Matlab Processing Scripts

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Matlab Processing Scripts for Nesting

The Matlab processing scripts for nesting applications are divided in four categories:

  • Scripts to aid in the building of nested grids and associated NetCDF files,
  • Scripts to process contact regions and contact points and build its associated NetCDF file,
  • Scripts to process initial conditions, boundary conditions, and climatology data and NetCDF files,
  • Generic support scripts, and
  • Generic NetCDF data processing scripts.

Note Notice: Starting Matlab version 2012a, released on Feb 9, 2012, the native interface to NetCDF is the preferred method for processing NetCDF data in the scripts distributed in the ROMS repository matlab: The native interface was introduced in Matlab version 2008b for NetCDF-3 type files. The NetCDF-4 support started in version 2010b. The support for HDF5 files was completed in version 2011a. The OpenDAP support began in version 2012a. If your Matlab version is older than 2008b, we highly recommend to update to the newest version. However, in the basic generic scripts we have switches for older versions to activate either the MEXNC interface for standard NetCDF files and the SNCTOOLS interface to process NetCDF files on an OpenDAP server.

Warning Caution: The ROMS Grid structure used in all the scripts described here is the one returned from by the script get_roms_grid.m.

Nested Grid Generation Scripts

Currently, it is not our intention to develop a fancy GUI tool to prepare ROMS nested grids. The capability of ROMS nesting is unique and requires special tools since we support mosaics, composite, and refinement grids in a variety of nested classes. Perhaps in the future an expert user will help us develop this GUI. However, the scripts described here are basic and fundamental. They can be used in the future to build a fancier interface.

Two strategies are possible when configuring nested grids for a particular application:

  1. Build an intermediate large coarse resolution grid and extract the composite and/or refinement grids from it using the functions discussed below. The disadvantage of this approach is that we need work independently each grid for adjustments in the land/sea masking, target smoothed bathymetry, and matching domain volumes. Additionally, the finer resolution grids bathymetry can be under- or over-estimated due to the original coarser bathymetry. There is a linear definition of topographic features that are unresolved in the finer grids.
  2. Build an intermediate large very fine resolution grid, work on the desired land/sea masking, and target smoothed bathymetry. The intermediate grid must resolve the smaller resolution desired for a particular application. Then, use the scripts described below to extract the composite and/or refinement grids. We think that this strategy is advantageous in all aspects. However, it is cumbersome because we are dealing with a large grid. The land/sea masking maybe tedious. Anyway, the function landsea.m can be used to automatize the land/sea masking , but it still needs some hand editing using editmask.m.

The main scripts to carry this tasks are located in the matlab/grid sub-directory:

Creates a new ROMS grid NetCDF file or modifies a existing ROMS grid NetCDF file.
status = c_grid  (Lp, Mp, Gname, NewFile, spherical)
On Input:
Lp:   Number of ρ-point in the ξ-direction
Mp:   Number of ρ-point in the η-direction
Gname:   Grid NetCDF file name (string)
NewFile:   Switch to create a new file (logical, optional, default false)
spherical:   Spherical grid switch (logical, optional, default true)
On Ouput:
status:   Error flag
Given a coarse resolution ROMS Grid NetCDF file (Ginp), this function creates a finer resolution grid in the region specified by the coarser grid coordinates (Imin, Jmin) and (Imax, Jmax). Notice that (Imin, Jmin), and (Imax, Jmax) indices are in terms of the ψ-points because it actually define the physical boundaries of the refined grid. The grid refinement coefficient is specified with Gfactor.
F = coarse2fine  (Ginp, Gout, Gfactor, Imin, Imax, Jmin, Jmax)
On Input:
Ginp:   Input coarser Grid NetCDF file name (string)
Gout:   Output finer Grid NetCDF file name (string)
Gfactor:   Grid refinement factor (3,5,7,9,11,13,15,...)
Imin:   Coarse grid lower-left I-coordinate (ψ-point)
Imax:   Coarse grid upper-right I-coordinate (ψ-point)
Jmin:   Coarse grid lower-left J-coordinate (ψ-point)
Jmax:   Coarse grid upper-right J-coordinate (ψ-point)
On Ouput:
F:   Fine resolution grid structure (struct array)
Given a finer resolution ROMS Grid NetCDF file (Ginp), this function creates a coarser resolution grid in the region specified by the finer grid coordinates (Imin, Jmin) and (Imax, Jmax). Notice that (Imin, Jmin), and (Imax, Jmax) indices are in terms of the ψ-points because it actually define the physical boundaries of the coarser grid. The grid coarseness coefficient is specified with Gfactor.
C = fine2coarse  (Ginp, Gout, Gfactor, Imin, Imax, Jmin, Jmax)
On Input:
Ginp:   Input finer Grid NetCDF file name (string)
Gout:   Output coarser Grid NetCDF file name (string)
Gfactor:   Grid coarseness factor (3,5,7,9,11,13,15,...)
Imin:   Finer grid lower-left I-coordinate (ψ-point)
Imax:   Finer grid upper-right I-coordinate (ψ-point)
Jmin:   Finer grid lower-left J-coordinate (ψ-point)
Jmax:   Finer grid upper-right J-coordinate (ψ-point)
On Ouput:
C:   Coarser resolution grid structure (struct array)
Given a larger ROMS Grid NetCDF file (Ginp), this function extracts and creates a sub-domain Grid NetCDF file (Gout) for the sampled region in terms of the larger grid coordinates (Imin, Jmin) and (Imax, Jmax). Notice that the (Imin, Jmin), and (Imax, Jmax) indices are located at ψ-points. They actually define the physical boundaries of the smaller sub-domain grid.
S = grid_extract  (Ginp, Gout, Imin, Imax, Jmin, Jmax)
On Input:
Ginp:   Input coaser Grid NetCDF file name (string) or an existing grid structure (struct array)
Gout:   Output smaller Grid NetCDF file name (string)
Imin:   Larger grid lower-left I-coordinate (ψ-point)
Imax:   Larger grid upper-right I-coordinate (ψ-point)
Jmin:   Larger grid lower-left J-coordinate (ψ-point)
Jmax:   Larger grid upper-right J-coordinate (ψ-point)
On Ouput:
S:   Smaller grid structure (struct array)

Contact Regions and Contact Points Scripts

<wikitex> These functions process the contact points for each contact region. It is an important step in configuring ROMS nesting applications. The objective is to create the contact points NetCDF file to be read by ROMS. These functions are generic and have been tested extensively. However, we recommend users to analyzed the data in the NetCDF file and activate the plotting switch to examine the contact point. The plot maybe very dense when the connectivity involves a lot of files. We need to zoom the plotting frames until there are readable and think carefully. A expertise in ROMS is required to analyze the plots.

These function use the excellent Matlab function inpolygon to find if a point (X,Y) is inside a grid perimeter, on the grid perimeter edges, or outside the grid perimeter. In Matlab, we need to account for the zero shift of ROMS indices. The logic is tricky and not that intuitive. We need to take into account ROMS (I,J) indices and fractional coordinates ($\xi$, $\eta$). For example, in Matlab the Imin and Jmin indices correspond to fractional coordinates:

$$\xi_{\psi}(I_{\psi}) = \xi_{\rho}(I_{\rho})$$ $$\eta_{\psi}(J_{\psi}) = \eta_{\rho}(J_{\rho})$$

since $I_{\psi} = I_{\rho}$ and $J_{\psi} = J_{\rho}$. The number of points in each direction is $L_{\rho} = L_{\psi}+1$ and $M_{\rho} = M_{\psi}+1$, respectively. Therefore, the zero shift of ρ-points indices is done at the end.

The main scripts to carry this tasks are located in the matlab/grid sub-directory:

Creates a new contact coints NetCDF file for a ROMS nesting application. The contact point data is written elsewhere using write_contact.m. if the Ndatum argument is not provided, the datum dimension is is unlimited.
c_contact  (ncname, spherical, Ngrids, Ndatum)
On Input:
ncname:   Ouptut contact points NetCDF file name (string)
spherical:   Spherical grid switch (logical)
Ngrids:   Number of nested grids
Ndatum:   Total number of contact points (optional)
Sets ROMS nested grid contact points for each contact region. The order of the nested grid file names in the input cell array (Gnames) is important. Set the file names in the order of nesting layers and time-stepping in ROMS. The MaskInterp switch is only relevant when processing the contact region of a refinement grid. The setting of land/sea masking in the contact region is critical. Usually it is better to linearly interpolate the finer grid ψ- u-, and v-masks from coarser grid than recomputing via uvp_masks. The recomputed masks may be one point smaller or larger. Use the MaskInterp switch to either interpolate (true) or use uvp_masks (false). Recall that we are not modifying the original refined grid mask, but just computing the mask in the contact region adjacent to finer grid from the coarser grid mask. This is only relevant when there is a land/sea masking features in any of the refinement grid physical boundary. If so, the user just need to experiment with MaskInterp and edit such points during post-processing.
[S, G] = contact  (Gnames, Cname, Lmask, MaskInterp, Lplot)
On Input:
Gnames:   Input Grid NetCDF full path file names (cell array)
Cname:   Ouptut contact points NetCDF file name (string)
Lmask:   Switch to remove contact points over land (logical, optional, default false)
MaskInterp:   Switch to interpolate ψ-, u- and v-masks (true) or compute from interpolated ρ-mask (false). The default is false (logical, optional).
Cname:   Switch to plot various contact points figures (logical, optional, default true)
On Ouput:
S:   Nested grids contact points structure (struct array)
G:   Nested grids structure (1 x Ngrids struct array)
Prints the nested grids contact points unique values for each Contact Region. The contact points structure is rich and this simple function facilitates to summarize the contact points values.
disp_contact  (S)
On Input:
ncname:   Contact points structure(struct array)
Appends the nested grid connectivity fields between donor and receiver grids for each contact region to the nested grids structure, Sinp.
S = grid_connections  (G, Sinp)
On Input:
G:   Nested grids information structure (1 x Ngrids struct array)
Sinp:   Nested grids contact points structure (struct array)
On Output:
Sinp:   Outdated Nested grids contact points structure (struct array)
Creates a structure containing information about nested grids perimeters, boundary edges, and other information parameters.
S = grid_perimeter  (Gnames)
On Input:
Gnames:   Input Grid NetCDF full path file names (cell array)
On Output:
Sinp:   Beginning of contact points structure (struct array)
Plots various figures of contact points for each contact region.
plot_contact  (G, S)
On Input:
G:   Nested grids structure (1 x Ngrids struct array)
S:   Nested grids contact points structure (struct array)
Reads in the nested grids contact points NetCDF file and loads data into a structure.
[S, G] = read_contact  (ncname)
On Input:
ncname:   Nested grids contact points NetCDF file name (string)
On Output:
S:   Nested grids contact points structure (struct array)
G:   Nested grids structure (1 x Ngrids struct array)
Writes out the nested grids contact points data generated by contact.m or read_contact.m into a NetCDF.
write_contact   (ncname, S, Lcreate)
On Input:
ncname:   Nested grids contact points NetCDF file name (string)
S:   Nested grids contact points structure (struct array)
Lcreate:   Switch to create a new NetCDF file (logical, optional, default true)


State Variables Preparation Scripts

The following scripts may be used to prepare initial conditions, lateral boundary conditions, and climatology data and create its associated NetCDF files. The TriScatteredInterp function is used when interpolation is required using natural, linear, or nearest method. In some application, the interpolation may yield NaN values. If this is the case, an additional interpolation with nearest-neighbor interpolation (nearest method) is carried out to remove such NaN values on the outlier points.

These scripts are located in either in the matlab/initial or matlab/boundary sub-directories:

Interpolates requested 2D or 3D variable between two ROMS application grids. The receiver grid must be inside of the donor grid. This function is intended for down-scaling or nesting applications. The horizontal/vertical coordinates for the donor and the and receiver grids are specified with array structures D and R, which are built elsewhere using script get_roms_grid.m for efficiency and functionality.
V = roms2roms  (ncname, D, R, Vname, Tindex, Rvector, method, offset, RemoveNaN)
On Input:
ncname:   Donor grid NetCDF file name containing variable to process (string)
D:   Donor grid structure containing all horizontal and vertical variables (struct array)
R:   Receiver grid structure containing all horizontal and vertical variables (struct array)
Vname:   Field variable name to process (string)
Tindex:   Time record index to process (scalar)
Rvector:   Switch to Interpolate U- and V-points variables to RHO-points to facilitate rotation in curvilinear grid applications elsewhere (logical)
method:   Interpolation method in TriScatteredInterp (string):
natural -   natural neighbor interpolation
linear -   linear interpolation (default)
nearest -   nearest-neighbor interpolation
offset:   Number of extra points to used to sample the donor grid so is large enough to contain the receiver grid (default 5)
RemoveNaN:   Switch to remove NaN values from interpolated variable with a second interpolation step using the nearest-neighbor method (default false)
On Output:
V:   Interpolated requested 2D or 3D variable
Interpolates requested 2D or 3D lateral boundary conditions variables between two ROMS application grids. The receiver grid must be inside of the donor grid. This function is intended for down-scaling or nesting applications. The horizontal/vertical coordinates for the donor and the and receiver grids are specified with array structures D and R, which are built elsewhere using script get_roms_grid.m for efficiency and functionality.
B = obc_roms2roms  (ncname, D, R, VarList, Tindex, boundary, method, offset, RemoveNaN)
On Input:
ncname:   Donor grid NetCDF file name containing variables to process (string)
D:   Donor grid structure containing all horizontal and vertical variables (struct array)
R:   Receiver grid structure containing all horizontal and vertical variables (struct array)
VarList:   List of variables names to process (cell array)
Tindex:   Time record index to process (scalar)
boundary:   Lateral boundary condition switches (logicals) of the grid edges to process (struct array):
boundary.west - Western edge
boundary.east - Eastern edge
boundary.south - Southern edge
boundary.north - Northern edge
method:   Interpolation method in TriScatteredInterp (string):
natural -   natural neighbor interpolation
linear -   linear interpolation (default)
nearest -   nearest-neighbor interpolation
offset:   Number of extra points to used to sample the donor grid so is large enough to contain the receiver grid (default 5)
RemoveNaN:   Switch to remove NaN values from interpolated variable with a second interpolation step using the nearest-neighbor method (default false)
On Output:
B:   Interpolated requested 2D or 3D lateral boundary variables (struct array)

Support Scripts

<wikitex> There are several generic support scripts that are used to process ROMS nested grids, initial conditions, boundary conditions, climatology, and land/sea masking. Some of the scripts involve the computation of vertical coordinate transformation and we highly encourage everyone to use them for accuracy with ROMS numerical kernel.

Given a ROMS Grid NetCDF file (Ginp), this function creates a new Grid NetCDF (Gout) with the flipped dimensions, coordinates, and variables.
G = flip_grid  (Ginp, Gout)
On Input:
Ginp:   Input ROMS grid NetCDF file name (string)
Gout:   Output flipped ROMS grid NetCDF file name (string)
On Output:
Sinp:   Flipped Grid structure (struct array)
Builds or updates a ROMS Grid structure (Gout) containing all the variables associated with the application horizontal and vertical grids.
Gout = get_roms_grid  (Ginp)
Gout = get_roms_grid  (Ginp, Sinp)
Gout = get_roms_grid  (Ginp, Sinp, Tindex)
Gout = get_roms_grid  (Ginp, Tindex)
On Input:
Ginp:   Input ROMS Grid/History NetCDF file/URL name containing all grid variables (string) or an existing grid structure to which the vertical coordinates are added or updated (struct array)
Sinp:   ROMS output NetCDF file/URL name from which the vertical coordinates can be determined (string) or a structure containing vertical coordinates stretching parameters (struct array):
Sinp.N -   number of vertical levels
Sinp.Vtransform -   vertical transformation equation
Sinp.Vstretching -   vertical stretching function
Sinp.theta_s -   surface control parameter
Sinp.theta_b -   bottom control parameter
Sinp.Tcline -   surface/bottom stretching width
Sinp.hc -   stretching width used in ROMS
Tindex:   Time record index used to process free-surface in the vertical coordinates (OPTIONAL, scalar):
If Tindex is omitted, zero or empty, it assumes that zeta=0 and yields unperturbed depths
Otherwise, the free-surface record in input NetCDF is processed. The free-surface is read from either Ginp (if history file) or Sinp (if provided and history file).
On Output:
Gout:   ROMS grid variables structure (struct array)
Computes horizontal grid spacing metrics from Grid NetCDF file or Grid structure G.
[pm, pn, dndx, dmde] = grid_metrics  (G, GreatCircle)
On Input:
G:   Either a ROMS grid NetCDF file name (string) or ROMS grid structure (struct array)
GreatCircle:   Switch indicating how to compute the grid distance (logical): true Great-circle distance or false Cartesian distance
On Output:
pm:   Curvilinear coordinate metric in the ξ-direction (1/meters; dx = 1/pm)
pn:   Curvilinear coordinate metric in the η-direction (1/meters; dy = 1/pn)
dndx:   ξ-derivative of inverse metric factor pn, d(1/pn)/d(ξ) (meter)
dmde:   η-derivative of inverse metric factor pm, d(1/pm)/d(η) (meter)

Given the grid spacing (dx, dy) and number of ψ-points (L, M) in the X- and Y-direction, this function sets the ROMS grid Cartesian coordinates and metrics.

G = uniform_grid  (dx, dy, L, M)
On Input:
dx:   Grid spacing in the X-direction (meters)
dy:   Grid spacing in the Y-direction (meters)
L:   Number of ψ-points in the X-direction
M:   Number of ψ-points in the Y-direction
On Output:
G:   Uniform grid coordinates and metrics (struct array):
G.x_psi - X-coordinates at ψ-points (meters)
G.y_psi - Y-coordinates at ψ-points (meters)
G.x_rho - X-coordinates at ρ-points (meters)
G.y_rho - Y-coordinates at ρ-points (meters)
G.x_u - X-coordinates at u-points (meters)
G.y_u - Y-coordinates at u-points (meters)
G.x_v - X-coordinates at v-points (meters)
G.y_v - Y-coordinates at v-points (meters) - X-coordinates metric m (1/meters, 1/dx) - Y-coordinates metric n (1/meters, 1/dy)
G.dndx - Inverse metric, d(1/pn)/d(ξ) (meter)
G.dmde - Inverse metric, d(1/pm)/d(η) (meter)


NetCDF Data Processing Scripts