ROMS - 1D Model issue with Make all command make Error: 127

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ROMS - 1D Model issue with Make all command make Error: 127

#1 Unread post by bikirandas »

i am getting Error 127 during the make all command or any make command individually. i have posted the error message and the directory files list below. please help me resolve the error.

rony@rony-Ideapad-Z570:/media/rony/New Volume/Rony Important/IIT BBS ( Climate Science)/Final Year Project and Phd/Final Year Project/ROMS 1D/Roms_1d$ make all
fpp -I/usr/local/include -P -free cross_matrix.F > cross_matrix.i
/bin/sh: fpp: command not found
Makedefs:8: recipe for target 'cross_matrix.o' failed
make: *** [cross_matrix.o] Error 127

rony@rony-Ideapad-Z570:/media/rony/New Volume/Rony Important/IIT BBS ( Climate Science)/Final Year Project and Phd/Final Year Project/ROMS 1D/Roms_1d$ ls
alfabeta.F cross_matrix.F get_grid.m main.F Makedefs.sgi mixing.h plot.F set_color.F step3d.F
biology.F cross_matrix.i grid.h main.i Makedefs.sun mpc.F plot_t.m set_forces.F step3dS.F
bulk_flux.F diag_hflux.m lmd_kpp.F make_clim.m Make.depend o2sat.F README setup_grid.F taux.cdf
check_grid.m find_station.m lmd_swfrac.F Makedefs Makefile ocean3d.h rho_eos.F setup_initial.F lmd_vmix.F Makedefs.linux make_forcing.m param.h romstools_param.m sst_skin.F
cppdefs.h forces.h lmd_wscale.F Makedefs.mac Make.README plot_all.m scalars.h start.m

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Re: ROMS - 1D Model issue with Make all command make Error:

#2 Unread post by kate »

Your problem is right here:
/bin/sh: fpp: command not found
Like the previous post, you are asking for help with CROCO tools on a forum that's for helping with a different code. Did you read the README file there?

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Re: ROMS - 1D Model issue with Make all command make Error:

#3 Unread post by bikirandas »

yes i have read the read me file there .. i think i need to build the make file again using
ln -s Makedefs.linux Makedefs ..
but i need to run the program Makedefs.machine as mentioned in the Make.README file

1. On a particular machine, for example a Sun, establish symbolic
ln -s Makedefs.sun Makedefs

(If the file for the paricular type of machine is not available
create it, using one of the existing "Makedefs.machine" files
as a template. Define appropriate compiler options.)

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Re: ROMS - 1D Model issue with Make all command make Error:

#4 Unread post by bikirandas »

i think if i change the compiler options to gcc or g++ which are available in my linux, but i ned the make.machine fileif u can help me providing the make.machine file where i could change my path .. or if i m thinking it in wrong direction please help me with this ..

can you please provide me the link of the post you were mentioning

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Re: ROMS - 1D Model issue with Make all command make Error:

#5 Unread post by andres »


We are using roms1d. I've attached the version we use which compiles ok in a Linux machine (Ubuntu)

Hope this helps,
(413.33 KiB) Downloaded 301 times
Andres Sepulveda

Geophysics Department
University of Concepcion

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Re: ROMS - 1D Model issue with Make all command make Error:

#6 Unread post by bikirandas »

Hello Andreas ,

Thanks for sharing the Roms 1d files .. i have checked the file are you using the ifort compiler - like are you using the inter parallel studio XE for the ifort compiler ???

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Re: ROMS - 1D Model issue with Make all command make Error:

#7 Unread post by bikirandas »

Please check the bold lines in the code

Code: Select all

# Header makefile: Sparc/Sun/Ultra version.
# (1) General machine independent rules and definitions
.SUFFIXES: .o .f .i .F

	$(CPP) -P $(CPPFLAGS) $*.F > $*.i
	mpc $*.i > $*.f
	rm $*.i
	$(CFT) -c $(FFLAGS) $*.f
	rm $*.f
	$(CPP) -P $(CPPFLAGS) $*.F > $*.i
	mpc $*.i > $*.f
	rm $*.i
	$(CFT) -c $(FFLAGS) $*.f
	$(CFT) -o $@ $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $<
	$(CFT) -o $@ $(FFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $<

# Machine dependent definitions for a Sun machine 
# CPP           Name of the C preprocessor
# CPPFLAGS      Flags to the C preprocessor
# CFT           Name of the fortran compiler to use
# FFLAGS        Flags to the fortran compiler
# LDR           Program to load the objects into an executable
# LDFLAGS       Flags to the loader
# CDFLIB        Path to netCDF library,

        SHELL = /bin/sh
           CC = cc
          [b]CPP = fpp -I/usr/local/include
          CFT = ifort
          LDR = ifort[/b]

     CPPFLAGS = -free 
       FFLAGS = -O3 -w90 -w95 -cm -r8 -i4

      LDFLAGS =

      LIBNCAR = -L/usr/local/src/ncarg\
                -lncarg -lncarg_gks -lncarg_c -lX11 -lXext -lX11 -lm

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Re: ROMS - 1D Model issue with Make all command make Error:

#8 Unread post by bikirandas »

error is resolved after installing intel parallel studio xe 2017 ..
and other 32bit library component for ubuntu.

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Re: ROMS - 1D Model issue with Make all command make Error:

#9 Unread post by Shenjie »

bikirandas wrote:error is resolved after installing intel parallel studio xe 2017 ..
and other 32bit library component for ubuntu.
Hi, I have come across the same problem, is it working for you now after installing intel parallel studio xe 2017?

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