In pyroms when you use quiver or zview in pyroms_toolbox, it ends up using pyroms.tool.zslice() function. And in the implementation of the zsclice it uses the FORTRAN implementation of zslice from iso.f in the "src" directory.
However, when I check the implementation of iso.zlice subroutine in FORTRAN it only seems be produce information (by interpolation) between bottom sigma layer depth and surface sigma layer depth. For example I can not use 0 (zero or close to zero depth) for surface layer
Code: Select all
if ((zk(1).le.depths(j,i)).and.(depths(j,i).le.zk(N))) then
call lintrp (N,zk,fk,1,depths(j,i),f2d(j,i))
Is there a way to get surface layer information?