Raster Scripts

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Raster Scripts

Two shell scripts are available to convert the gmeta files into raster (gif) images. You will almost always use the ncgm2www script because the ncgm2gif script only operates on single frame gmeta files. Both scripts are needed because ncgm2www calls ncgm2gif.

Plotting Package Menu
1. Installation
2. Contour Plots
3. Cross-section Plots
4. Internal Plotting Parameters
5. Plotting Options
6. Plotting Fields
7. Raster Scripts


Once you have at gmeta file from ccnt or csec, you can use ncgm2www to create numbered gif images for each frame of your gmeta file. I often use this script to make animations for PowerPoint. Note: You need ImageMagick for these scripts to work. The syntax for the command is:

  > ncgm2www [ cgmfile] [ resolution ] [ outfile ]

For Example:

  > ncgm2www gmeta.ccnttemp 725x725 cnt_temp

Will create the a 725x725 pixel gif image for each frame of the gmeta.ccnttemp file. The resulting gif files will be named sequentially ccnt_temp_001.gif through whatever the maximum frame number in the cgmfile is. If there are 20 frames then the files would be ccnt_temp_001.gif through ccnt_temp_020.gif.

If the outfile argument is missing then ocean is assumed. If all arguments are omitted then the following values are assumed:

  cgmfile    =   gmeta
  resolution =   512x512
  outfile    =   ocean

You can then use other tools to create avi or animated gif files.

Prev: Plotting Fields