283894E-02 1.038963E-02 2.123656E-01 8.469249E-01
141 0 02:21:00 5.208870E-05 2.726178E+02 2.726178E+02 1.751255E+12
(112,210,10) 1.296609E-02 1.039230E-02 1.935197E-01 8.476503E-01
142 0 02:22:00 5.230832E-05 2.726179E+02 2.726179E+02 1.751249E+12
(112,210,10) 1.302283E-02 1.039632E-02 1.777075E-01 8.535096E-01
143 0 02:23:00 5.253270E-05 2.726180E+02 2.726181E+02 1.751243E+12
(082,141,10) 3.238433E-02 9.903959E-03 1.565194E-01 8.639891E-01
144 0 02:24:00 5.276420E-05 2.726182E+02 2.726182E+02 1.751237E+12
(082,141,10) 3.272522E-02 9.896383E-03 1.677418E-01 8.774339E-01
WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000013
WRT_AVG - wrote averaged fields into time record = 0000012
WRT_RST - wrote re-start fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000002
145 0 02:25:00 5.300056E-05 2.726183E+02 2.726184E+02 1.751231E+12
(082,141,10) 3.309103E-02 9.886571E-03 1.831767E-01 8.914031E-01
146 0 02:26:00 5.323897E-05 2.726185E+02 2.726186E+02 1.751225E+12
(082,141,10) 3.339226E-02 9.874346E-03 2.002533E-01 9.032267E-01
147 0 02:27:00 5.347576E-05 2.726187E+02 2.726187E+02 1.751220E+12
(082,141,10) 3.354559E-02 9.860185E-03 2.158616E-01 9.106370E-01
148 0 02:28:00 5.370246E-05 2.726189E+02 2.726190E+02 1.751214E+12
(082,141,10) 3.349487E-02 9.845246E-03 2.269826E-01 9.123066E-01
149 0 02:29:00 5.391751E-05 2.726191E+02 2.726192E+02 1.751209E+12
(082,141,10) 3.322807E-02 9.831156E-03 2.314141E-01 9.081164E-01
150 0 02:30:00 5.411543E-05 2.726193E+02 2.726194E+02 1.751204E+12
(082,141,10) 3.278357E-02 9.819609E-03 2.284043E-01 8.991298E-01
151 0 02:31:00 5.430118E-05 2.726196E+02 2.726196E+02 1.751199E+12
(082,141,10) 3.224071E-02 9.811849E-03 2.189582E-01 8.871750E-01
152 0 02:32:00 5.448416E-05 2.726198E+02 2.726199E+02 1.751194E+12
(082,141,10) 3.169608E-02 9.808241E-03 2.056276E-01 8.742675E-01
153 0 02:33:00 5.467147E-05 2.726201E+02 2.726201E+02 1.751190E+12
(082,141,10) 3.123192E-02 9.808133E-03 1.917545E-01 8.619746E-01
154 0 02:34:00 5.486468E-05 2.726203E+02 2.726204E+02 1.751185E+12
(112,210,10) 1.693741E-02 1.045530E-02 1.964657E-01 8.510579E-01
155 0 02:35:00 5.506130E-05 2.726206E+02 2.726207E+02 1.751181E+12
(112,210,10) 1.701307E-02 1.044774E-02 2.009154E-01 8.413887E-01
156 0 02:36:00 5.525684E-05 2.726209E+02 2.726209E+02 1.751176E+12
(112,210,10) 1.690889E-02 1.044028E-02 2.057818E-01 8.321868E-01
WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000014
WRT_AVG - wrote averaged fields into time record = 0000013
WRT_RST - wrote re-start fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000001
157 0 02:37:00 5.544554E-05 2.726211E+02 2.726212E+02 1.751172E+12
(112,210,10) 1.672658E-02 1.043192E-02 2.131690E-01 8.224761E-01
158 0 02:38:00 5.562181E-05 2.726214E+02 2.726215E+02 1.751168E+12
(112,210,10) 1.657278E-02 1.042130E-02 2.236235E-01 8.116390E-01
159 0 02:39:00 5.578322E-05 2.726217E+02 2.726218E+02 1.751164E+12
(112,210,10) 1.652716E-02 1.040798E-02 2.351277E-01 7.998872E-01
160 0 02:40:00 5.593268E-05 2.726220E+02 2.726221E+02 1.751160E+12
(112,210,10) 1.662895E-02 1.039319E-02 2.434858E-01 7.883859E-01
161 0 02:41:00 5.607708E-05 2.726224E+02 2.726224E+02 1.751157E+12
(112,210,10) 1.687978E-02 1.037950E-02 2.441169E-01 7.790265E-01
162 0 02:42:00 5.622479E-05 2.726227E+02 2.726227E+02 1.751153E+12
(112,210,10) 1.725456E-02 1.036955E-02 2.343838E-01 7.783561E-01
163 0 02:43:00 5.638351E-05 2.726230E+02 2.726231E+02 1.751150E+12
(112,210,10) 1.771063E-02 1.036478E-02 2.154808E-01 7.815439E-01
164 0 02:44:00 5.655904E-05 2.726234E+02 2.726234E+02 1.751147E+12
(112,210,10) 1.819408E-02 1.036481E-02 1.922100E-01 7.844858E-01
165 0 02:45:00 5.675267E-05 2.726237E+02 2.726238E+02 1.751144E+12
(112,210,10) 1.863751E-02 1.036777E-02 1.713949E-01 7.915250E-01
166 0 02:46:00 5.696043E-05 2.726241E+02 2.726241E+02 1.751142E+12
(112,210,10) 1.896890E-02 1.037133E-02 1.589579E-01 8.058358E-01
167 0 02:47:00 5.717563E-05 2.726245E+02 2.726245E+02 1.751139E+12
(082,141,10) 2.918816E-02 9.888014E-03 1.595760E-01 8.206670E-01
168 0 02:48:00 5.739305E-05 2.726249E+02 2.726249E+02 1.751137E+12
(082,141,10) 2.945754E-02 9.885478E-03 1.788598E-01 8.334845E-01
WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000015
WRT_AVG - wrote averaged fields into time record = 0000014
WRT_RST - wrote re-start fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000002
169 0 02:49:00 5.761104E-05 2.726253E+02 2.726253E+02 1.751135E+12
(082,141,10) 2.955442E-02 9.880271E-03 1.950194E-01 8.423474E-01
170 0 02:50:00 5.782953E-05 2.726257E+02 2.726257E+02 1.751133E+12
(082,141,10) 2.946057E-02 9.875176E-03 2.055500E-01 8.463590E-01
171 0 02:51:00 5.804854E-05 2.726261E+02 2.726262E+02 1.751131E+12
(082,141,10) 2.920412E-02 9.872613E-03 2.095562E-01 8.457328E-01
172 0 02:52:00 5.826758E-05 2.726266E+02 2.726266E+02 1.751129E+12
(082,141,10) 2.884555E-02 9.873756E-03 2.077795E-01 8.415332E-01
173 0 02:53:00 5.848700E-05 2.726270E+02 2.726271E+02 1.751128E+12
(112,210,10) 1.829282E-02 1.036586E-02 2.129022E-01 8.351848E-01
174 0 02:54:00 5.870820E-05 2.726275E+02 2.726276E+02 1.751127E+12
(112,210,10) 1.856700E-02 1.036569E-02 2.108992E-01 8.279407E-01
175 0 02:55:00 5.893330E-05 2.726280E+02 2.726281E+02 1.751126E+12
(112,210,10) 1.894916E-02 1.036661E-02 2.065924E-01 8.204882E-01
176 0 02:56:00 5.916445E-05 2.726285E+02 2.726286E+02 1.751125E+12
(112,210,10) 1.932324E-02 1.036864E-02 2.011747E-01 8.128253E-01
177 0 02:57:00 5.940280E-05 2.726291E+02 2.726291E+02 1.751125E+12
(112,210,10) 1.958062E-02 1.037159E-02 1.957664E-01 8.044407E-01
178 0 02:58:00 5.964796E-05 2.726296E+02 2.726297E+02 1.751124E+12
(112,210,10) 1.965477E-02 1.037504E-02 1.913826E-01 7.946621E-01
179 0 02:59:00 5.989879E-05 2.726302E+02 2.726303E+02 1.751124E+12
(082,141,10) 2.671600E-02 9.885339E-03 1.824777E-01 7.843583E-01
180 0 03:00:00 6.015637E-05 2.726308E+02 2.726308E+02 1.751124E+12
(112,210,10) 1.927396E-02 1.038182E-02 1.874361E-01 7.868821E-01
WRT_HIS - wrote history fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000016
WRT_AVG - wrote averaged fields into time record = 0000015
WRT_RST - wrote re-start fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000001
181 0 03:01:00 6.042319E-05 2.726314E+02 2.726314E+02 1.751124E+12
(112,210,10) 1.894734E-02 1.038502E-02 1.869362E-01 7.890049E-01
182 0 03:02:00 6.070212E-05 2.726320E+02 2.726321E+02 1.751125E+12
(112,210,10) 1.865415E-02 1.038867E-02 1.861691E-01 7.901968E-01

Blowing-up: Saving latest model state into RESTART file

Node # 9 CPU: 84.043
WRT_RST - wrote re-start fields (Index=1,1) into time record = 0000003

Elapsed CPU time (seconds):

Node # 0 CPU: 84.079
Node # 15 CPU: 84.044
Node # 1 CPU: 84.043
Node # 2 CPU: 84.043
Node # 3 CPU: 84.044
Node # 4 CPU: 84.044
Node # 5 CPU: 84.044
Node # 6 CPU: 84.044
Node # 7 CPU: 84.044
Node # 8 CPU: 84.044
Node # 10 CPU: 84.043
Node # 12 CPU: 84.044
Node # 11 CPU: 84.044
Node # 13 CPU: 84.043
Node # 14 CPU: 84.043

ROMS/TOMS - Output NetCDF summary for Grid 01:
number of time records written in HISTORY file = 00000016
number of time records written in RESTART file = 00000016
number of time records written in AVERAGE file = 00000015

Analytical header files used:


ROMS/TOMS: DONE... Wednesday - March 29, 2017 - 11:39:30 PM

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Re: Blowing-up: Saving latest model state into RESTART file

#2 Unread post by kate »

This falls under this FAQ. How is it going bad?


Re: Blowing-up: Saving latest model state into RESTART file

#3 Unread post by lizhaoqin »

kate wrote:This falls under this FAQ. How is it going bad?
Dear Kate sir,
I tried to change the discharge, and I find the small discharge would not occer with this problem, but the trend of the salinity is not correct like it should be.
the first picture is the location of 8 rivers, and the second picture is the gif I make from MATLAB.
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Re: Blowing-up: Saving latest model state into RESTART file

#4 Unread post by kate »

Frame 1 of the movie is different, but it goes by so fast I can't tell what's in it.

When the rivers are full strength, how does it actually go bad? Too strong a velocity? How deep are the river inflow locations? What is the vertical profile of the inflow? Are you providing an inflow temperature as well?


Re: Blowing-up: Saving latest model state into RESTART file

#5 Unread post by lizhaoqin »

kate wrote:Frame 1 of the movie is different, but it goes by so fast I can't tell what's in it.

When the rivers are full strength, how does it actually go bad? Too strong a velocity? How deep are the river inflow locations? What is the vertical profile of the inflow? Are you providing an inflow temperature as well?
Thank you for your answer, the depth of the river inflow location is 5m, and I define 10 layers in the whole vertical depth. I make a temperature gif also.

Now I want to know that, if I use the make_bry.m to make a boundary file, what parameter should I define in the .h file, because when I run this model, I couldn't find the '' in the list of input files. Thank you very much!
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Re: Blowing-up: Saving latest model state into RESTART file

#6 Unread post by kate »

The model will read the boundary file (or not) based on the value of the LBC boundary options. I use RadNud for 3d fields and a combination of Cha/Fla or Che/Shc for the 2d fields. Those will need boundary values.


Re: Blowing-up: Saving latest model state into RESTART file

#7 Unread post by lizhaoqin »

kate wrote:The model will read the boundary file (or not) based on the value of the LBC boundary options. I use RadNud for 3d fields and a combination of Cha/Fla or Che/Shc for the 2d fields. Those will need boundary values.
Thank you very much, and I want you to check that how I set of the boundary condition, and what I write in that '' file. But my program blowing up , and I couldn't find the '' file in the log file. I don't know why. So I think if I had missed define something in the '.h' file.

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Re: Blowing-up: Saving latest model state into RESTART file

#8 Unread post by kate »

The Cha/Fla combo won't read your boundary file with these:
Analytical header files used:

because you are using analytic fsobc and m2obc.


Re: Blowing-up: Saving latest model state into RESTART file

#9 Unread post by lizhaoqin »

kate wrote:The Cha/Fla combo won't read your boundary file with these:
Analytical header files used:

because you are using analytic fsobc and m2obc.
Yes, I had thought that reation, but if I delete the #define ana_btflux , it would error, and mention missing btflux.
So, if I don't define ana_btflux, what should I define in '.h' file?

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Re: Blowing-up: Saving latest model state into RESTART file

#10 Unread post by kate »

Sorry, yes, you need ana_btflux for bottom temperature fluxes. What open boundary fields are you providing?


Re: Blowing-up: Saving latest model state into RESTART file

#11 Unread post by lizhaoqin »

kate wrote:Sorry, yes, you need ana_btflux for bottom temperature fluxes. What open boundary fields are you providing?
Sorry to bother you. This is my '.h' file, please help me check out if it is reasonable! Thank you very much!
#define UV_ADV /* Advection of momentum */
#define UV_COR /* Coriolis term */
#define UV_QDRAG /* Use quadratic bottom drag law */
#define UV_VIS2 /* Harmonic mixing of momentum */
#define DJ_GRADPS /* Splines Density Jacobian */
#define MIX_S_UV
#define MIX_S_TS /* Mixing of tracers along constant S-surfaces */
#define TS_DIF2 /* Harmonic mixing of tracers */
#define TS_U3HADVECTION /* Third-order upstream horizontal advection of tracers */
#define TS_C4VADVECTION /* Fourth-order centered vertical advection of tracers */
#define SOLVE3D /* Solving 3D Primitive Equations */
#define SALINITY /* Using salinity */
#define NONLIN_EOS /* Nonlinear Equation of State for seawater */
#define CURVGRID
#define SPHERICAL /* Define if lat/lon coordinates rather than x/y */
#define SPLINES
#define MASKING /* Land/Sea masking */

#define AVERAGES /* ?Define to write out time-averaged model fields */

/*#define RADIATION_2D */
/*#define FULL_GRID */
** Vertical Mixing parameterization

#define MY25_MIXING

/*#define LMD_MIXING*/

# define LMD_RIMIX /* LMD diffusivity due to shear instability */
# define LMD_CONVEC /* LMD convective mixing due to shear instability */
# define LMD_SKPP /* KPP surface boundary layer mixing */
# define LMD_NONLOCAL /* LMD convective nonlocal transport */

#if defined GLS_MIXING
# define CHARNOK /* Charnok Surface Roughness From Wind Stress */
# define CRAIG_BANNER /* Craig and Banner Wave Breaking Surface Flux */
# define KANTHA_CLAYSON /* Kantha and Clayson stability function */
# define N2S2_HORAVG /* Horizontal Smoothing of Buoyancy/Shea */
# define CANUTO_A

#if defined MY25_MIXING
# define KANTHA_CLAYSON /* Define for Kantha and Clayson stability function. */
# define K_C2ADVECTION /* Define for 2th-order centered advection. */
# define K_C4ADVECTION /* Define for 4th-order centered advection. */
# define N2S2_HORAVG /* Horizontal Smoothing of Buoyancy/Shea */

**Bottom boundary condition settings

#define ANA_BTFLUX / Analytical kinematic bottom temperature flux
#define ANA_BSFLUX / Analytical kinematic bottom salinity flux

#undef RADITION 2D

#define ANA_SMFLUX
/* Analytical kinematic surface temperature flux */
#define ANA_SSFLUX /* analytical surface salt flux defaults to zero */

/*#undef PSOURCE
/* #define ANA_PSOURCE

/* #define TS_PSOURCE
#define UV_PROURCE
**define UV_TIDES to specify boundary tidal currents from data e.g. ADCIRC
** undef UV_TIDES to compute tidal currents using reduced physics
#define RAMP_TIDES
#define SSH_TIDES /* read tidal SSH from file */
#undef UV_TIDES /* read tidal U and V from file */

#define ANA_FSOBC
#define ANA_M2OBC

#ifdef SSH_TIDES
# define ADD_FSOBC

#ifdef UV_TIDES
# undef FSOBC_REDUCED /* boundary pg is calculated using bounday zeta */
# define ADD_M2OBC

/* If you define SPONGE or allow for a nudging layer at the boundaries,
** you need to provide the appropriate "ana_hmixcoef.h" and "ana_nudgcoef.h"
** for your application. See examples in ROMS/Func

#undef SPONGE /* Define to use SSH climatology as 2D inflow */


Re: Blowing-up: Saving latest model state into RESTART file

#12 Unread post by lizhaoqin »

kate wrote:The Cha/Fla combo won't read your boundary file with these:
Analytical header files used:

because you are using analytic fsobc and m2obc.
And, what should I set without CHA/FLA to the boundary condition, then it will read the boundary file?
Or, I still change the '.h' file to fix it?
How to change it?
Thank you!

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Re: Blowing-up: Saving latest model state into RESTART file

#13 Unread post by kate »

Again, what do you want it to be doing? For which fields are you providing boundary values?

I see you have tidal elevations but not tidal currents. Better to provide both if you can - the tidal models I use have the currents.

This is likely to ask for a forcing file:

Code: Select all

#define ANA_SMFLUX
/* Analytical kinematic surface temperature flux */
#define ANA_SSFLUX /* analytical surface salt flux defaults to zero */
because you dropped ANA_STFLUX. You also don't have ANA_DQDSST - the QCORRECTION will be wanting a dqdsst, whether analytically or via a file.

Code: Select all

#define SPLINES
This is not from the latest version of ROMS. Not a big deal, but make sure you are consistent.

Code: Select all

#undef RADITION 2D
So, there's no spell checker on these things. You commented out RADIATION_2D already (why?). This line is not doing anything because RADITION is not checked and the 2D will be a separate token here.


Re: Blowing-up: Saving latest model state into RESTART file

#14 Unread post by lizhaoqin »

[quote="kate"]Again, what do you want it to be doing? For which fields are you providing boundary values?

I changed my definition of the boundary condition from 'Rad' to 'RadNud', then it will read the boundary file.
And it blew up because the position of the river is incorrect, and it's okay now.
Thank you again.
Now, I have a question, how to run the ROMS from the last step I had the last test? Like I had 20160101-20160107, I want to start from 20160107 or 20160108 directly.

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Re: Blowing-up: Saving latest model state into RESTART file

#15 Unread post by kate »

This should be a FAQ - maybe later.

You need to change several things in the file:
* NTIMES for a later end time.
* NRREC to one of 1, 2, -1, depending - read up on it at the bottom of
* Maybe LDEFOUT, depending.
* ININAME to point to the restart file.


Re: Blowing-up: Saving latest model state into RESTART file

#16 Unread post by lizhaoqin »

Dear kate;
These days I met a problem, this is what in the log file, and there apper 'nan', I want to know if this is the point cause the blew up. and, what should I do to get it good?
Thank you very much.
C => (i,j,k) Cu Cv Cw Max Speed

0 0 00:00:00 NaN 2.766056E+02 NaN 1.696651E+12
(249,155,10) 5.357870E-08 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00 0.000000E+00

Elapsed CPU time (seconds):

Node # 0 CPU: 0.654

ROMS/TOMS - Output NetCDF summary for Grid 01:

Analytical header files used:

Node # 1 CPU: 0.634
Node # 5 CPU: 0.614
Node # 7 CPU: 0.612
Node # 12 CPU: 0.612
Node # 9 CPU: 0.614
Node # 10 CPU: 0.614
Node # 11 CPU: 0.612
Node # 13 CPU: 0.614

ROMS/TOMS - Blows up ................ exit_flag: 1

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Re: Blowing-up: Saving latest model state into RESTART file

#17 Unread post by kate »

This is happening before your first timestep. You need to look at your initial conditions file.


Re: Blowing-up: Saving latest model state into RESTART file

#18 Unread post by lizhaoqin »

kate wrote:This is happening before your first timestep. You need to look at your initial conditions file.
Thank you, very much, I noticed that,'KINETIC_ENRG' and 'TOTAL_ENRG' are 'NAN', so what should I do to aviod that?


Re: Blowing-up: Saving latest model state into RESTART file

#19 Unread post by lizhaoqin »

kate wrote:This is happening before your first timestep. You need to look at your initial conditions file.
Dear kate;
Sorry to bother you so much.
I check my '.in' file, and when I changed the boundary condition from 'RADNUD' to 'Rad', it would be ok, but that would not read '' file. So, I think that the 'bry' I made was wrong, if you could send me some '.m' file to make '' file. Thank you very much!
My email is
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Re: Blowing-up: Saving latest model state into RESTART file

#20 Unread post by kate »

Do you have the official ROMS Matlab tools? There are actually two sets, one from, one from the French croco team. I can't help you with either, however.

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