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Generic User parameters, NUSER values are expected.
routine = mod_scalars.F
keyword = USER
input =

From we have the following:

  • NUSER is the number (integer) of user parameters to consider. USER is a vector containing NUSER user parameters (real array).
    NUSER = 0
    USER = 0.d0
    This array is primarily used with the SANITY_CHECK to test the correctness of the tangent linear adjoint models. It contains the model variable and grid point to perturb:
    ! INT(user(1)): tangent state variable to perturb
    ! INT(user(2)): adjoint state variable to perturb
    ! [ isFsur = 1 ] free-surface
    ! [ isUbar = 2 ] 2D U-momentum
    ! [ isVbar = 3 ] 2D V-momentum
    ! [ isUvel = 4 ] 3D U-momentum
    ! [ isVvel = 5 ] 3D V-momentum
    ! [ isTvar = 6 ] First tracer (temperature)
    ! [ ... ] ...
    ! [ isTvar = ? ] Last tracer
    ! INT(user(3)): I-index of tangent variable to perturb
    ! INT(user(4)): I-index of adjoint variable to perturb
    ! INT(user(5)): J-index of tangent variable to perturb
    ! INT(user(6)): J-index of adjoint variable to perturb
    ! INT(user(7)): K-index of tangent variable to perturb, if 3D
    ! INT(user(8)): K-index of adjoint variable to perturb, if 3D
    Set tangent and adjoint parameters to the same values if perturbing and reporting the same variable.
  • This parameter could also be used to adjust constants in analytical functions at run time.