Tidal Forcing

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Revision as of 17:54, 23 October 2007 by Elhunter (talk | contribs) (New page: <div class="title">Tidal Forcing Files in ROMS</div> Tidal forcing in ROMS is currently #'''Download the desired tidal constituent database and associated software'''. #'''Interpolate t...)
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Tidal Forcing Files in ROMS

Tidal forcing in ROMS is currently

  1. Download the desired tidal constituent database and associated software.
  2. Interpolate the data base to the desired ROMS grid.
  3. Verify all open boundary grid cells contain valid data.
  4. The phase of the u/ v/ zeta components of the tidal consitutents should be shifted to the appropriate reference time(t=to).ocean.in

OSU Tidal Prediction Software Example


Oregon Tidal Prediction Software Example
