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Technical Description

The mathematical development presented here closely parallels that of Zhu and Gelaro (2008). The sensitivity of any functional, , of the analysis or forecast can be efficiently computed using the adjoint model which yields information about the gradients of and . We can extent the concept of the adjoint sensitivity to compute the sensitivity of the IS4DVAR cost function, ,

and any other function of the forecast to the observations, . Here, is the ocean state vector, is the observation error and error of representativeness matrix, represents the background error covariance matrix, is the innovation vector that represents the difference between the nonlinear background solution and the observations, , is an operator that samples the nonlinear model at the observation location, and .

In the current IS4DVAR/LANCZOS data assimilation algorithm, the above cost function is identified using the Lanczos method (Golub and Van Loan, 1989), in which case:

where is the matrix of k orthogonal Lanczos vectors, and is a known tridiagonal matrix. Each of the k-iterations of IS4DVAR employed in finding the minimum of yields one column of . We can identify the Kalman gain matrix as in which case represents the adjoint of the entire IS4DVAR system. The on the vector above can be readily computed since the Lanczos vectors and the matrix are available at the end of each IS4DVAR assimilation cycle.

Therefore, the basic observation sensitivity algorithm is as follows:

  1. Force the adjoint model with to yield .
  2. Operate with which is equivalent to a rank-k approximation of the Hessian matrix.
  3. Integrate the results of (2) forward in time using the tangent linear model and save the solution , that is, solution at observation locations.
  4. Multiply by to yield .

Consider now a forecast fort the interval initialized from obtained from an assimilation cycle over the interval , where is the forecast lead time. In addition, consider that depends on the forecast , and which characterizes some future aspect of the forecast circulation. According to the chain rule, the sensitivity of to the observations collected during the assimilation cycle is given by:

which again can be readily evaluated using the adjoint model denoted by and the adjoint of IS4DVAR, .