See the bottom half of the following routine.
Angle can be either in degrees or radians -- it is just a matter of personal preference.
ROMS code itself does not use angle, but various pre- and post- processing routines use
it to rotate vectors -- velocities if one needs to prepare files for initial and
boundary conditions for ROMS, wind stress or velocity; also plotting packages obviously
need it for vector plots. So as long as there routines consistent with the grid file,
or can read attribute "units" and handle both degrees or radians, everything is just
fine. Degrees are easier to comprehend when looking at grid file by ncview.
In the code below: arrays lonr,latr are longitude and latitude at RHO-points defined
at full ranges of indices (interior + one boundary row at each side); lone,late are
longitude and latitude defined at VORTICITY points over EXTENDED range of indices, that
is having one point more in each direction that lonr,latr. The rest is more or less
self explanatory. A bit of care is needed around dateline (this routine fully capable
to handle it) north pole (this routine us known handle it as well, except the pole point itself, of course)
Code: Select all
function [lone,late, lonr,latr, pm,pn, ang,orterr] = compute_grid( ...
nx,ny, size_x,size_y, cent_lat, ...
tra_lon,tra_lat,alpha, flip_xy, ...
compute_angle )
% Produces a logically rectangular curvilinear orthogonal grid with minimal
% distortion. At first it creates a patch of Mercator grid centered at a user
% specified latitude "cent_lat" on Greenwich meridian, sized as "size_y" [km]
% in north-south and "size_x" (also km] in east-west direction measured along
% the longitudinal line passing through the center of the patch. To center
% the patch at Equator, one shouls set cent_lat=0; positive(negative) values
% move it north(sourth), which also makes it more tapered toward one of the
% poles. Thus, an infinitely small patch is almost rectangular if placed on
% Equator, while behaving more and more like a sector of polar coodinates if
% placed closer to one of the poles. However in any case it is a perfectly
% Mercator grid with both dx,dy ~ cos(latitude) at any location.
% Then this patch is first moved toward Equator as a solid object, where it
% is asimuthally rotated around it center by angle "alpha", after which it is
% moved to the north or south to latitude "tra_lat", and finally moved east or
% west to longitude "tra_lon".
% inputs: nx,ny: numbers of grid points in X- and Y-directions, counting
% only inner RHO-points (boundary rows are excluded) -- same
% as Lm,Mm in ROMS code, with the exception of the possibility
% to switch their roles if "flip_xy" is set to transpose the
% grid;
% size_x,size_y: domain size in X- and Y-direction measured in [km];
% cent_lat: latutude of of the initial location of the grid center;
% tra_lat: desired latitude of grid center;
% tra_lon: desired longitude of grid center;
% alpha: asimuthal angle of grid direction (alpha=0 means that
% positive X-direction at the center of the grid points
% exactly to the east);
% flip_xy: flag to transpose the grid: 0 do nothing; 1 flip X-direction
% and transpose; 2 flip Y-direction and transpose. Thus 1 and
% 2 corresponds to 90-degree azimutal rotation in counter- or
% or clockwise directions (respectively) however this rotation
% is "logical" rather than physical, i.e., the two are the
% same for would be perfectly rectangular grid, but are not
% equavalent in the case of spherical.
% compute_angle: switch to proceed with computation of east angle, =1 yes,
% =0 no. This is merely to speed up the responsiveness of GUI
% update button because for the plotting purposes all what is
% needed is lon,lat, but not pm,pn, ang,orterr.
disp(['compute_grid :: nx=',num2str(nx), ' ny=',num2str(ny), ...
' size_x=',num2str(size_x), ' size_y=',num2str(size_y),...
' cent_lat=',num2str(cent_lat) ])
disp([' tra_lon=',num2str(tra_lon),' tra_lat=',num2str(tra_lat),...
' alpha=',num2str(alpha), ' flip_xy=',num2str(flip_xy) ])
%% Initialize the grid, then move and rotate it to proper location and
%% orientation.
pi=3.14159265358979323846; deg2rad=pi/180; r_earth = 6371315.;
[lone,late, lonr,latr, pm,pn] = init_grid(nx,ny, size_x,size_y, cent_lat);
if (flip_xy > 0)
lone = flipdim(lone,flip_xy)'; lonr = flipdim(lonr,flip_xy)';
late = flipdim(late,flip_xy)'; latr = flipdim(latr,flip_xy)';
tmp=pm; pm=flipdim(pn,flip_xy)'; pn=flipdim(tmp,flip_xy)'; clear tmp;
[lonr,latr] = move_and_turn(tra_lon,tra_lat,alpha,cent_lat, lonr,latr);
[lone,late] = move_and_turn(tra_lon,tra_lat,alpha,cent_lat, lone,late);
%% Compute angles of local grid positive x-axis relative to east
[ii,jj]=size(latr) ; ang=zeros(ii,jj) ; orterr=zeros(ii,jj) ;
if (compute_angle == 1)
disp('Calculating angle ...')
%% ang=0.5*cos(latr); %% <-- temporally
%% a11 = ang .* ( lone(2:ii+1,2:jj+1) -lone(1:ii,2:jj+1) ... % cos(Lat)*dLon/dX
%% +lone(2:ii+1,1:jj ) -lone(1:ii,1:jj ) ) ;
%% a12 = ang .* ( lone(1:ii,2:jj+1) +lone(2:ii+1,2:jj+1) ... % cos(Lat)*dLon/dY
%% -lone(1:ii,1:jj ) -lone(2:ii+1,1:jj ) ) ;
%% a21 = 0.5 * ( late(2:ii+1,2:jj+1) -late(1:ii,2:jj+1) ... % dLat/dX
%% +late(2:ii+1,1:jj ) -late(1:ii,1:jj ) ) ;
%% a22 = 0.5 * ( late(1:ii,2:jj+1) +late(2:ii+1,2:jj+1) ... % dLat/dY
%% -late(1:ii,1:jj ) -late(2:ii+1,1:jj ) ) ;
for j=1:jj
for i=1:ii
dLnX1=lone(i+1,j+1)-lone(i,j+1); % Most of the time "lone"
if (dLnX1 > pi) % is expected to be a smooth
dLnX1=dLnX1-2*pi; % function of its indices,
elseif (dLnX1 < -pi) % however it may experience
dLnX1=dLnX1+2*pi; % 2*pi jumps due to periodicity
end % resulting in large valies of
dLnX=lone(i+1,j)-lone(i,j); % differences dLnX,dLnY. If this
if (dLnX > pi) % happes, 2*pi is added or
dLnX=dLnX-2*pi; % subtracted as appropriate.
elseif (dLnX < -pi)
dLnY1=lone(i+1,j+1)-lone(i+1,j); % Because of this possibility,
if (dLnY1 > pi) % the elegant Matlab-style array
dLnY1=dLnY1-2*pi; % syntax code above is commented
elseif (dLnY1 < -pi) % out permanently, but still
dLnY1=dLnY1+2*pi; % left here for Matlab lovers
end % to admire, while quasi-Fortran
dLnY=lone(i,j+1)-lone(i,j); % code of the left does the job.
if (dLnY > pi)
elseif (dLnY < -pi)
a11=cff*(dLnX+dLnX1); % cos(Lat)*dLon/dX
a12=cff*(dLnY+dLnY1); % cos(Lat)*dLon/dY
a21=0.5*( late(i+1,j+1) -late(i,j+1) ... % dLat/dX
+late(i+1,j ) -late(i,j ) ) ;
a22=0.5*( late(i,j+1) +late(i+1,j+1) ... % dLat/dY
-late(i,j ) -late(i+1,j ) ) ;
% Note that this computation
%% pm(i,j)=1./(r_earth*sqrt(a11^2+a21^2)); % of pm and pn overwrites their
%% pn(i,j)=1./(r_earth*sqrt(a12^2+a22^2)); % previously computed analytical
% counterparts from init_grid.m
if (a21 < -abs(a11))
ang1 = -0.5*pi-atan(a11/a21); % For a perfectly othogonal
elseif (a21 > abs(a11)) % curvilinear grid "ang1" and
ang1 = 0.5*pi-atan(a11/a21); % "ang2" should be the same.
else % Here we chose to compute both
ang1 = atan(a21/a11); % of them, use their average as
if (a11 < 0.) % the final accepted value for
if (a21 < 0.) % east angle and also compute
ang1=ang1-pi; % and save their difference as
else % the measure for orthogonality
ang1=ang1+pi; % error.
if (a12 < -abs(a22))
ang2 = 0.5*pi +atan(a22/a12);
elseif (a12 > abs(a22))
ang2 = -0.5*pi +atan(a22/a12);
ang2 = -atan(a12/a22);
if (a22 < 0.)
if (a12 < 0.)
ang2 = ang2 +pi;
ang2 = ang2 -pi;
ang(i,j)=0.5*(ang1+ang2); %% the two should be same or very close
orterr(i,j) = ang1-ang2 ; %% orthogonality error
end %% <-- for i=1:ii
end %% <-- for j=1:jj
disp('fully updated compute_grid')
disp('updated lon,lat in compute_grid')
end %% <-- if compute_angle