On restart, ROMS cannot see 3rd file in the multi-file list

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On restart, ROMS cannot see 3rd file in the multi-file list

#1 Unread post by kurapov »

I am running a coastal application in ROMS providing wind velocities (and other forcing) as multiple files (one file per year, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012). Because of the wall clock limit on the supercomputer I can run it for about 3 model months at a time. It runs fine (with restarts roughly every 3 months) until 22-Jan-2010 (when forcing is already taken from the third wind file). Then, upon the next restart, it reports an error:

GET_CYCLE ending time for multi-file variable wind_time is less than current model time
TMAX = 730.7500 TDAYS = 752.0000

In my case TDAYS is the correct restart time (from the standard ROMS restart file) and the forcing is supposed to be found in file #3 (year 2010). TMAX is the last entry in wind file #2. It cannot find the restart file #3 in GET_CYCLE. However, in the standard output all the wind files are listed. And file #3 was used until the restart.

Any insight?

As a fix, I delete the first two files from the list in ocean.in and it restarts just fine... This fixes the problem... However, Is it possible that on the restart GET_CYCLE scans the time variable of only the first 2 files?

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Re: On restart, ROMS cannot see 3rd file in the multi-file l

#2 Unread post by jcwarner »

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Re: On restart, ROMS cannot see 3rd file in the multi-file l

#3 Unread post by kurapov »

This does help a lot.. and hopefully solves the problem in my case...

Thank you for checking!

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Re: On restart, ROMS cannot see 3rd file in the multi-file l

#4 Unread post by lalvarez »


Perhaps you could also shorten your Total number of iterations to adjust that 0.750 difference

Have a nice day

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