ROMS git

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Tutorial: Installing ROMS via git

I would like to explain how and why one would install ROMS via git-svn.

What is git?

Git is a distributed version control system available from [1]. That site also contains links to documentation and other resources - even videos! As a distributed system, any copy you make of a repository is complete unto itself, with history and possibly branches. If you download ROMS via git-svn, you now have an environment in which you can save your own changes, create new branches, and keep a history of what you have tried.

As a ROMS developer, I have write access to a branch at the Rutgers svn server, but that's not true of most users. As ROMS users, you still have opportunity to create and modify ROMS files that you might want to manage with some sort of versioning software. This is not easy with svn, in which each "sandbox" can only point to one repository. You've got to have one pointing to the site in order to get updates. Then the easiest (but unsatisfactory) way to back up your changes is via tarball.


You will need:

  • svn
  • git
  • some Perl scripts which come with svn, but aren't always installed
  • Perl

If everything is there and you are in a git sandbox, you can have this sort of exchange:

git svn --version
git-svn version 1.7.1 (svn 1.6.5)

If everything is there and you are not in a git sandbox, you get this instead:

git svn --version
fatal: Not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git
Already at toplevel, but .git not found
at /Users/kate/libexec/git-core/git-svn line 276

If everything is not there, you get something more like:

git svn --version
Can't locate SVN/ in @INC (@INC contains: /u1/uaf/kate/...

You might have the best luck with package managers rather than installing from source code.
