Nested Grids

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Nested Grids
Nested Grids Menu
  1. Introduction
  2. Matlab Processing Scripts


ROMS has a nested design structure for the temporal coupling between a hierarchy of donor and receiver grids. All the state model variables are dynamically allocated and passed as arguments to the computational routines via Fortran-90 dereferenced pointer structures. All private arrays are automatic; their size is determined when the procedure is entered. This code structure facilitates computations over nested grids of different topologies. There are three types of nesting capabilities in ROMS:

  • Mosaics Grids which connect several grids along their edges,
  • Composite Grids which allow overlap regions of aligned and non-aligned grids, and
  • Refinement Grids which provide increased resolution (3:1, 5:1, or 7:1) in a specific region.

The mosaic and composite grid code infrastructures are identical. The differences are geometrical and primary based on the alignment between adjacent grids. All the mosaic grids are exactly aligned with the adjacent grid. In general, the mosaic grids are special case of the composite grids.

The nested grid implementation was divided in three sequential phases:

  1. Phase I, released on April 2011 as ROMS version 3.5, included major updates to the nonlinear (NLM), perturbation tangent linear (TLM), finite-amplitude tangent linear (RPM), and adjoint (ADM) models numerical kernels to allow different horizontal I- and J-ranges in the DO-loops to permit operations on various nested grid classes (refinement, mosaics, and composite) and nesting layers (refinement and composite grid combinations). This facilitates the computation of any horizontal operator (advection, diffusion, gradient, etc.) in the nesting contact regions and avoids the need for cumbersome lateral boundary conditions on the model variables and their associated flux/gradient values. The advantage of this approach is that it is generic to any discrete horizontal operator. The contact region is an extended section of the grid that overlays an adjacent grid. The strategy is to compute the full horizontal operator at the contact points between nested grids instead of specifying boundary conditions.
  2. Phase II, released on September 2011 as ROMS version 3.6, included a major overhaul of lateral boundary conditions. All their associated C-preprocessing options were eliminated and replaced with logical switches that depend on the nested grid, if any. This facilitates, in a generic way, the processing or not of lateral boundary conditions in applications with nested grids. In nesting applications, the values at the lateral boundary points are computed directly in the contact region by the numerical kernel. Partial lateral boundary conditions are allowed by combining specified conditions (like closed, gradient, and others) with nested contact points. In addition, the logical switches allow different lateral boundary conditions types between active (temperature and salinity) and passive (biology, sediment, inert, etc.) tracers. The lateral boundary condition switches for each state variable and boundary edge are now specified in ROMS input script file,
  3. Phase III, to be released soon as ROMS version 3.7, includes the nesting calls to ROMS main time-stepping routines, main2d and main3d. The routine main2d is only used in shallow-water 2D barotropic applications whereas main3d is used in full 3D baroclinic applications. Several new routines will be added to process the information that it is required in the overlap region, what information needs to be exchanged from/to another grid, and when to exchange it. The exchange between grids can be one-way or two-way.

The current plan is to move to ROMS version 4.0 when all complex new developments are fully stable and tested.

Nested Grids Classes

<wikitex> The ROMS nested grid design includes three Super-Classes and several Sub-Classes:

  1. Composite Grids Super-Class:
    • Mosaic Grids Sub-Class
    • Composite Overlap Grids Sub-Class
    • Partial Boundary Composite Grids Sub-Class
    • Complex Estuary Composite Grids Sub-Class
  2. Refinement Grids Super-Class:
    • Single Refinement Sub-Class
    • Multiple Refinement Sub-Class
  3. Composite and Refinement Combination Super-Class:
    • Refinement and Partial Boundary Composite Sub-Class
    • Complex Estuary Refinement Grids Sub-Class

Hence, there are several possibilities and combinations. The design is flexible enough to allow complex nested grid configurations in coastal applications. These capabilities are better illustrated with diagrams of the different Sub-Classes. The diagrams are all in terms of computational coordinates ($\xi$, $\eta$) or fractional ($i$, $j$) coordinates. Therefore we have squares and rectangles that may map to physical curvilinear coordinates.


Contact Regions and Contact Points

<wikitex> A contact region is an extended section of the grid that overlays or is adjacent to a nested grid. A contact point is a grid cell inside the contact region. The contact points are located according to the staggered Arakawa C-grid horizontal positions. Therefore, we have contact points at the ρ-, ψ-, u-, and v-points. However, the ψ-points are only used to define the physical grid perimeters within a contact region. ROMS does not have state variables located at ψ-points; vorticity is not explicitly specified in the governing equations. In a nested application, there are (Ngrids-1)*2 contact regions. Each contact region has a receiver grid and donor grid. The contact points of the receiver grid are processed using the donor grid cell containing the contact point. The contact points are coincident if the receiver and donor grids occupy the same position, p = q = 0 in diagram below. If coincident grids, the receiver grid contact point data is just filled using the donor data. Otherwise, if not coincident, the receiver grid data is linearly interpolated from the donor grid cell containing the contact point.

contact points interp flat.png   contact points interp cube.png

The contact points are processed outside of ROMS and all the connectivity within nested grids is read from an input NetCDF file. This facilitates the configuration of various grid Sub-Classes. It simplifies tremendously the processing of such points in parallel computations. It also give the user a full editing control of the contact points. The contact points just to be set-up once for a particular application.

In ROMS, the contact region and contact point are managed with the following Fortran-90 structure in mod_nesting.F:

     integer :: Ncontact                             ! total number of contact regions 
logical :: coincident  ! coincident donor/receiver grid switch, p=q=0 logical :: interpolate  ! switch to perform vertical interpolation
integer :: donor_grid  ! data donor grid number integer :: receiver_grid  ! data receiver grid number
integer :: Npoints  ! number of points in contact region
integer, pointer :: Irg(:)  ! receiver grid, I-contact point integer, pointer :: Jrg(:)  ! receiver grid, J-contact point
integer, pointer :: Idg(:)  ! donor grid, contact cell I-left index integer, pointer :: Jdg(:)  ! donor grid, contact cell J-bottom index integer, pointer :: Kdg(:,:)  ! donor grid, contact cell K-index
real(r8), pointer :: Hweight(:,:)  ! horizontal interpolation weights real(r8), pointer :: Vweight(:,:,:)  ! vertical interpolation weights
TYPE (T_NGC), allocatable :: Rcontact(:)  ! contact points at RHO-points, [Ncontact] TYPE (T_NGC), allocatable :: Ucontact(:)  ! contact points at U-points, [Ncontact] TYPE (T_NGC), allocatable :: Vcontact(:)  ! contact points at V-points, [Ncontact]



<wikitex> The contact regions and contact points are processed outside ROMS and read in from a NetCDF file with the following Metadata structure:

Ngrids = 2 ; Ncontact = 2 ; Nweights = 4 ; datum = 98 ;
int spherical ; spherical:long_name = "grid type logical switch" ; spherical:flag_values = 0, 1 ; spherical:flag_meanings = "Cartesian spherical" ; int Lm(Ngrids) ; Lm:long_name = "number of interior RHO-points in the I-direction" ; int Mm(Ngrids) ; Mm:long_name = "number of interior RHO-points in the J-direction" ; int coincident(Ngrids) ; coincident:long_name = "coincident donor and receiver grids logical switch" ; coincident:flag_values = 0, 1 ; coincident:flag_meanings = "false true" ; int composite(Ngrids) ; composite:long_name = "composite grid type logical switch" ; composite:flag_values = 0, 1 ; composite:flag_meanings = "false true" ; int mosaic(Ngrids) ; mosaic:long_name = "mosaic grid type logical switch" ; mosaic:flag_values = 0, 1 ; mosaic:flag_meanings = "false true" ; int refinement(Ngrids) ; refinement:long_name = "refinement grid type logical switch" ; refinement:flag_values = 0, 1 ; refinement:flag_meanings = "false true" ; int refine_factor(Ngrids) ; refine_factor:long_name = "refinement factor from donor grid" ; int interpolate(Ncontact) ; interpolate:long_name = "vertical interpolation at contact points logical switch" ; interpolate:flag_values = 0, 1 ; interpolate:flag_meanings = "false true" ; int donor_grid(Ncontact) ; donor_grid:long_name = "data donor grid number" ; int receiver_grid(Ncontact) ; receiver_grid:long_name = "data receiver grid number" ; int NstrR(Ncontact) ; NstrR:long_name = "starting contact RHO-point index in data vector" ; int NendR(Ncontact) ; NendR:long_name = "ending contact RHO-point index in data vector" ; int NstrU(Ncontact) ; NstrU:long_name = "starting contact U-point index in data vector" ; int NendU(Ncontact) ; NendU:long_name = "ending contact U-point index in data vector" ; int NstrV(Ncontact) ; NstrV:long_name = "starting contact V-point index in data vector" ; int NendV(Ncontact) ; NendV:long_name = "ending contact V-point index in data vector" ; int contact_region(datum) ; contact_region:long_name = "contact region number" ; int on_boundary(datum) ; on_boundary:long_name = "contact point on receiver grid physical boundary" ; on_boundary:flag_values = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ; on_boundary:flag_meanings = "false western southern eastern northern" ; int Idg(datum) ; Idg:long_name = "I-left index of donor cell containing contact point" ; int Jdg(datum) ; Jdg:long_name = "J-bottom index of donor cell containing contact point" ; int Irg(datum) ; Irg:long_name = "receiver grid I-index of contact point" ; Irg:coordinates = "Xrg Yrg" ; int Jrg(datum) ; Jrg:long_name = "receiver grid J-index of contact point" ; Jrg:coordinates = "Xrg Yrg" ; double Xrg(datum) ; Xrg:long_name = "X-location of receiver grid contact points" ; Xrg:units = "meter" ; double Yrg(datum) ; Yrg:long_name = "Y-location of receiver grid contact points" ; Yrg:units = "meter" ; double Hweight(datum, Nweights) ; Hweight:long_name = "horizontal interpolation weights" ; Hweight:coordinates = "Xrg Yrg" ; double h(datum) ; h:long_name = "bathymetry at RHO-points" ; h:units = "meter" ; h:coordinates = "Xrg Yrg" ; h:_FillValue = 1.e+37 ; double f(datum) ; f:long_name = "Coriolis parameter at RHO-points" ; f:units = "second-1" ; f:coordinates = "Xrg Yrg" ; f:_FillValue = 1.e+37 ; double pm(datum) ; pm:long_name = "curvilinear coordinate metric in XI" ; pm:units = "meter-1" ; pm:coordinates = "Xrg Yrg" ; pm:_FillValue = 1.e+37 ; double pn(datum) ; pn:long_name = "curvilinear coordinate metric in ETA" ; pn:units = "meter-1" ; pn:coordinates = "Xrg Yrg" ; pn:_FillValue = 1.e+37 ; double dndx(datum) ; dndx:long_name = "XI-derivative of inverse metric factor pn" ; dndx:units = "meter" ; dndx:coordinates = "Xrg Yrg" ; dndx:_FillValue = 1.e+37 ; double dmde(datum) ; dmde:long_name = "ETA-derivative of inverse metric factor pm" ; dmde:units = "meter" ; dmde:coordinates = "Xrg Yrg" ; dmde:_FillValue = 1.e+37 ; double angle(datum) ; angle:long_name = "angle between XI-axis and EAST" ; angle:units = "radians" ; angle:coordinates = "Xrg Yrg" ; angle:_FillValue = 1.e+37 ; double mask(datum) ; mask:long_name = "land-sea mask of contact points" ; mask:flag_values = 0., 1. ; mask:flag_meanings = "land water" ; mask:coordinates = "Xrg Yrg" ;
global attributes:
:type = "ROMS Nesting Contact Regions Data" ; :grid_files = " \n", "/Users/arango/ocean/repository/TestCases/dogbone/Data/ \n", "/Users/arango/ocean/repository/TestCases/dogbone/Data/" ; :history = "Contact points created by contact.m and written by write_contact.m" ;

The strategy here is to pack the contact points information for each contact region in a long vector. Several indices are available to unpack the data into the Fortran-90 contact structures for ρ-, u-, and v-points. Although NetCDF-4 supports derived type structures via the HDF5 library, a simpler Metadata model is chosen for interoperability. Notice that the contact points NetCDF file contains also the values for the various grid metrics needed in ROMS numerical kernel. Only the horizontal interpolation weights are provided here since they are always the same for a particular configuration. The vertical interpolation weights are computed internally in ROMS at each time step because of the time dependency of the vertical coordinates to the evolution of the free-surface.
