I donot understand the S-coordinate parameter hc and Tcline. I use the Transforme 2 equation and find that only hc is used. hc donot need to equal Tcline. What's the role of Tcline.
what's the differences of hc and Tcline
Re: what's the differences of hc and Tcline
shifei wrote:Hi,
I donot understand the S-coordinate parameter hc and Tcline. I use the Transforme 2 equation and find that only hc is used. hc donot need to equal Tcline. What's the role of Tcline.
Check ROMS/Utility/set_scoord.F, the role of Tcline depends on the Vtransformation method you choose in ocean.in:
if Vtransform == 1, hc = min(hmin,tcline);
if Vtransform == 2, then hc = Tcline;