coupling esmf atm.yaml

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ROMS ESMF/NUOPC Metadata File: coupling_esmf_atm.yaml

The coupling_esmf_<atm>.yaml (where <atm> is the model name) file specifies the ROMS Coupling ESMF/NUOPC System Import/Export Metadata Dictionary. Starting svn revision -r 1902 released on March 1, 2022, the ROMS coupling metadata is managed with a YAML file, and the regular text file coupling_esmf_<atm>.dat is deprecated. The YAML files are simple, easy to follow, elegant, portable, and expandable. ROMS can now process YAML files with its parser module, yaml_parser.F. Therefore, there is no need to use third-party YAML parsers. Basically, coupling_esmf_<atm>.yaml has the following structure:

ATM_component: &ATM WRF

DATA_component: # NetCDF data model

ROMS_component: &OCN ROMS


- standard_name: sea_surface_temperature
long_name: sea surface temperature
short_name: SST
data_variables: [temperature, time]
source_units: C
destination_units: K
source_grid: cell_center
destination_grid: cell_center
add_offset: 273.15d0
scale: 1.0d0
debug_write: false
connected_to: *OCN
regrid_method: bilinear
extrapolate_method: nearest

- standard_name: sea_surface_temperature_data
long_name: sea surface temperature data
short_name: dSST
data_variables: [temperature, time]
source_units: C
destination_units: K
source_grid: cell_center
destination_grid: cell_center
add_offset: 273.15d0
scale: 1.0d0
debug_write: false
connected_to: *ATM
regrid_method: bilinear
extrapolate_method: nearest

The field key and value pair in the YAML blocking list is as follows:

Key Description
standard_name CF conventions standard name for variable. A list of applicable standard_name attributes are shown below.
long_name The field's long descriptive name.
short_name The field's short name private to the NUOPC cap module
data_variables The DATA component NetCDF field and time variable names.
source_units The field's source units.
destination_units The field's destination units.
source_grid The field's source grid-cell location.
destination_grid The field's destination grid-cell location.
add_offset The value to add to the exchanged field.
scale The scale to use to convert data from source to destination.
debug_write A switch indicating whether or not to write out exchanged field, if DebugLevel>2.
connected_to The source component to which the field is connected.
regrid_method The field regridding method from source to destination:

Value Description
bilinear bilinear interpolation
patch high-order patch recovery
conservative1 first-order conservative
conservative2 second-order conservative
nearest nearest neighbor interpolation
extrapolate_method The field extrapolation method for unmapped points:

Value Description
none no extrapolation
nearest nearest source to destination
idavg nearest inverse distance average
creep creep fill at specified level
2steps Turuncoglu's 2 steps extrapolation

The ESM imported fields are processed as:

field (destination_units) = field (source_units) * scale + add_offset

YAML allows Anchors and Aliases to avoid repetition. In YAML, single or multiple line comments start with a hash #. Also, comment after a key/value pair is allowed. All comments are skipped during processing.

Metadata: standard_name

The following table shows the coupling metadata short_name and standard_name ESMF/NUOPC export and Import states. They follow CF conventions closely. However, we needed to create lots of them because are not available in the CF tables but followed their established syntax.

short_name standard_name
dLWrad surface_net_downward_longwave_flux
dSWrad net_downward_shortwave_flux_at_sea_water_surface
dSST sea_surface_temperature_data
Hair surface_specific_humidity
LHfx surface_latent_heat_flux
LWrad surface_net_downward_longwave_flux
Pair surface_air_pressure
Pmsl mean_sea_level_pressure
Qair surface_relative_humidity
rain precipitation_flux
shflux surface_downward_heat_flux_in_sea_water
SHfx surface_sensible_heat_flux
SST sea_surface_temperature
sustr surface_downward_x_stress
svstr surface_downward_y_stress
swflux surface_upward_water_flux
SWrad net_shortwave_flux_at_sea_water_surface
Tair surface_air_temperature
Uwind surface_eastward_wind
Vwind surface_northward_wind