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Suspended Sediment Test in Channel

This case provides a fundamental check of the ability of a model to 1) represent a simple flow, 2) flux material from the bed, and 3) develop a suspended-sediment profile.

This case provides a fundamental check of the ability of a model to 1) represent a simple flow, 2) flux material from the bed, and 3) develop a suspended-sediment profile.

Test case 1.gif

Model Parameters

The following parameters were used for the Suspended Sediment Test in Channel test case.

Model Parameter Variable Value
length, width, depth Xsize, Esize, depth 10000 m, 100 m, 10 m
number of grid spacings Lm, Mm, Nm 100, 10, 20 (+variable)
bottom roughness Zob 0.0053 m
time step dt 30 s
simulation steps Ntimes 5000
settle velocity ws 1.0 mm s-1
erosion rate E0 5x10-5 kg m-2 s-1
critical stresses τce 0.05 N m-2
porosity ϕ 0.90
bed slope S0 4x10-5
Inflow/Outflow boundary condition u 1 m s-1

Channel Initial Conditions

Channel initial conditions: The test channel was modeled by establishing a grid parameterized with dx = 100 m , dy=100 m, f0 = 0, and h = 10 m (flat bottom). Initial conditions set a vertical logarithmic velocity profile for u (not required but provided reasonable starting values), v = 0, zeta (water surface height) = 0, SSC in the water column = 0, and bed thickness = 1 m (to provide unlimited supply). The model was forced with 2 methods :

—Simulation 1: Imposing a constant flow of 10 m³/s/m of width. This simulation allowed that water surface elevation to vary. Radiation boundary conditions were imposed for the water level along with a constant flow imposed by a depth averaged velocity ubar = 1.0 m/s at the upstream and downstream boundaries.

—Simulation 2: Imposing a constant bed slope and water surface slope of 4x10-5 m/m. This simulation forced the water surface elevation and hence the bottom stress. Radiation boundary conditions were imposed for the depth-averaged velocity along with a clamped water surface condition at each boundary. The bed slope of 4x10-5 was selected to produce a depth-averaged velocity of 1m/s (similar to simulation 1) with a Z0 = 0.005.