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Option to activate wetting and drying.
parameter = Dcrit
variable = rmask_wet, umask_wet, vmask_wet
routine = step2d.F
  • The Land/Sea masking arrays (mask_rho, mask_u, mask_v) are required in the grid NetCDF file. Recall that the Land/Sea masking is set in some of the test cases with an analytical routine by activating ANA_MASKING.
    • Cells with a mask_rho = 0 will always be dry.
    • Cells with a mask_rho = 1 can be wet (active) or dry (inactive) depending on the depth of water computed on that cell.
  • In the present formulation for wetting/drying, the model computes for each cell the total depth of water at initialization as: If the total depth is less than a user specified minimum depth (Dcrit), then the water level is increased to This drapes the water level over all the land cells.
  • During computation the water level in each cell is compared to Dcrit. If the water level is less than Dcrit, then no flux is allowed out of that cell. Water can always flow into a cell.
  • For output, a variable wet_dry_masking provides the time history of the wet/dry masking at ρ-points.