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The file sets the parameters and locations for stations output. The name of this file is set by the SPOSNAME variable of the file.

This standard input ASCII file is organized in several sections as shown below, with links to more detailed explanation where required.

Note Notice: Detailed information about ROMS input script file syntax can be found here.

Note Notice: A default input script is provided in the User/External subdirectory. Also there are several stations input scripts in the ROMS/External subdirectory which are used in the distributed test cases. They are usually named where app is the lowercase of the test case cpp option.

Stations output model control switches

  • This switch is used to control the writing of stations data within nested and/or multiple connected grids, [1:Ngrids] values are expected.
Lstations == T
  • This set of switches determine what fields are written in the station output file, [Sout(:,ng), ng=1, Ngrids].
Sout(idBath) == T  ! time-dependent bathymetry Sout(idFsur) == T  ! free-surface

</nowiki>Sout(idUbar) == T  ! 2D U-velocity </nowiki>Sout(idVbar) == T  ! 2D V-velocity </nowiki>Sout(idUvel) == T  ! 3D U-velocity </nowiki>Sout(idVvel) == T  ! 3D V-velocity </nowiki>Sout(idWvel) == T  ! 3D W-velocity </nowiki>Sout(idOvel) == T  ! 3D omega vertical velocity

</nowiki>Sout(idTvar) == T T  ! all (NT) tracers

</nowiki>Sout(idUsms) == F  ! surface U-stress </nowiki>Sout(idVsms) == F  ! surface V-stress </nowiki>Sout(idUbms) == F  ! bottom U-stress </nowiki>Sout(idVbms) == F  ! bottom V-stress </nowiki>Sout(idUbws) == F  ! bottom U-wave stress </nowiki>Sout(idVbws) == F  ! bottom V-wave stress

</nowiki>Sout(idUbed) == F  ! bed wave orbital U-velocity </nowiki>Sout(idVbed) == F  ! bed wave orbital V-velocity </nowiki>Sout(idUbot) == F  ! bottom U-momentum above bed </nowiki>Sout(idVbot) == F  ! bottom V-momentum above bed

</nowiki>Sout(idTsur) == F F  ! surface net heat and salt flux </nowiki>Sout(idLhea) == F  ! latent heat flux </nowiki>Sout(idShea) == F  ! sensible heat flux </nowiki>Sout(idLrad) == F  ! longwave radiation flux </nowiki>Sout(idSrad) == F  ! shortwave radiation flux </nowiki>Sout(idevap) == F  ! evaporation rate </nowiki>Sout(idrain) == F  ! precipitation rate

</nowiki>Sout(idDano) == T  ! density anomaly </nowiki>Sout(idVvis) == T  ! vertical viscosity </nowiki>Sout(idTdif) == T  ! vertical T-diffusion </nowiki>Sout(idSdif) == T  ! vertical Salinity diffusion </nowiki>Sout(idHsbl) == T  ! depth of surface boundary layer </nowiki>Sout(idHbbl) == F  ! depth of bottom boundary layer </nowiki>Sout(idMtke) == F  ! turbulent kinetic energy

</nowiki>Sout(idMtls) == F  ! turbulent length scale

  • This set of switches activate writing of exposed sediment layer properties into stations output file. Currently, MBOTP properties are expected for the bottom boundary layer and/or sediment models: