User talk:Denghua

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I got a problem when running ROMS for the first time. After typing "./build.bash"or"./build.bash -j 8",my computer show that: "-bash: ./build.bash: Permission denied".I just wonder how to deal with it and what my prolem is.Thank you for your help.I am looking forward for your replay.

The proper place for this sort of question is the ROMS forum:

That said, the problem is likely that the execute permission has been turned off on your build.bash. It should look like: pacman3 652% ls -l ROMS/Bin/build.bash 20 -rwxr-xr-x 1 kate staff 17161 Jul 7 14:30 ROMS/Bin/build.bash*

If it doesn't start with that -rwx up front, you can use the chmod command (chmod 755 build.bash) to fix it.