Lateral Boundary Conditions

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Lateral Boundary Conditions

The lateral boundary conditions are now specified with logical switches instead of CPP flags to allow nested grid configurations. Their values are loaded into the structured array:

where 1:4 are the numbered boundary edges, nLBCvar are the number LBC state variables, and Ngrids is the number of nested grids.


CPP Logical Switch, IF (...) THEN
WEST_FSRADIATION LBC(iwest,  isFsur, ng) % radiation
EAST_FSRADIATION LBC(ieast,  isFsur, ng) % radiation
SOUTH_FSRADIATION LBC(isouth, isFsur, ng) % radiation
NORTH_FSRADIATION LBC(inorth, isFsur, ng) % radiation
WEST_TRADIATION LBC(iwest,  isTvar(:), ng) % radiation
EAST_TRADIATION LBC(ieast,  isTvar(:), ng) % radiation
SOUTH_TRADIATION LBC(isouth, isTvar(:), ng) % radiation
NORTH_TRADIATION LBC(inorth, isTvar(:), ng) % radiation