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The directory ROMS/Functionals contains the source file analytical.F as well as a number of files of the form ana_xxx.h. Each of these include files contains the analytic expressions for its respective functionality. For instance, a simple box grid can be represented analytically internal to the model more easily than preparing a grid file with some outside program. Those expressions will be found inside ana_grid.h. The version of ana_grid.h found in the ROMS/Functionals directory contains everything for the example problems distributed with ROMS (unless they require an external grid file). If you choose to build analytic grids for your own applications, it is recommended that you use that in User/Functionals instead, or provide a version in some third location pointed to by MY_ANALYTICAL_DIR.

ana_biology.h ana_bmflux.h ana_btflux.h ana_cloud.h ana_diag.h ana_fsobc.h ana_grid.h ana_hmixcoef.h ana_humid.h ana_initial.h ana_m2clima.h ana_m2obc.h ana_m3clima.h ana_m3obc.h ana_mask.h ana_nudgcoef.h ana_pair.h ana_passive.h ana_perturb.h ana_psource.h ana_rain.h ana_scope.h ana_sediment.h ana_smflux.h ana_specir.h ana_spinning.h ana_srflux.h ana_ssh.h ana_sss.h ana_sst.h ana_stflux.h ana_tair.h ana_tclima.h ana_tobc.h ana_vmix.h ana_winds.h ana_wwave.h